Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

AM Kuthumi: "Rainbow Bridge of Ascension"

namaste123 2012. 8. 5. 15:00


"Rainbow Bridge of Ascension"


 All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 25 September 2005

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will

energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as

powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be

taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.

This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace

of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity

being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance

alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to

publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time 

and to bring unto you blessings of faith, trust, insight and warmth. Greetings, beloved ones. And it is

with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you, as we hold you firmly

within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

We come forth into the presence of the Christ Light to share energy and space with you and to

anchor into all the levels of your being, your personal Rainbow Bridge of Ascension, which has

been established for the purpose of creating a pathway for every soul to step into the higher

aspect of their fully authentic self, at one with Christ, and the Authentic Plan of the Golden World

of Knowledge and Power which has been brought into a level of manifestation which you are

currently aligning your consciousness with.

The continent of Africa is currently undergoing very deep change. Every human being currently

living on the continent of Africa is undergoing very deep cellular transformation and emitting a

vibration of energy triggering powerful changes in other areas of the world, contributing to the

deep transition on a global scale. The emotional cleansing taking place in the United States of

America is part of this purging of the old conditions that keep one trapped in the world created by

the lower ego. The fires, and the earthquake are all part of the vibrations aligning the

consciousness of your world with the Rainbow Consciousness which brings all of humanity into

alignment with the consciousness of all Kingdoms of Life, and in so doing, birthing a level of

consciousness within humans that will lead to humanity embracing every level of consciousness.

As this occurs, so all forms of life will be welcomed into the greater scheme of the evolutionary

cycle of your world, and the greatest Ascension Wave ever to be experienced in the history of any

planet in your universe will take place. Anchoring the Rainbow Light is a role you will take on and

hold for the rest of your existence as a Being within the Pillars of Light. Holding the Rainbow Bridge

with the Lords and Ladies of the Higher World of Intelligence will ensure that all souls to come

after you, choosing physical incarnation, will have to uphold the Principals of Light in order to be

able to cross into the Golden World of Truth.

Your Rainbow Bridge is what will carry you from 6th to 8th dimension. Crossing this bridge many

times will be necessary. There will be times where you find yourself moving from 6th to 8th

dimension and visa versa. All of you are taking on the responsibility of ensuring the Laws of the

Universe regarding the treatment of Planet Earth be acknowledged as Laws insisting that one

respect all creations of life, including Mother Earth. These Laws are firmly in place. Mother Earth

has set very firm boundaries and humanity is experiencing this impact currently. There is a great

panic regarding oil supplies. Mother Earth will withhold this substance within her body if humans

insist on living ignorantly and not taking responsibility for the emissions responsible for destroying

her body on all levels. She will withdraw her support from all systems that choose to remain within

the old paradigm.

You have made the transition into the quantum world and have grasped the understanding of why

it is so necessary for the world to change its views, attitudes and above all, its behaviour. You are

witnessing Mother Nature bringing change. You are witnessing her detoxification, power and

ability to set very firm boundaries.

This is not done to punish humanity. It is done out of Mother Earth’s self respect, teaching all of

you the importance of self respect. Lack of self respect manifests in victim consciousness, and

when one is wallowing in victim consciousness one becomes cemented in the matrix of poverty,

conditional love, and lust consciousness. Her lessons, and yours, are the same, for you are one

with her body; you are her cell receptors releasing old and anchoring new energy. As your cells do

the same, so the microcosm and the macrocosm become one unified living breathing organism of


The 6th dimensional fluid energy of life is making its way into the more physical aspects of your

world. This is another reason why so much change is currently in activity. You are in the centre of

the Earth changes that have been predicted many years ago. You now have the ability to embrace

the new energy and ensure the changes upon you are ones that anchor permanent change. You

are the ones who carry it into the future, ensuring that it becomes woven into the consciousness

of humanity as a collective force.

The Rainbow Bridge facilitates the reconnecting of the Universal Chakra System with every

Lightworker on your planet’s system of chakras. It is not limited to the 7 major chakras of your

physical body. It extends into all the other dimensions and their chakra systems. It extends into all

your other dimensional bodies and your chakra systems within those dimensional bodies.

