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namaste123 2011. 3. 25. 13:13

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Connecting with the Arcturians

March 13th 2011 (unedited version)

channeled by David K. Miller

Greetings I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.

The environment and the biospehere is an interaction between man and the earth.
We have noted that man is the only species on the planet which controls all of
life and has the incfluence over all life on this planet. Never before in the
history of the earth has one species had this much power to control and
determine who will survive on this planet. And this includes the animals and the
plants, all mammals all fish all insects.

So now as we are looking at this catastrophy in Japan and I am referring to the
nuclear catastrophy, we have a greater awareness that man can destroy life and
the biosphere and the planet. And it is imperative that we try and we use our
powers of biorelativity to bring togethe all of the energies all of the
spiritual powers all of the thought powers of the starseeds so that this 
catastrophy at the nuclear plants does not worse, does not increase, does not
emit more harmful radiation.

It is our understanding that the nuclear energy and the nuclear radiation has
the potential for creating a rift or a seperation in the fabric of the 3rd
dimension. And this rift in the fabric, this rift in the aura of the earth can
cause a leakage in the life force energy of the 3rd dimension. And this leak
has to be corrected. It must be sealed, so that the powerful 3rd dimension life
forces and the energy of the life force energy that keeps the 3rd dimension
alive is going to remain intact.

I Juliano call on the etheric crystal of Mt. Fuji as well as the other 11
etheric crystals to remain in a high position above their respective geological
places. And I have asked that each of you continue to send your powerful
telepathic thought of cooling the nuclear reactors and bringing them into a
stasis, bringing them into a state of rest, a lower energy vibration so that
this nuclear energy of reactor can be calmed down greatly. For the potential of
the disaster from the nuclear reactors is greater than the terrible tsunami and
the terrible earthquake.

It is important that we understand that the man made disasters can often create
the situations that will make worse the natural occuring disasters on the
earth. So I ask that each of you send your powerful thought of healing of
calmness of cooling of the reactors. Send that thought and that power to Mt.
Fuji crystal and then Mt. Fuji crystal will be able to amplify your powerful

At the same time I am using the Arcturian crystal in the 5th dimension above the
Arcturian lake and the Arcturian temple as a second balance. And I am using 
the Mt. Shasta crystal as a 3rd balance so that you can also, in your
multidimensional thinking, use these 3 crystals : the Arcturian etheric crystal
in the crystal lake the Mt. Shasta crystal and the Mt. Fuji crystal and forward
your thought of healing and the balance of this nuclear reactors so that they
are calmed down and brought under control. And use this terminology today :
"Allow the reactors to be brought under control now."

(sounds and tones) Ooohhhhmmmm, Ooohhhhmmmm

I Juliano am sending the omega light also into the Mt. Fuji Crystal to intensify
the arcane energy of your thoughts, to intensify the light and I am also sending
the omega light directly into the north earstern Japan to send the calming

Oommeeggaaa liigghhtt...ooomeeeggaaa liigghht...ooooooooomegaaaa ligghhhttt....

This is a sprecial vibration of omega light, because remember that Omega light
is a 5th dimensional light, this is a 5th dimensional energy that transcends the
normal logic of 3rd dimension. So remember that if you hear any reports of dire
consequences and inabilities, this is all based on 3rd dimensional thinking. We
are now sending directly through the Mt. Fuji crystal the omega energy which is
5th dimensional energy which transcends logic which transcends all normal
rational thinking and allows what you may call a miracle. And I call on a
quantum healing light. Now the omega light is being transmitted through the Mt.
Fuji crystal directly to all of these reactors and to all of the areas at the
north eastern Japan and all over Japan that is affected by these catastrophies.

Oommeeggaaa liigghhtt... ooooooooomegaaaa ligghhhttt...(tones and sounds).

The crystal at Lago Puelo is sending a powerful healing force of light directly
now to the Mt. Fuji crystal and to all of the other crystals and they are all 
interacting and connecting in a very powerful way. And I Juliano am now
aligning our starship Athena directly over the nuclear energy plants and we are
sending the quantum healing light to all of the workers, all of the scientists,
all of the physicist who are working to solve this problem and to bring all of
the nuclear reactors under control. . Send the quantum healing light, send the
omega light, now. As we go into a deeper meditation.

The omega light is also filled with quantum healing light that transcends the 
3rd dimension and the logic of the 3rd dimension. So that the divine
intervention the divine miracle of light energy is filling this whole area. It
is filling the nuclear reactors and all of the people who are trying to solve
this problem. Ooomeegaaa liggghhhttt.(tones and sounds)
Hold this energy, you are doing this well, hold this light. Now Chief White
Eagle is also going to join in this powerful healing circle of biorelativity. I
am Juliano.

Heyya hoya hey. Heyya hoya heyy. Heyya hoo. Heyy hoo

Greetings I am Chief White Eagle. I meet you with an open heart as we all share
in this powerful energy in the powerful energy of the earth healing. We all
share in our desire to see this dangerous situation in Japan brought under
control immediately.

