
The Unified Field

namaste123 2011. 6. 23. 02:22

  • Children of the Sun

  The Unified Field

The Unified Field is a scientifically proven intelligent field of energy that permeates and connects everything in the world and universe. We, ourselves, are part of this vast dynamic matrix of energy exchange and manifestation.

The Unified Field is the basic underlying and uniting force of the universe and the single most catalytic force in propelling the planetary consciousness shift. This advanced matrix is the number one focus and foundational alignment for Children of the Sun to achieve its mission in transforming consciousness for collective humanity. 

    unifiedfieldtree      folblack      unifiedfieldgeese      unifiedfieldworm 

The Unified Field is an intelligent field of energy that permeates everything.
This living 
energetic essence is the seat of the soul and is the container within 
which our life and the entire universe exists. 


Planetary Crystalline Grid is a new and continually activating energetic structure and part of the 
Unified Field. It is an integral component of the New Earth crystalline template. Children of the Sun  and its bi-monthly transmissions of collective intention on the planetary Crystalline Grid is helping to increase awareness and direct experience of the Unified Field and how that can be  applied to  empower our lives and transform the world.

Collective unified intention through meditative focus in the Unified Field is the most potent transformation tool that is being encouraged by all Children of the Sun program participants. It is through the extraordinary power of collective intention that Children of the Sun is directing its group influence to help transform consciousness and awaken the masses.  

Scientific Resources:

Scientists and quantum physicists have produced a plethora of quantifiable research that offers sound evidence that the Unified Field exists and that our thoughts and emotions are capable of profoundly affecting all aspects of our lives and world.

It is also through proven research that the quantity of collectively focused, meditative people needed to affect major change for a given population is the square root of one percent. This means that only 8,000 of us engaged in collective meditation are needed to affect transformation on a global scale! Can you now begin to understand the impact we can have with the Planetary Grid Transmissions? We are well over this mark in the numbers of people joining us in collective global effort!

braden  Gregg Braden
  Scientist, Visionary and Scholar

“Ultimately, we may discover that our ability to understand the 'rules' of the Divine Matrix (Unified Field) holds the key to our deepest healing, our greatest joy, and our survival as a species. Through the connection that lives inside of you, me, and every human that walks the earth we have a direct line to the same force that creates everything from atoms and stars to the DNA of life!"

nasseim  Nassim Haramein
  Quantum Physicist
  Founder and Director of Research
  The Resonance Project Foundation

Nassim Haramein and his team's groundbreaking theory of the Unified Field combines quantum physics and cosmological understandings of universal forces with a new solution to Einstein's Field Equations. Haramein's solution resulted from studies of ancient codes left in monuments and documents around the world, and is leading to some of the most important discoveries in written history regarding the evolution of our planet and the consciousness shift of humanity.

hagelin  John Hagelin, Ph.D.
  Quantum Physicist
  Educator, Public Policy expert

Dr. Hagelin is unique among scientists in being the first to apply this most advanced knowledge of the Unified Field for the practical benefit of humankind. He has pioneered the use of Unified Field-based technologies proven to reduce crime, violence, terrorism, and war and to promote peace throughout society. 

"I think the quickest thing we can do at this point is to create a powerful meditative influence for peace and global unity by assembling groups, all across the country and throughout the world, to meditate collectively. I urge people to get involved with a developmental procedure and a meditative process that takes them quickly to that place where they're exercising their mind on a cosmic level. That is the level where a small handful of people can change events in the world."

mctaggert  Lynne McTaggart 
  Researcher, Spokesperson
  Author including The Field and The Intention Experiment 

Lynne explains the Unified Field "like finding the force in Star Wars". 

"The Field lifts many areas out of the realm of mystery and into the realm of hard science by creating a picture of an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory, which makes sense of supernatural phenomena. 

It offers a scientific explanation for many of the most profound human mysteries, from alternative medicine, spiritual healing, extra sensory perception, the collective unconscious to ancient cultural beliefs. The Field also reveals a radical new biological paradigm - that on our most fundamental level, the human mind and body are not distinct and separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly interacting with this vast energy sea."

Information from Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix and video by The Healthy Glow.


