In my previous article Mental Cross Currents Can Cause You To Become Insane, I talked about how mental instability and tapping into all kinds of energies have a negative impact on one's sanity! In this article, I like to expand further on the same topic of mental health and your spiritual connections.
One of the best ways to know how organized a person's mental health is, is to look at how organized their lives are, and where they put their energies on the emotional level or where they put their energies on the physical level.
So for example if a person is perpetually late for appointments then what this shows is that the person's state of mind is not very organized and the person is not fully present in the now. And there's a high chance that this person is living in their emotional body a lot of the times.
Another example could be how a person has many ideas and they are constantly moving from one idea to the next but never fully materializing those ideas, then it just shows how the person lacks mental focus and organization.
Another very common phenomena is how people are just abbreviating everything they are writing especially on facebook, twitter and the like. I can understand if it is just one or two words, but when the whole message is abbreviated it just shows how short circuited the thinking process of the person is.
The words no longer carry the vibration of the actual meaning of the message. The energies are very chaotic and don't you tend to just avoid reading these sort of messages? It is a repellant!
In one of my previous articles I mentioned about one of my old pet peeves and that was how spiritual people have a tendency to say they will go with the flow in life. Going with the flow to me just means mental laziness! A person just can't be bothered to make a decision or stand for anything and rather just allow life to dictate where and how they should go.
Of course I am not talking about moving with the divine flow of God here. Moving with the divine flow actually takes a fair amount of mental organization! And getting mentally organized does take a lot of effort and this is the truth. Because one needs to exercise mental discipline to achieve it.
What happens when people get mentally lazy? They are way too open in their energy fields because they are simply allowing the flow of their emotions to dictate what sort of energies come in and out.
Negative emotions are not divinely inspired, they are simply the working of old stored cluttered energies within a person's mental state. This is why people who enjoy and indulge in drama in life do not have healthy mental states and they are the same people who often attract psychic entities and enjoy psychic dramas resulting in psychic attacks which they cannot get out of.
Our higher feelings however are divinely inspired and they can come through only when you are mentally organized.
If you want healthy spiritual growth that positively affects your physical world, just get 'mentally' organized.
© 2011 Shamala Tan
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