Therefore, seeing yourself from an aerial perspective, you will clearly see layers upon layers of

Rainbow Energy living and breathing, moving through all the dimensions. Each time a new level of

your rainbow ascension bridge is anchored due to the fact that you integrate another level of

higher wisdom and knowledge, you anchor more light on your planet; therefore you will become a

living breathing walking being of rainbow light. Therefore all Beings from the other worlds who see

you, will see you emitting the Rainbow Vibration.

This means that people who interact with you will experience intense change in their bodies

physically, emotionally and mentally. People who choose to interact with you on a long term basis

will begin to experience massive shifts on their spiritual path. The world will never be the same

again wherever you choose to go. It was predicted many cycles ago, that Beings would come to the

Earth and reclaim the Prints and Plans of the Original Seeds of Life and carry these into the future

and seed a new race and new world. You, the Lightworkers of the Planet, and Lightworkers spread

across the globe, are the ones who were referred to. It is truly a cause for great celebration that

you have chosen to respond to the call and join your fellow Lightworkers across the Planet and

bring the Seeds to life. Brothers and sisters, we shall begin the anchoring of the Rainbow Bridge on

the African Continent in this manner, and you will see many Arcs of Rainbow Light spreading

around the world bringing healing and awakening.

The Rainbow Vibration will bring understanding, insights, and immense clarity to people of the

Earth. The Rainbow Bridge is meant to liberate people from the controlling structures who abuse

power with deliberate intention. The Rainbow Frequency will loosen all the pillars that stand as

structures which uphold any system of negativity or old paradigm energy. The Samson of the

Universe has come. Your energy will continue to increase in its ability to emit vibrations of such a

high frequency that it will destroy the darkness. We are celebrating the fact that so many of you

have responded to the anchoring of the grids of energy, especially since the closing of the doors to

the dark worlds that took place on 21 March of your year 2005. It is truly a magnificent sight to see

energetically - how you have changed and how your energy is responding positively to the new

energies since many of the holographic inserts of control and force have been removed.

Your blessing for your dedication and commitment to your path of healing is the abundant energy

of the 6th and 8th dimension. You have created the opportunity to experience love like never before.

You have brought to yourself the opportunity to feel how great Father/Mother God’s Love is for

you. I guarantee you, it is a love you to date have not experienced. You will find yourself in

moments shedding tears of immense gratitude as your body falls to the floor from the weight of

the joy, compassion, and humility you will feel inside of you - the gratitude for the conscious

physical knowing of how deeply you are loved.

The Rainbow Bridge opens the world of love for humanity. The time has come to kick the behinds

of the dark ones who have sabotaged the efforts of Lightworkers and leave them behind, leave the

old world behind and embrace what you have created. Every activation of energy that takes place

and every initiation you choose to participate in accelerates the vibration of your energy; 

it accelerates your personal life plan. This means you experience multi-dimensional living more than

those who have not made similar choices. You begin integrating future lives into your current life

time. All of you here have already integrated at least 2 future lifetimes and are living it. 

This is one of the many reasons why people are finding themselves being pulled in more than 

one direction - their creativity is taking them in more than one direction. You are learning the 

true meaning of multi tasking and now it is not limited to ladies!


Gentlemen - the lady within you is learning to multi–task! And ladies, you are learning the practical

aspects of creating life in a way that supports you, not from a point of fear, but from a point of


The abundance you are anchoring on earth is not for the elite alone. It is not limited in any way

whatsoever, and must be shared with everyone. All the words that I, Kuthumi bring to your planet,

must be shared with all who are willing to hear my words.

Therefore take this wisdom beloved ones, share it, empower people with the knowledge of spirit.

The more people who grow from what you share with them, the stronger your world becomes.

Imagine the collective consciousness as it is now, and instead of it being motivated by the power of

the current levels of fear, it is motivated by love. Can you imagine this? Not really. I thought so. It is

not an idealistic vision. Beloved ones, this is the plan in motion for your planet, and it is time to put

aside the fear that what is being created will not materialise because the pain and suffering of your

Earth is too deep. There is no such thing. Love and Light are far more powerful than pain and

suffering. The more you believe this the more it will become a reality – this I assure you.

All the rainbow energies that come to life will touch the hearts of every human on the Planet, and

slowly but surely people will awaken and respond to the presence of the Christ within themselves.

