The Universal Fund
It’s an opportunity to touch base with the 3D realm and share the Universal Plan for the soul’s evolution. Since evolution is not confined to religion and spirituality, it is therefore ideal that we integrate discussion on material growth and development of mankind as part and parcel of the “whole-listic” process. Money, as an expression of energy, is inherent in the realities of Life in the 3D realm.
For as long as there has been a new age movement, there has been financial deprivation among those who walk the spiritual path. Many chose to leave well paying jobs to follow the calling of their soul and the promise of greater rewards (by their Guides) now find themselves impoverished and unable to fulfill their soul’s destiny. I tell you, it is not due to lack of guidance but to lack of understanding of the purpose upon which the relationship was established. The Guides in the 4D and upper realms are spiritually inclined, while the chelas in the 3D world are deeply saddled with mundane responsibilities. Why is this and furthermore, what can be done to resolve this situation, in keeping with the new aged of Aquarius? Those answers lie in the words of this missive.
To remedy this monetary imbalance, we must first understand the belief systems that keep it in place. But before I begin, I must inform you that the knowledge that I share will be straightforward and frank. It will not mince words or sugarcoat the truth. If you feel you are not prepared to be open to this knowledge, then I send you to your next endeavor with love and blessings. For those of you, who are ready to embrace this higher dimensional wisdom, let this be our dialogue. Anyhow, it will surely serve its purpose why you have called upon us for guidance and why we are now here with you. So let’s continue.
We will speak of these belief systems in the context of the study course on money provided by your planetary school, Earth. I believe it’s easier to comprehend this way than speak of remembering something you have chosen to forget for whatever purpose your soul wants to experience while in the 3D realm. This course or class is known as Service to Self/Service to Others. To complete this course, you must learn how to serve others to the same degree that you serve yourself and vice versa. This course is also being provided on other planetary schools and those of you who have been in contact with your space brethren currently involved in this class will find at different levels of understanding in regards to its belief systems.
All civilizations who have returned to the 9th dimension, the dimension of integration, have experienced many lifetimes on different planetary schools in pursuit of this lesson. For one to return to the level of Creator God, one must be able to manifest anything one desires and accept total responsibility for those creations (more on that later).
I and many others of the 9the dimension Council of Beings, in fulfilling our service to you, wish to share how we learned this lesson and graduated from this particular course in the hope that what we share will accelerate your learning so that you can achieve your heart’s desire in all things.
Service to Self/Service to Others
Finding the balance between serving self and serving others is one of the most difficult of lessons a Soul must learn in order to complete our current Universal Game of Soul Evolution, the Polarity Integration Game.
In this game, the polarity of Service to Self is known as the dark and the polarity of Service to Others is known as the light.
On your planetary school, earth, you have been taught to value only service to others, shunning all aspects of service to Self. Your religions teach you that to serve yourself is selfish and therefore, is inherently wrong. only providing for basic necessities is allowed. To become rich automatically places the negative stigma of selfishness on those willing to bear that burden for the sake of financial gain. Yet some of your most affluent institutions are your religious institutions. Can you imagine how rich is the church that controls 1/3 of the world’s population?
From the higher perspective, this is as it should be, because having this dichotomy in your reality provides a powerful clue about the error of this belief system. Like an alarm, it alerts you to the idea that something about this way of thinking is imbalanced. No planetary course is given without these helpful hints to show you the pitfalls and by process of elimination help you find the balance, learn the lesson and graduate the course.
Concept #1 If it is spiritual, it must be free.
In this course of service to self/service to others, there is one prevailing belief system. This belief system is “If it is spiritual, it should be free.”
The only thing that is free is nothing – a “no-thing.”
A “no-thing” is something that doesn’t exist. If it is something (and in the context of this missive, spiritual knowledge), then it has a value. And anything that has a value is always offered as part of an energy exchange of or barter (to use the earth term, bartered). A something in the higher realms is never given for free because that would relegate it to the level of a “no-thing”, thereby destroying its right to exists in its present form.
Otherwise, it would return to the Universal Fund as raw energy (discussed later in this missive) as raw energy. For those who chose to engage in spiritually based occupations, you will find that once you can fully embrace this concept, your ability to flow money will improve substantially since you will no longer be allowing your creations to return to the Universal Fund as raw energy.
