January 2011 GOF Lecture
Ladder of Ascension
Copyright © 2011 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Website: http://www.groupofforty.com
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We are pleased and excited that we have been able participate with your work. This work, with your cooperation, focused on downloading the Ladder of Ascension. The heavenly Ladder of Ascension has now been downloaded over the Dome of the Rock in central Jerusalem. This event is a key factor in your ascension work.
To ascend into the fifth dimension requires many different connections and many different completions of tasks. You have to understand the complexity of the Ascension and the many different circumstances that must come into perfect alignment in order for you to ascend. Many of those alignments have to do with the planetary alignments. We have noted, for example, the importance of the 2012, December 21st, 22nd, alignment with the Central Sun. We have noted the alignments also related to the precession or the wobbling of the Earth which is approximately on a 26,000- to 27,000-year cycle.
Also, there are many other activations in the galaxy. We know that the Earth and this section of the galaxy is a spiritually active and spiritually open area. You remember that we have talked before about eclipses, and how wonderful they are, and how sometimes people will travel to different parts of the world just to experience the eclipse. The eclipse may be visible on Earth in Australia, but it would not be visible in Ohio, for example. From a galactic perspective, this analogy could be used in talking about the Central Sun. This could mean that there is a position of the planet Earth in the galaxy that would have a unique, important and key role in the upcoming alignments with the Central Sun.
Imagine and consider and visualize that the Earth is close to this powerful alignment that is coming very soon. Now, the 2012 alignment has been discussed from many different aspects including the Earth change aspects and including the End Time aspects. Our position is that the December 21st, 22nd, 2012 alignment covers a multidimensional, multifaceted shift. Some of that shifting has to do with what we have called the “turning point.” What is a turning point? A turning point means that things must come into fruition, which will cause events to be set into motion.
Shifts and changes must be set into motion because at that point of the turning point, there will not be an opportunity to reset the energy. This is another way of saying that the changes are not inevitable. These are not the End Times. Rather what is important and what is key is that all of the starseeds, all of the lightworkers and all of those who want to ascend, including all of the planetary healers, must give their full efforts to their spiritual work. What is set in motion now, especially in 2011, will be accelerated and activated tremendously in 2012 and especially in December of 2012.
Whatever is set in motion will be activated. That means that those who are in darkness, those who are in a state of polarization, those who are working for greed and domination and are working for abusing the environment will possibly be continuing that path. But (and this is the big ‘but,”), the consequences of whatever path you are choosing will be accelerated greatly at the 2012 December turning point.
Those like yourselves, who are doing spiritual work, will find a great acceleration and a great opportunity during this time. Also, when you think of alignments, think of eclipses. Let us talk for a moment about a lunar eclipse. You know that a total lunar eclipse may take three to four hours to occur. The actual full eclipse may last for three or four minutes. If you are watching the eclipse, you might notice that three hours before the full eclipse, there already begins to be a shadow on the Moon. After one hour, a third of the eclipse is occurring. By two hours it’s a half of a shadow. By the third-hour mark, then the full lunar eclipse, or total eclipse, is activated. Then it may take another hour to return to two-thirds, another two hours to go to one-third of an eclipse.
The full total eclipse may only last for several minutes. The same is true of the solar eclipse. You know that at this point of the full total solar eclipse, there is a total shift of electromagnetic energy and electromagnetic light rays reaching the Earth. This goes both for the lunar and the solar eclipse, but the electromagnetic changes are stronger during the total solar eclipse. Certain biophysical, cosmological light experiments can be done only during the solar eclipses. In fact, it was during a solar eclipse that the theory of relativity and the theory of light as proposed by Einstein were actually proven because of the special conditions that were only available during the solar eclipse.
I want to compare the eclipse to the idea of the 2012, December 22nd transition alignment. Because during this time, there is an eclipse with your Sun and the Central Sun. There is going to be a total eclipse, a total alignment of such powerful energy, of such beautiful light, of such spirituality, on that moment. It will last for a day, maybe as long as 36 hours. We are talking about an alignment or an eclipse that is many, many light years away. The Sun is 96,000,000 miles away, but we could not even give you the figure of how far the Central Sun is from the Earth because we are talking about thousands of light years. Remember that one light year is measured by the distance light travels in one year. The speed of light is 186,000 miles/second. Multiply that by 60 minutes, multiply that total by 24 hours, then multiply that total by 365 days. Now you get an idea of the amount of Earth miles that just one light year is. It is almost inconceivable in human terms to measure the alignment distance. I can say that this eclipse with the Central Sun is going to be held for 24 to 36 hours. I also can tell you that we have already begun this eclipse in 2011. We are now at approximately a 10 percent eclipse with the Central Sun. At this time in January 2011, we have already begun the eclipsing energy with the Central Sun.