The coming of Christ is upon your doorstep. I am sure you all aware of the fact that it is the Christ

within you that is coming. The 8th dimension is the final phase of Christ consciousness grounding

itself before it becomes a physical manifestation. That is why all of you are being challenged to

look beyond the lower ego and see only light. You are being guided to move beyond the

perceptions you have adopted and see Light. You are being forced to recognise the illusion in the

current world you are a part of and to bring in the Light, for it is this Light that shall shatter the

illusion that governs your world in so many ways and on so many levels.

Make yourself comfortable and breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your

mouth allowing your body to relax and become comfortable. Continue to breath in deeply and

exhale fully, and whilst you do this relax yourself and become present. Bring all of your

consciousness to the current timeline. Concentrate on how your body feels as you breathe, which

will anchor more of your consciousness in the present moment.

Using your imagination visualise a Being manifesting before you. This Being is the energy you call

Mother Africa. And is a Being of great Light that embodies both masculine and feminine energy

vibrations. She begins by welcoming you into the presence you have chosen. She offers you her

support and protection, assistance and guidance in exchange for your choice to be an anchor of

the Rainbow Light for Africa and for the rest of the world. Imagine her opening her mouth and a

beautiful sound comes spilling over her lips which creates rainbow colours flowing together

dancing on the etheric waves of energy. (pause)

Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully. Imagine the magnificent sound creating the

rainbow energy swimming around your physical body, caressing and soothing your energy field.

Surrender to the gentle vibrations emitted by each ray of colour, and sense the recalibration of

your energy taking place, realigning your focus, centering your energy, calming your mind and your

spirit. Inhale the Rainbow Energy into your body and with each breath you take, the sound of

Mother Africa and the Rainbow Energy penetrates the very core of every cell of your body. Become

aware of your heart chakra responding to the Rainbow Energy; if you cannot feel it, simply imagine

it. Imagine your heart chakra expanding in size - very gently. Now draw the Rainbow Energy to

focus its point of light in the centre of your heart chakra. Imagine yourself inhaling the Sacred

Sound of Mother Africa. Open your mouth and allow the same sound vibration to spill over your

lips if you like, and emitting the Rainbow Energy from your heart chakra.

The sound coming from you and all Light Beings participating in this project begins creating

hundreds of Rainbow Vibrations of colour and sound. Imagine all the Rainbow Emissions coming

together and uniting. In your imagination intuitively connect with a point on the African continent

and imagine yourself anchoring part of your energy there. Now visualise all the Rainbow Energy

emitted by all of you creating a bridge from where you have anchored yourself, and stretch this

bridge to another point on the globe you are intuitively drawn to. You have now created the first

anchoring of the Rainbow Light. This Rainbow Bridge of Ascension is now initiating a reverberation

of energy that will echo through the ethers and initiate a powerful surge of energy to flow through

your world. This vibration will continue for the next 36 hours. This vibration will ensure that all

energetic blockages inhibiting the Rainbow Vibration from taking its place upon all levels of

Mother Earth’s body be removed. In order to continue, it’s important that you repeat these words

after me in your mind:

“I call forth the Lords and Ladies of Light responsible for creating the maintenance plan of the

Rainbow Bridges of Ascension for our magnificent Planet, Earth. I call forth the Power and Light,

the Wisdom, Truth and Knowledge of Father/Mother God, and ask for this energy to be anchored

in the centre of my being. I call forth the Angels of Light. I ask them to anchor their Light in the

centre of my being. I call forth the Archangels of Love and ask them to anchor their love in the

centre of my being. I call upon the Lords and Masters of Positive Abundance, and ask that their

abundance be anchored in the centre of my being. I call forth the presence of the Divine Universal

Mother and I ask that her energy be anchored in the centre of my being. I call upon the mighty

masculine force of Father God. I ask that this energy be anchored in the centre of my being. I call

upon the Divine Plan of my fully mastered and Christ selves on all levels of the highest vibration of

light and I ask that this plan be anchored in the centre of my being.”

Take a deep breath in and allow this energy to settle in your body. Imagine all the levels of energy

anchoring themselves. (Long pause) Now let us continue.