When we adhere to the imbalances in this belief system and believe that spiritual knowledge, or any other knowledge for that matter, should be free, then the universe has no choice other than to support us in this belief system by blocking bartering energy from coming to us, thus remaining in alignment with our current belief systems.
This Universe is governed by a law that states “that it can only give us those things we believe we need. And since we have already stated that we don’t believe we need money in order to obtain the spiritual knowledge of the Universe, the universe complies with our belief and shuts down our ability to manifest money for those things we say should not require money.
Within a short time after embracing this belief system, we find that our ability to manifest money dries up because we believe we don’t need it to acquire spiritual things. This is why so many on the spiritual path are experiencing an ever-diminishing ability to manifest money; they still adhere to this belief system. Check it out yourself. You may be one of them.
Concept #2 Giving it away versus charging for it.
This is another aspect of the “if it is spiritual, it should be free” belief system in which we must learn to find the balance.
In this portion of the course, one learns to apply the above lesson to how and what we choose to barter in exchange for those things we desire, be it food, shelter, a book, or a class on some particular form of spiritual training, etc. If we are purveyor of items that provide basic necessities such as a landlord, it is expected that the form of barter will be money to rent our residence. On the other hand, if it happens to be a spiritually based product or service, the prevailing belief is that those items should not be exchange for money.
Therefore, those who have chosen to provide spiritual knowledge by creating a company to do so are criticized for charging money for their products and services. If one applies the before mentioned conclusions, one realizes that spiritual based products and services fall under the category of “something” and therefore must be subject to energy exchange in order to sustain their existence. Otherwise, their business will return to pure energy in the Universal Fund. In earth terms, the company will go out of business because it cannot support itself financially.
On earth school, the primary form of power and energy exchange is known as money. With money, one can acquire all products and services necessary for survival and beyond that, for pleasure. Therefore all “something’s” must be inherently made available for exchange thru this form of energy regardless of whether they are spiritual or non-spiritual in origin.
Otherwise, as stated earlier, any “something” that is not exchanged for another something becomes a “no-thing” and therefore returns to the Universal Fund as raw energy. For those of you who chose to engage in spiritually-based occupations, you will find that you can fully embrace this concept, your ability to flow money will improve substantially since you will no longer be allowing your creations to return to the Universal Fund as raw energy.
Concept #3 There is no such thing as a free lunch; someone always pays.
In this aspect of the “if it is spiritual, it should be free” belief system, we learn that, once again, the only thing that is free is “no-thing.”
Whenever we encounter a product or service that claims it is free, we intuitively understand that somewhere someone is still paying the bill. Since our planetary manifestation, it would have to have a primary form of exchange (money) as an integral part of its systems. Therefore all products and services with any value at all would be subject to an energy exchange, with money being the preferred form of exchange.
Once students of this course understand this concept, they automatically look for who is paying the bill in any situation where an item is offered for free and do so without judgment. They know that in some way those providing the free item will have done so with the idea that compensation will come in another form that will support them and their efforts.
All souls incarnating into your planetary school desired to do so in order to learn this lesson along with others provided in the school. Just like you would shop to find a university that provided courses that aligned with your educational goals, you as a soul chose earth as the planetary school that offered the courses that most closely aligned with your evolutionary goals at this time.
Concept #4 Manifesting money by drawing from the Universal Fund – the multidimensional way of banking.
Once the above lessons of the service to self/service to others study course have been learned, and you have embraced the higher dimensional way of thinking in regards to money, you are now ready to move to the next step, that of learning to manifest your 3D needs and desires by means of the Universal Fund.
The Universal Fund is simply a name for the unlimited energy supply available to everyone in our universe. This energy is used to manifest all forms of creation from galaxies and planets to the electronic numbers and paper money that you use on your planet to acquire goods and services.
To use the Universal Fund you will need to be aware of how it functions and also the particulars of how to make withdrawals. I will provide you with the most important elements in this article, but there is a lot more. It would take a book to share everything. What I give here will enable you to get started and successfully integrate this multidimensional monetary system into your 3D system.