Many of you have already felt this shift. Also, remember there is a key point about eclipses and a key point especially about a solar eclipse. You know that if there is a total solar eclipse, say between 12 Noon or 1 PM (1300, as our European and South American friends would say), at that moment of total eclipse, there is darkness on the Earth. At that moment of darkness, the birds and the animals become confused. They begin to see it as night. Sometimes there has been great fear during total eclipses, because people, especially in earlier times, had no understanding of an eclipse. They had no understanding of what was happening from an astronomical position. People would act erratically; people would act in a perhaps irrational way because the normal light energy and the stabilization of the light energy from the Sun were disrupted.
Now, I want you to use that same analogy in trying to understand what is going on as we are moving into the eclipse energy of December 2012. Even at a 10 percent eclipse, you have already noticed and seen that people can become more irrational. When you look at the solar eclipse, you can understand that this response of the confusion of the animals, of the confusion of the birds, is on an animalistic level. This reaction is coming from what the Kaballist calls the lower self. The lower self can become more confused energetically during the eclipse time. As we move past the 10 percent eclipse time, and as we move forward to 20 to 30 percent, then you can expect that there could be an increase in confusion.
Everyone is susceptible to confusion. Even though you are working on the fifth dimension and even though you are working as a lightworker, you still have your animalistic self; you still have your lower self. Much of the work of ascension has to do with being able to work with and to control your animal self and transform that energy into higher energy, into your higher self. For some of you, that is one of your soul lessons.
At the same time as the animal self sometimes becomes confused, note that the spiritual self, the scientific self, the explorer self, can become activated. Remember that I explained that the scientists were able to prove the theory of relativity and the basic assumptions of the theory of relativity at the time of a solar eclipse. This is another way of saying that high intellectual accomplishments, high spiritual achievements, high spiritual perceptions, can be achieved and are possible during an eclipse.
What would be considered a high spiritual achievement? Of course the jackpot, the highest spiritual achievement available to you, is the Ascension. That moment of the eclipse, the approaching of the eclipse, the pre-, total and post energy of the eclipse, all are moments when a higher spiritual sensitivity is available and when high spiritual accomplishments are more possible. From the spirituality standpoint, this is exciting. This is magnificent as a spiritual seeker and as a soul worker. For these purposes right now is a perfect opportunity to be on the Earth. This is the perfect set of circumstances to participate in an ascension.
To that process, we have made available new spiritual technologies for the Earth. All of these technologies are focusing on one main goal. That goal is to bring down fifth- dimensional energy into the Earth’s energetic realm. By bringing down fifth-dimensional energy, we are able to accelerate a spiritual sensitivity and spiritual achievement, especially because we are in the light of the eclipse of the 2012 energy field. That means that you also are able to activate to the highest level, your spiritual sensitivities. Your spiritual sensitivites are only going to get stronger. Your spiritual abilities are only going to get stronger during this eclipse because you have been focusing and working with us.
one of the new spiritual technologies that we have been able to offer occurred recently, when, with the help of many of the Group of Forty members, we have been able to activate a Ladder of Ascension over Jerusalem. This provides a new access point for the ascension energies. To that purpose and for that explanation, I am going to ask Sananda to speak with you more and also Archangel Metatron.
I can tell you that we, the Arcturians, have been working with many advanced planets and that some of the advanced planets have actually gone through the Ascension. one of the big tools, one of the big spiritual technologies for a planetary ascension, is the establishment of the heavenly Ladders of Ascension. We want to place at a minimum, three to four more Ladders of Ascension around the planet. We believe that with your assistance, we can do this. Some may ask, “Why would you need more than one?” I can only say that with the mass population and with the high number of starseeds, it is possible and helpful to have several more Ladders of Ascension. Those other ladders are still in the planning stage. At this point we are very proud of the activation of the Ladder of Ascension over Jerusalem. Sananda will now speak to you. I am Juliano.