“I call forth the Light and courage emitted by Archangel Michael. With the use of this energy I

command all destructive and limiting energies that manifest repetitive, self destructive behaviour,

attitudes and manifestations of any kind, physical and discarnate, emotional or mental, be

removed from my space, from my body, from my mind, from my heart, and from my spirit, from all

aspects of my conscious self, all aspects of my subconscious self, and all aspects of my unconscious

self, immediately under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. I command that all

interactions currently taking place in my life contributing to any limiting experience, or supporting

any old paradigm consciousness, behaviour, and attitudes be removed from my life, so that all

parties can harmoniously, gracefully and miraculously find their authentic path of living. 

I now call forth the full manifested power of the present time line, future time line, and all multi 

dimensional levels of experience of my Rainbow Bridge of Ascension, and command that it be anchored now. 

call forth the Divine Power of my Authentic Self. I call upon my Christ Self and anchor these aspects

in the fullness of my being. I commit to the path of Lightworker, Leader of Light, teacher within the

light, and representative of Mother-Father God. I accept my responsibilities and commit to

mastering the path. I commit to mastering the world of positive abundance, and I command my

lower ego to step aside so that my fully mastered self may step forth NOW and carry this power

into the future.”

Breathe in deeply and allow these words to settle in your body. (Long pause)

Imagine your Rainbow Bridge of Ascension merging with all the higher levels of wisdom,

consciousness, truth, knowledge and any other level you wish to associate with. Visualise the ays

of rainbow colour energising your being and becoming magnets that attract the highest vibration

of their consciousness.

Begin imagining all the aspects of yourself currently being faced with challenge. See these aspects

beginning to walk along the Rainbow Bridge of Ascension transitioning into the world of greater

light where they will receive healing and nurturing where they will be transformed into the higher

aspect you desire to become. And the healed aspect will call forth to you the magnetic vibration

between the two of you, and will ensure that you become one.

Now visualise a magnificent Rainbow Bridge emerging from Mother Africa’s heart. See this bridge

expanding and touching every continent on your planet. Imagine her grace, her light, her power,

creativity, and wisdom as a goddess and creator blessing every continent of the world. Look to the

being called Mother Africa and see how abundant she is. Look at her and see her teeming with life,

rich; see her filled with minerals and energy; see her full of light. See the fullness of life manifesting

all over her body and supporting all life that is a part of her. Acknowledge that this wealth of

energy is abundant in form and light, its source is unlimited and will show the world how to tap

into it. 

Imagine the Rainbow Bridge emitting from her heart chakra as fluid energy and imagine it

penetrating every cell of Mother Earth’s body, blessing it with new life, with prosperity, health,

happiness, peace, reunion, joy and laughter. Imagine this Wave of Rainbow Energy activating the

Rainbow Bridge of Ascension within the heart of all the children of your planet. Imagine their

Rainbow Bridge of Ascension anchoring in the dimensions of truth. Imagine this Wave of Rainbow

Energy activating the Rainbow Bridge of Ascension for all adults on your planet, all adolescents, all

senior citizens and all other forms of life. (Long pause)

It is you, the Leaders of Light, and the children of your world, who will ensure that Mother Earth

makes the transition into the Rainbow World which you have come to know as the Golden Age.

This Rainbow Bridge will carry your planet’s consciousness through its initiations leading up to and

beyond 2012. All souls choosing to make their transition into the New World of Golden Energy and

of quantum consciousness, will cross the Rainbow Bridge of Ascension.

Take a deep breath in and anchor the Rainbow Light in your body in whichever way you choose.

Imagine it anchoring in all your other bodies, and in all your alternate and parallel selves. (Long

pause) The vibration of sound emitted by Mother Africa and by you will continue to reverberate

and build more Rainbow Bridges and this Rainbow Energy will continue to sustain you for the rest

of your creation.

Beloved ones it is time now for you to choose the kind of energy you wish to personally send forth

upon the Rainbow Rays and bless your planet with it. Concentrate on the quality of energy you

wish to emit and in your mind please do this now. (Long pause)

You are now to address Mother Africa and share how you require her support and what you

require it with (Long pause).

If there is anything you need clarity on at this time, project this intention into your Rainbow Energy

and ask that its vibration bring you the clarity and understanding you need.

