
Sound Vibration Creates Form

namaste123 2011. 7. 3. 13:00

"What you give out is what you create."

David Icke


This is a clip from a David Icke Documentary called "Freedom Road". 

This video is PUBLIC DOMAIN. Share it freely. Tiny particles of sand are strewn on a smooth disk

and subjected to vibrations being passed into the surface, they immediately begin to take form and

arrange into a multitude of geometrically perfect designs.

Some variations of these vibrations create known geometric patterns such as hexagons (honeycombs),

pentagrams, crosses, spirals, and many other infinite combinations. The amazing patterns found on animals

and insect wings are easily explained in this simple experiment. Sound and vibration give birth to form.

In one particular vibratory sequence, opposite oscillations were resonated though the disk - the sand

particles then condensed upon other, rolling into spheres, and then the smaller of the spheres began

to revolve around the larger spheres.

This is the portrait of our universe. Zoom into our cellular and atomic structure and it is found there as well.

Interesting........... This is a small clip from David Icke's Freedom Road.