Blessings and greetings, I am Sananda. I open my heart to you, and I send you my blessings, and I send you the blessings of my Father, and I send you the blessings from all of the Ascended Masters. You know how important Jerusalem is to our work, and you know the spiritual energy that is there. The Ladder of Ascension that was activated was actually a renewal of an ascension ladder that has been available throughout the many centuries in Jerusalem. In many ways I could say that it was easier to reactivate an old connecting link, or an old Ladder of Ascension.
We are living in a different time than your forefathers or your ancestors. We are living in a time of great polarization and conflict. Also, we are living in a time of high spirituality and high spiritual light. For the first time, there is a great awakening and there is a great opportunity for a large ascension, for an ascension that will include thousands and thousands of people. Never before in the history of this planet have so many potential starseeds, or lightworkers, had the opportunity for such a mass ascension.
You may ask: “How would I use the Ladder of Ascension, Sananda?” There are several important points that I will tell you about this Ladder of Ascension. one, to be able to approach the ladder and to be admitted to the energy field of the Ladder of Ascension, you must be filled with love and unity. You must be filled with oneness that can only be expressed through your foreknowledge of the fifth dimension. You must approach the Ladder of Ascension with unity consciousness, with your highest consciousness, with your ability to perceive the unities of the polarizations. You must be able to perceive the perfection of the Divine Plan that is right before your eyes. You can hold this perception, even though at normal lower consciousness, you many not see exactly how everything is proceeding.
Remember, at that place to the entry of the ladder, right by the first step, you will interact with the energy and go into a higher state of consciousness. Do not worry if you do not feel that energy pull or energy opening. Just know that with your intent and with your spiritual studies and meditations, you will have the foundation, the groundwork, to activate the energy and go and bring yourself into a higher state of consciousness. Then the rest of the ladder can appear.
In the beginning you would only see a few steps. As you are closer and begin to climb and look up, you will see many steps. The second thing of great importance is that you do not have to be in Jerusalem to go to the ladder. Juliano has taught you many techniques about thought projection. Yes, it would be preferable to be there in Jerusalem at the moment when the ascension energy is at its highest. At that moment you can ascend. At the same time, know that the ascension ladder and the mass ascension that will occur at this point above the Temple of the Rock will have a positive effect of untold magnitude on the entire planet.
It is one thing for an ascension to occur in remote areas like Lago Puelo, Argentina, where only a few people would actually witness it. But it is quite another matter when the skies open up, and the Ladder of Ascension appears, and thousands of people begin to ascend over Jerusalem. You know how everyone watches Jerusalem. You know how the news of that area travels with lightning speed around the planet. Even if you cannot personally be there, you can thought project yourself there. Now we have a GOF member that is there to hold and anchor the Light of Ascension and the Ladder of Ascension for the starseeds and for all lightworkers.
The third aspect is that is that as you meditate, as you visualize, as you transport yourself etherically to the heavenly Ladder of Ascension, you will experience a magnificent feeling of ecstasy and joy. I can assure you from my own personal experience that nothing can compare to the joy and the ecstasy during an ascension. No experience on Earth can even come close to what you will experience during your ascension. All of the pains and sorrows, all of trials and tribulations that you have gone through in this lifetime and other lifetimes on the Earth, will totally be grasped and received with love and joy by your self at that moment. You will know during your ascension that all of the experiences and all of the work you have done have brought you and prepared you for this ascension. Now you may not understand why you are going through this particular problem or why this particular circumstance came upon you. It will become so clear at this moment as you approach and go up the ladder. You will understand that, yes, this was part of your process and preparation for your ascension.
I will speak again from personal experience because a cruel and painful death will not be a barrier in any way to your ascension. That has been proven. That has been experienced. That has been shown to the world. This does not mean that you must or will have such a death, but it does show and teach that all of the Earth experiences will be put into the right perspective at the Ascension. Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth.
We are going to work with Juliano and establish three more ascension ladders on this planet. I will be with Juliano and Archangel Metatron revealing the locations of those. We must anchor and hold the energies of the Ladder of Ascension over the Temple Rock for at least the next 30 days, and then we can begin to point to the next one. Remember, use thought projections. Send yourself to this area and to this ascension ladder. Use the etheric crystals that Juliano and the Arcturians brought down. The etheric crystals can serve as a particle accelerator. Juliano was talking about physics and cosmology. We can use the analogy of a particle accelerator in which spiritual energies are increased. So, if you would want to spiritually project yourself to the Ladder of Ascension over the Temple of the Rock, the Temple of the Mount, then you could go through a spiritual accelerator, namely the etheric crystals.