The Basics
To successfully use this fund, we must be willing to let go of our current belief that having a large sum of money in a 3D bank account is the only way to create financial security and, instead, switch to seeing the Universal Fund as our universal savings account.
This can be very difficult due to the fact that we have been trained to believe that only by having extra funds in or 3D bank accounts can we manifest what we want. Still, it is the key step in switching from a 3rd dimensional money system to a multi-dimensional or universal system.
Our inner children are really frightened by the idea of giving up what they have been programmed to believe is the only way to feel financially safe. With this step, we are saying by our actions that we are ready to begin learning to manifest in the moment from the Universal Fund.
In addition, we are saying we are willing to let go of the need to hoard money, taking it out of circulation because we fear we will somehow lose our ability to manifest. It shows we are beginning to have faith in our ongoing ability to manifest our desires thru use of a universal source. Spiritually speaking, we are beginning to walk our talk.
When I was in certain of my earth-type 3D incarnations where the systems were set up similar to yours, I found this very difficult to do. For a long time, I rationalized why it was okay for me to keep extra funds put aside. But after many bouts with money deprivation thru failed businesses, I finally gave up these rationalizations and began following the guidelines my guides gave me for accessing the Universal Fund.
Your Soul/Higher Self acts as your personal banker and determines when your request will be accepted and how they will manifest.
These determinations are based on your Life Blueprint of which your Soul acts as the manager. This is of course, by your request (remember prayer, incantation, affirmation, creative visualizations, etc.) Since your main reason for being on earth is soul growth, all requests for withdrawals are checked against your Life Blueprint to see if they are in alignment with what will best serve your evolutionary needs.
Your Life Blueprint is the blueprint you created during your time in the interlife (life between lives) and contains all the lessons, contracts, major events and people you would meet during your present incarnations.
If your request is in alignment with your Life Blueprint at the present time, your Soul will kick into high gear to bring your request into 3D. It will literally flow into your life. Other wise, you are recreating a new version of Reality which often times, depending upon your level of discipline and faith. Abide by the natural ebb of “a time for sowing, a time for reaping”, which means you have to wait. Here is where your original creativity is expressed.
You will know when a withdrawal has been successfully made because of three things: the people, the money and the opportunity will come together at the same time. You will have little or no involvement in making these three things occur. It will be like magic. If all three are not there, then it is not quite time for your desired item or product to manifest.
If you are not sure whether a request is to be granted, just ask your Soul for confirmation one way or another. Ask that the confirmation be given in 24 hours or less and in a way that you can’t possibly misinterpret. Your Soul will comply. It has every reason to give you an answer and usually the answer comes immediately even before you finish asking the questions.
Tip: Ask for either a yes or no confirmation. You may opt to ask for any sign. Use your heart, but be specific.
There are times when your request is to be granted, but the energy withdrawal is blocked by your Ego/inner child because it is afraid of the changes your request will bring. In this case, go within and negotiate an agreement with your Ego. You can do this actually thru meditation or having a contemplative awareness of your day-to-day activity. You will know when you are there.
Guidelines for making a withdrawal of energy from the Universal fund.
You must be grounded to receive your request from the Universal Fund.
To be ungrounded is the same as having mail being sent to you but you don’t have an address or mailbox. People who spend much of their time being elsewhere (out on the astral plane or other dimensional planes) will find their ability to manifest greatly hampered. Those who resist being on earth at all will find their ability to manifest blocked as well.
To really manifest will, you must be heart connected to earth and its people. As they exhort, “doing what the Romans are doing while in Rome.” You must verbally state what you want to manifest from the energy you draw from the Universal Fund.
This can be likened to writing a check or using ATM card. Both are 3D ways. By verbally stating your requested desire, you create the items in 3D thru sound. Without this, they remain on the mental plane as thoughts. Many of you already know this detail from your study of visualization and affirmation techniques. You just have to practice it more. You have started it right with your God-Self meditation. Expect a lot of practical exercises to follow.
It must be in alignment with your Soul’s purpose as determined by your Life Blueprint before the energy will be withdrawn.