The grandfathers' and grandmother spirits, the ancient spirits on Mt. Fuji are
all joining us now as we are sitting in a huge etheric circle above the north
eastern area of Japan. We are using our healing powers to bring the earth
energies there under a calmness. I Chief White Eagle am now going to say a
special prayer for the healing of this area :

Father Mother creator of all,we are gathered here at this time to pray for the
divine intervention of the highest spiritual possibilities to bring this
situation into balance into a harmony and into a control. We are praying for
the wisdom, we are praying for the abilities to all who are working now to
solve this problem for the greatest good of Japan and the greatest good for the
planet earth. For we know of the dangers before us, but we also know of the 
great healing abilities of the ancient ones and the great healing abilities of
the planet. So we call especially on the divine knowledge. We call on the
crystal of Bodensee which is filled with wisdom and energy and divine energies
of higher knowledge. We call on the Lake Morraine, the holder of great knowledge
and great reason. So we call on the higher powers of divine wisdom and great

And we send the energies directly into the Mt. Fuji area. So Mt. Fuji can send
divine wisdom and divine knowledge to all who are working to solve this
difficult problem. And Mother Earth, we are going to work to correct and to hold
the powerful biorelativity healing light over norh eastern Japan and all of
Japan now which is suffering this great tragedy and catastrophe.

Heyya hoooo.... Heyya hoooo....Heyya hoooo.... Heyya hooooooooo.... Heyyyyyya

White Buffalo Woman is here and will speak a few words with you. As the
powerful healing energies and light are bringing forth many great masters and
teachers and prophets to help in this situation. Make no mistake, this is a very
dangerous time for the entire planet.

So let White Buffalo Calf Woman speak with you.

Greetings dear ones, lovers of the planet of earth.You are all understanding the
power of your energy and you are helping to bring down many powerful teachers
and masters and spirit guides in all of your work. And now at the height of a
dangerous time on the earth, we are working with you to help rebalance the
energies in north eastern Japan and all of Japan. For it is crucial to the
balance of our belovIed planet that these nuclear accidents be brought under
control and harmony with the earth.

I, White Buffalo Calf Woman, send the white light of the buffalo, etheric light
directly over north eastern Japan now. In the powers of white buffalo is a
divine healing light. See and visualize a white buffalo in etheric over north
eastern Japan now. Visualize the white buffalo transmitting powerful light to
help balance the earth. And the earth energies can assist in bringing this
nuclear problem under control.

So we will go into meditatition and visualize the white buffalo, and her energy
field over north eastern Japan now. (silence for more than one minute)
The white buffalo is transmitting a powerful healing white light all over north
eastern Japan and especially to these nuclear reactors a calming. The energy of
calming is filling the area with the white buffalo light.

Heeyy ya ya ya. Ola himala koye yesh mo..ish la..(sounds)

I ,White Buffalo Calf Woman, am sending this white light to help to seal the
rift that is above north eastern Japan now from the nuclear problems. We are
sending this light to hold the biosphere intact so there is no leakage from the
biosphere over north eastern Japan. And all needed healers on this planet are
rising to this call to send their powerfull healing energies. All shamans all
native peoples are hearing this call to send their powerful healing thought and
energy to this area now. So that this disaster does not worsen.

I am happy that you are joining us and using your healing powers and I am glad
that the white buffalo is becoming known to all of you as a healing force for
Mother Earth. That is the true meaning of the arrival of the white buffal- that
a new healing light is available and can be used by the great peoples who desire
a new harmony and balance to come to your beautiful planet.

I am White Buffalo Calf Woman. I return you to Juliano.

Greetings I am Juliano. Archangel Metatron now will speak briefly.

Greetings I am Archangel Metatron. I am sending the healing light also I am
sending the sacred energy of the prayer El Na-Re Fa-Na La to Japan. Join me in
your thinking and hearing these words. Sending the healing words will set into
motion a powerful healing vibration to this area and particularly to the 
nuclear reactors and the area of the earth and the whole area around these
reactors. Around this nuclear area that is in a vibrational distortion and we
must bring this whole area into a vibrational harmony. (sings El Na-Re Fa-Na La

Let the healing begin now. El Na-Re Fa-Na La to Japan. (sounds)

This situation will be brought under control with the minimum amount of harmful
damage possible. The biosphere will heal itself. There are many guides and
teachers overseeing the situation and the recovery as well. I am Metatron. I
return you to Juliano.

Greetings I am Juliano again. Know that the etheric crystal will remain sending
energy and light for the next 24 hours. Use the power of this energy, of these
crystals, of the white buffalo, of the omega light. And I am activating the ring
of ascension light also to be in alignment over Japan right now, to maximize the
healing thoughtsthe healing energy of the ascended masters and all of you
planetary healers. So now the the maximum energy the maximum spiritual light,
the most divine telepathic healing light, the omega light, the quantum healing
light, the light of the wisdom and the light of the knowledge is filling all
workers who are working to solve this nuclear problem. Let their work lead to
the quickest solution and that solution comes into effect as soon as possible,
transcending all normal logic. We are bringing higher 5th dimensional light to
the solution.

Continue sending your thoughts to the Mt. Fuji crystal and visualizing all these
exercises that we have done. I will be will be working with you soon again.
Blessings planetary healers, holders of the light of biorelativity, keepers of
the Mother Earth healing light. I am Juliano. Good day.