As Juliano instructed you, go now to your favorite etheric crystal. I am sending my light and energy directly to Montserrat where that beautiful etheric crystal is. If you want to join me, send your light and energy to Montserrat near Barcelona, Spain, and project yourself there. The light of Montserrat is being projected to the Ladder of Ascension now. Now, project yourself from the Montserrat etheric crystal to the base of the Ladder of Ascension over Jerusalem. I am there at the base of the ladder to greet you. As we are at the base of the ladder, look up with me to the higher rungs. Look upwards to the fifth dimension. You cannot climb the ladder now, but I have opened the doorway. I have opened the ladder energy field. Look up with me and see the angelic hosts. There is my son, Archangel Michael. Let him speak to you now from the sixth rung of the ladder. He is at the sixth rung, floating in etheric light. I am Sananda.
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael. I welcome you all to this beautiful Ladder of Ascension. You can feel the interaction of all of the prophets, of all of the great sages, of all of the great religious leaders, who have been at this place over the centuries. I am helping to bring an activation and a renewed activation from all of the Fathers. There is a new activation. That is the new activation of the star families, the star brotherhood and sisterhood and the fifth-dimensional masters. The fifth-dimensional light is beaming down the ladder from the Central Sun. I am helping to bathe and direct that light to each of you. Receive this light now. It will make you more able to climb the rungs and to climb the steps of the ladders – the Ladders of Ascension.
As you approach the ladder and the steps of ascension, become aware that your body is like a coat, and all you have to do is take off the coat, and you are in your soul light. You are in your soul energy field. Nefesh Ha Ya. Nefesh Ha Tov. Neshamah. Neshamah.
The light of your higher self is radiating as you move closer to the Ladders of Ascension and to the steps of ascension. The Neshamah is your Higher Self. Juliano has talked to you about shimmering, where you connect with your fifth-dimensional self. Visualize at this moment that your fifth-dimensional self is at the top of the ladder, and now you are in a heightened state with your third-dimensional self. You are in such a heightened state that you could take the coat of your lower self off and shimmer yourself to the top of the ladder. There at the top is your fifth-dimensional self at the very top of the ladder. Your fifth-dimensional self is waiting for you at the top of the Ladder of Ascension. At the count of three, I ask you to shimmer yourself up to the top. Your physical body will remain down here. Shimmer to the top of the ladder now!
We are in a beautiful etheric garden with high frequency light, and you are released temporarily from the burden of your third-dimensional body as you sit here in a great circle with me, Archangel Michael, Sananda and Juliano. I will go into silence and meditation while you experience this great light.
It is so good to be with friends in this circle of light. It is great to be in this great circle of light with your starseed friends. I wanted each of you to know that. You are in a circle of friendship; you are in a circle of brotherhood and sisterhood. We are called the White Brotherhood and Sisterhood. We are a soul group. We are a soul family devoted to the highest light possible. Shimmer back to the third-dimensional body on the Earth now!
We are back at the base of the Ladder of Ascension. You have shimmered yourself back with a huge new spiritual light quotient, a new spiritual energy field. You have helped us to reactivate in a deeper way the Ladder of Ascension here in Jerusalem. Return back to the etheric crystal that you started from. In many cases, it will be Montserrat. From Montserrat, travel back to your physical body, wherever you started from. Reenter in perfect alignment. Place your right hand over your heart, and if you so feel, state the affirmation: “I feel my heart energy connected to this Ladder of Ascension over Jerusalem.”
You may remove your hand. Remember that Juliano has told you that we are only 10 percent into the eclipse energy. Look what we can already accomplish with 10 percent. Imagine as we move closer to the total eclipse of the 2012 time, what higher energy and spiritual light you can experience.
I feel tears of joy for you because I know how hard it is to be on the Earth. At the same time I know how joyful and how loving it is to join us when you go up this ladder. To the best of your ability, try and love your life and what you are doing, and try and bring the highest amount of your soul energy into this body. Know that this connection to the Ladder of Ascension goes deep into the Earth, deep into the magnetic energy field of the Earth. At the same time as it is going up to the fifth dimension, this Ladder of Ascension is also bringing down fifth-dimensional light into the core of the Earth. It is spreading this light throughout all of the grids of the planet, through all of the magnetic fields of the planet, to all of the high sacred spots on the planet, all the acupuncture points. Know that this is a planetary healing light. The Ladder of Ascension is connecting the fifth dimension to the third-dimensional Earth at this moment. I am Archangel Michael. Good day.
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