Anything requested that is not in alignment with this purpose will not be given as it is considered unnecessary to your soul growth and mission. If you are in doubt about anything your request, just ask your soul for confirmation. Again, your heart’s wisdom knows the answer.
Listen to your inner voice.
All withdrawal must be for goods and services, not for extra money that just sits in a bank account to provide the feeling of security. This is considered a fear-based hoarding of energy and renders the energy inaccessible to others. Money, like any other forms of energy needs to flow.
Be open to allowing the desired items to manifest without the use of money. For example, a home could come packaged as an opportunity to live in a beautiful residence in exchange for upkeep. Utility and function are moré significant than the energy itself. Unless it is used and applied, it is useless. Imagine electricity as energy. It can only serve if used (good or bad).
Only the energy needed to acquire the requested item will be given. No excess will be provided. It is like asking for a cup of coffee. What happens if you put in more than your cup can keep? It overflows. Therefore, if you want to increase the inflow, you have to upgrade your capacity to use the energy.
Money has its vicious way of providing constant activity. Businessmen and other value producers understand this peculiar money habit. Energy provides life. Life is meant for balance. Nature abhors waste and excesses. This in effect will motivate you to share. Your religious doctrine aptly said “for those with shrinking capacity (or limiting application), some had to be extracted to avoid unnecessary waste or maximum overload.
Withdrawals many times require some preparation work on your part. One earth analogy would be: if you want to win the lottery, you must buy a ticket. If the withdrawal is “on purpose” your Soul will prompt you with messages impulses to do the tasks required to prepare for the requested items. This is necessary in order to establish congruence in your desire and action.
Requests are granted based on the timing that supports your Soul’s purpose.
For example, you may request a house and you want it right now, but your Soul has determined that the best time for that to manifest is after a particular set of experiences have occurred. Why is this so? It’s because nature intends all events in life as perfectly occurring for the good of one and for the good of all. Such that, nothing happens by accident or coincidental, once again, if in doubt for the right timing, ask your Soul. Tune in to your heart frequency.
AS YOU LEARN to release your attachment to the 3D banking system and begin to use the Universal Fund, you begin to experience improved levels of prosperity. You will experience that you are able to manifest all of your basic necessities along with non-essential items with the only difference being that you do not have large amounts of extra money sitting in a bank account, and all items manifest in the moment based on the timing that will support your continued spiritual growth.
This is the essence of your subject on PROSPERITY. Having all the money to buy whatever you want is what Financial Freedom is all about. The desire to have millions and billions of money sitting idle in the bank account is sponsored by the fear of not having enough. So, how much money do you need to experience financial freedom? I tell you, the authentic joy springs from sharing and using, not from keeping. Remember this as your guide inroad to prosperity.
In addition, as you begin to get comfortable with this new process, your faith in your power to manifest increases along with your feelings of inner peace and self-love. You no longer fear whether or not the rent will be paid, etc. because you will just know that you will. Like learning to ride a bike, once you know how you loose your fear of it. Your addiction and obsession for money will start to fade.
I hope this has helped you in understanding why you may be experiencing financial limitation as well as how to resolve the situation. It simply takes moving to a new monetary system a new perspective, the one your Souls and Guides have been moving you into for some time now.
When you made the decision to walk the spiritual path, ascend and return to your natural multidimensional state, you also made the decision to learn how to use the systems that are inherent in that reality. Unfortunately, many of you were not aware of what this “package deal” consisted of when you made your decision. Right?
As a consequence, you have been confused and frightened by the roller coaster right your finances have been taken since you began this path. I hope that with this missive your concern about your finances will ease since you now know that learning to use the multidimensional monetary system in conjunction with your current 3D monetary system is part of the training for ascension. The fact that you experienced monetary changes is proof that your Soul and Guides are hard at work preparing you to move up to multidimensionality. Let this collective effort become a joint undertaking to experience Life.
All who are walking the path of ascension will encounter these lessons at one time or another, so you are not alone. I know from experience how challenging this course and its lessons can be, as one who doesn’t seem to get it the first time. I can empathize with your struggles. From experience, we found that by sharing your feelings, fears and experiences with those who walk the path with you, you will make it thru these lessons much more quickly. Please reach out. Together we succeed.
In service and appreciation,
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