Give thanks now to Mother Africa. Give thanks to Goddess Gaia. Give thanks to all the Lords, the

Ladies, the Masters, Angels and Archangels. Give thanks to Father/Mother God and to all the

aspects of your self. Gently start drawing your consciousness back into your physical body. As you

come back to present day consciousness remember the feeling of the Rainbow Energy. Remember

to connect with your Rainbow Bridge emitted through your heart chakra as often as you can. 

If you find yourself in a situation where your challenges feel as if they are creating limitation and

stagnation, simply imagine yourself crossing the Rainbow Bridge of Ascension into the world of

clarity and understanding. Call upon the vibrations of light emitted by the rainbow frequencies and

you will be shown the truth. Start believing that you deserve the answers to your questions and

that you deserve solutions to all that challenges you. Accept that you are not doomed to spend the

remainder of your incarnation in confusion, suffering, pain, poverty or ill health. 

It is your divine right to be healthy, wealthy and happy. Own it, take responsibility for it, and make 

it happen. Take another deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, stretch 

your legs, stretch your arms, rotate your ankles and wrists and come back to earth.

Beloved ones if there was any profound experience you had during the visualisation or any

insights, please ensure that you write them down. I urge you to write down as much as you can

remember of today experience so as to assist your integration process of the energy. Drawing the

various rainbow colours on paper will also anchor the process for you and will ensure that your

integration be a harmonious one.

Now beloved ones are there any questions we can assist any of you with


Lord Kuthumi can you expand on what the 8th dimensional energy is please?


It is the energy of Christ Abundance. It is the dimension where all that one focuses upon in

abundance comes into being. It is in fact the place where 5D consciousness and 7D consciousness

manifest itself in abundance. 5D is the dimension of instant manifestation. 7D is the entry to the

quantum world of consciousness. It is, in other words, the dimension of magic, miracles and

manifestation. Take these two energies, put them in 8D, add a sprinkling of abundance and see

what you manifest! This is why we have often said, be cautious and alert, look at what you are

investing your energy in. 

If you are focusing on negativity you will manifest it in abundance; if you are focusing on positivity, 

you will manifest it in abundance. All the lessons of 5D and 7D that you have been working with 

for the past few years will now culminate now and you will experience the physical evidence of that 

which you have been working with over the past 2 years, and even before then. Is this clear?

Yes it is, thank you.


Lord Kuthumi, may I ask for some guidance with my radio programmes. Is there something else

you want to tell me, some guidance, some love, some inspiration?


Sister, how about focusing energy on awakening people’s belief in their abundant selves? 

Open people’s awareness to their creative power so that they may recognise their manifestation 


Help them see that what they focus on is what they will bring to life. 

Stir the inner knowing. Awaken their inner god and goddess so that all may benefit from the 8th 

dimensional Christ energy. Help them understand what the coming of Christ is all about. 

What light, in fact is. Help them see the way they look physically, their level of knowledge, 

what they own, is not who they are. And that who they are in truth, can create everything 

they need so that they can carry their path of service into full manifestation. Is this clear?

Thank you, Lord Kuthumi, it is.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, I have a question about AIDS. What has caused this plague in Africa, and obviously

in the rest of the world?


The core energy is lack of forgiveness. 

Beneath the lack of forgiveness is obviously anger. The generations have carried the imprint of anger 

and lack of forgiveness forth. Look at who has been affected most by AIDS and it will make sense. 

Initially it was predominant in homosexual men and black Africans. These two are of scoiety were 

originally the most rejected, judged, attacked and loathed by society, thus their anger, fear and 

lack of forgiveness is understandable. It has now spread far and wide, representing yet the same 

“reason” for the manifestation of the dis-ease, it is no longer isolated to the two areas it made “itself” 

know through. Do you understand? 

How do we transmute this anger?

By working through it, 

rather than running away from it. 

A person filled with rage is often feared, yet if one sees the rage as pain and in fact fear, 

one can rise above the anger and fear and project love and forgiveness, for with understanding 

one is in a position to forgive. It is the victim aspect of self that holds onto pain and anger and 

cannot forgive - not the empowered conscious self. For when one stands in the light of 

consciousness and knowing, there is no reason to hold onto anger.

There is no motivation to hold onto lack of forgiveness. Do you understand?


