Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Angelic Humans Impact Belief Systems

namaste123 2012. 8. 15. 05:01

How the Angelic Humans Are Shifting Beliefs

The Angelic Humans are opening energetic portals into the fifth dimension (this plane within which you are currently existing) to information from the realm of all possibility (Cosmic Mind) surpassing anything comprehensible to the human mind in this moment. 


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Have you thought much about whether you want to take on your commission as an Angelic Human?  Do you even know what it means?

Well, let's talk about it:  Hu - man is an ancient form of the word God (hu) andhe who knows (homo sapiens); angel means messenger.  So you have God/Source in form knowing with a message.  That's you/us/we/all humans.

The issue, of course, is around whether you want to change your beliefs enough to embrace the message you bring to the earth.  What is your message?  The answer is always in what's going on in your life.  What are you learning?  What keeps coming up?  That's your message.

All Angelic Human messages are a two-sided coin; one side for you, personally and the other side for the whole.  First you have to be it, do it, experience it and then you get to give it to others.  

You can't give what you don't have so you must first really get what you are about before you can share it with anyone else.