Yes I do, but what about all the children that are born HIV positive? Are they souls that have come

back to work through anger? I don’t understand that.

I have said many have carried the imprint, and it is this imprint that must be reversed. The children

who have come into life with the dis-ease must be raised differently, not held within the same

template of anger, of poverty consciousness and victim consciousness that their parents were

raised in. 

The mould must be broken. 

These children have the intelligence and power to move beyond what came before them, 

to end the cycle of the genetic imprints of carrying the sins of their forefathers. 

Do you understand?

You see, all must understand that healing is not limited to the physical application of a pill or a

potion. It needs to be addressed holistically. 

People need to be educated psychologically; they need to understand the psychology of 

the human mind. They need to understand what motivates the world, its thinking, its behaviour. 

With that awareness everything will change. It is already evident in the children of your current world. 

These children will not tolerate the old way of living being imposed upon them. Adults have been 

forced to find new ways to raise their children.

Teachers have been pushed to find new ways to educate the children, to build relationships with

them, and they have had to study the psychology of the modern generation. This triggers deeper

inner knowings and understandings that the world is in a state of constant change and the children

that shall be born from the current children will be even more advanced, and so it continues. It is

the same when adults have to deal with themselves; they too have to find new ways to deal with

their inner child, to reassure the inner child, gain the trust of their inner child and adolescent self.

More and more adults are being forced to own their past and shed the victim cloak and stand

assertively in the light of self respect, self love and confidence. Many of you have done this, you

have faced this - you have come through the initiations that have pushed you into the deepest

darkest recesses of your wounds. You have come through it, you know more about yourself, and

you see the world through different eyes. This will continue. Children will always show you, be it

the inner child, or the physical child. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.


Master Kuthumi, can you maybe expand a little on genetically modified foods for us, and how we

can maybe bring it more to the attention of people in South Africa, especially for the younger

children in their diets. Can you maybe just assist us with some information on this?


You are aware of the fact that genetically modified food is detrimental to the body? Its toxic energy

has the same impact on the body as any preservatives and other toxic substances have. We will not

separate it from things like preservatives, colourants, and artificial flavourants that have been put

in foods for they are all equally toxic to the body. 

There are a number of people actively working already educating communities around nutrition. 

This is also being taken into schools, but the more the merrier, therefore if you feel driven in 

any way to make the information available to those whom you do not feel have it, then by all means 

do it. Is this clear?

Yes., thank you very much.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, when we do any kind of processing work, in any form, do we always have to process

physically. Can we not have spontaneous healings? Are we not at that level, or can we not intend



By all means yes, you can intend for that, and the energy vibrations are changing to such an extent

that one can manifest spontaneous healing. It has been the challenge for humanity to get their

belief system around that one and accept that it is possible. Many associate that with miracles, and

most people believe they are not deserving of miracles, whereas in fact miracles should be a

common day occurrence.

So it’s not necessarily up to the practitioner to believe it, but for the individual person as well...

Absolutely yes.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

And so it is then beloved ones that we bring this activation to its end through the transmission 

we are currently bringing forth. I Kuthumi wish to offer you the blessing of deep awakening,

awakening that reveals to you the full essence of your Divine Self. I wish to give each of you upon

this day the gift of recognising the extent of your ability as a co-creator with Father/Mother God. 

wish to share with you the experience of God’s Love and how liberating it is, for as you step into

the Light of Ascended Masterhood so you come to look into the heart of Father/Mother God, and

what you see is what saves you from the belief in suffering and pain. Christians have often said

“give your life to Jesus so that you may be saved.” 

The saviour is the Christ within you, the aspect that knows the power within Father/Mother 

God’s Love. It is the aspect of you that has been beckoning to you all along to embrace positivity 

and light, to break away from poverty and victim consciousness, from lust and conditional love 


Therefore surrender your life to the light and you will be saved. You have saved  yourself through 

your commitment to healing. You have saved yourself from punishment, pain and suffering 

because you have chosen to find the Christ "within".

Be receptive to these gifts so that the words of truth can resonate within your being. Share these

gifts with others. Let the truth set all of yourself free; free to express and feel, to be and create. It

is your divine right.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom. Rainbow blessings beloved ones.


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property of Michelle Manders at all times.

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