
The Many Lenses of Ascension

namaste123 2011. 11. 20. 01:00


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The Many Lenses  of Ascension

Ascension As Living

The process of ascension and initiation is the process of your daily life.
Far too many people look at the process of initiation as one aspect of their
lives and everything else as another aspect of life. This type of thinking
is fragmented and in actuality runs counter to the goal of integrating
initiation, ascension, meditation and spiritual development as a whole with
the totality of one’s beingness.

Being upon the conscious path of ascension and initiation does not mean that
you stop being who you are. It means that you develop more fully and
completely into the very best, or most spiritually attuned aspect of who you
are, and then bring that fuller aspect of your being into manifestation
within the very life that you are living and within your mental, emotional,
physical bodies and environment.

Whatever your worldly profession, religion, personal preferences, tastes and
so forth, you bring them right along with you into your transformative
process. There will come a point in time where certain friends will fall
away, tastes in music and other forms of entertainment may go through
transition, dietary habits will give way to healthier nutritional habits,
however, the essential you will remain throughout. The real transformation
that occurs will be in the fine tuning or finer attunement of yourself to
your best possible potential. What is truly needed is a disciplined and
balanced approach to life on every level of your being.

The Lens Of Light

The most common lens that humanity looks at ascension with is the lens of
"light". That is to say, as we evolve, one extremely important aspect of our
initiatory work is to build what is called our "light quotient", to bring in
every greater and greater frequencies of living light with which to fill
every cell of all our bodies. This serves to anchor one of the most
important attributes of God on earth, which is Light!

When we bring the light of God into the vehicles of our four lower bodies,
we actually begin to raise the very frequency of each of these bodies to
ever higher levels. Thus, we move through what is called, in occult
literature, the various sublevels of the physical, etheric, astral and
mental bodies, until we are functioning at the highest possible sublevel of
each of them. Again, I ask you to bear in mind that these levels are
interpenetrating and “not” stacked one above the other. In essence, this
means that the higher we go, the more inclusive we actually become. Since
what is termed “levels” are, in actuality, overlapping aspects of each
plane. That which is higher or greater includes that which is lower or more
limited and is a process of expansion rather than one of exclusion.

What I must point out, however, is that, as I have stated before, many
lightworkers will often seek to circumvent certain levels if they find they
are not comfortable dealing with the lessons of that particular level or
body. This, ultimately, will not work. There is no true ascension without
integration, and each and every step must be mastered and appropriately
dealt with in order to truly free ourselves from the dictates of that
particular level. Beloved readers, there are no short-cuts to the path of
ascension and you will ultimately save yourself much trouble if you proceed
slowly, step by step along your given pathway.

The Lens Of Love

The "lens of love" must again take its rightful place beside (and infused
with) the "lens of light". True and complete ascension cannot exist without
the blending of these two aspects. Much emphasis has been placed on the
infusing of light within one’s aura and four body system (which includes and
transcends the four lower bodies, for this includes the various spiritual
bodies as well). It has indeed been appropriate to focus upon light, for one
cannot proceed without the infusion of that divine attribute. However,
neither can one truly achieve the perfection they seek without integrating
the divine attribute of love.

The “love” which is herein being addressed is not the sentimental love of
the poet, the dreamer, the lover, or even the worshiper (although the last
category comes the closest to what I am addressing here). The love of which
I am speaking is the "core essence of love itself". It is the embodiment of
that "principle divine", which does not simply make the world go ‘round,
but, in truth, is the very world and energy field in which we live, move and
have our being!

We spoke earlier of the seven rays that are functioning both within our
planetary and solar system. Of these seven rays, love/wisdom is the one
governing our own solar system, and is therefore intrinsic to our very
nature. Looked at esoterically love is a "fact", not a fancy, and an aspect
which must be fully incorporated into every cell of our four lower bodies
and four body system in exactly the same way that "light" must be
incorporated. The same general rule applies to moving through the various
sublevels of our bodies, integrating sublevel upon sublevel with greater
love frequencies in the same manner in which we moved up these various
sublevels, integrating and infusing them with ever greater frequencies of

Psychological Wisdom And Service

Just as love and light must function as one, so must “wisdom” (which, in
truth, is but another aspect of light) and “service” (which is the
inevitable outpouring and outpicturing of love). If we do not do this, then
both love and light remain in the realm of the abstract and are not doing us
much earthly good at all!

Psychological wisdom brings with it clarity of action and purity of intent.
It allows for the light, per se, to be called into service by revealing the
true nature of ourselves and our world, giving us the clarity of mind with
which we can integrate, cleanse and heal that which is in need of
integration, cleansing and healing! It takes light from the vague and
nebulous strata and allows it to shine upon our earth, revealing hitherto
hidden fragmentations and cleavages. This allows the needed adjustments to
be made, so that life, and we, as part of life, may function as fully
integrated, balanced and whole beings.

Many of us enjoy being "blinded by the light" to the extent that much which
must be tended to is bypassed. This is all-right for a temporary period of
time, as it is natural for one to need to grow accustomed to ever brighter
intensities of light. It, however, is not all-right on a permanent basis,
and far too many of us think we can remain blinded by the light and ignore
the realities around and within us that seek to be revealed!

Ultimately, we will all be called to pay attention to the wisdom of the
light and to make straight in the desert a highway. Or, in other words,
straighten out our psychological selves. This applies to each of us
individually, as well as to our planet as a whole.

Service is love made manifest! Without implementing service work into our
ascension path, we are not allowing the love we have integrated within
ourselves to be integrated within the world. As long as we refrain from
giving love the expression that it seeks, we are holding ourselves back from
one of the most fundamental purposes of initiation and ascension.

As we ascend, we are, as was earlier stated, rising up into ever greater and
greater wholes. We are coming to terms in joy with our own unity with All
That Is. If we are truly making progress upon this path, we cannot help but
seek to serve. For we know that by serving others we are, in truth, serving
ourselves, and God. Knowing ourselves to be one with the one, we realize
that by helping others we are helping ourselves. For we are all part and
parcel of the one essence of life, the I Am that I Am.

Therefore, my beloved readers, I would thus far explain ascension as the
integration and synthesis of the divine frequencies of love and light within
the four body system manifesting in psychological healing of all fragments
and cleavages within ourselves and our world through the vehicle of service
to the one by the service of the many that comprise the one. There are,
however, a few more aspects that must yet be integrated to present an
accurate picture of ascension. However, before I do that I would like to
share one quote on service from His Holiness the Lord Sai Baba: “Hands that
help are holier than lips that pray”.

The Transcendence Of The Negative Ego And Christ Consciousness

There are two areas which must ultimately be addressed in order to fully
grasp the realization of ascension. one is that of the negative ego, which
is the process of seeing via the separate self, and which includes thinking,
perceiving and “acting out” through the lens of selfishness, separation,
greed, lust, manipulation, negativity, anger and fear. During the process of
ascension the thought process must be transferred from that of the negative
ego to that of the Christ/Buddha consciousness.

Those of us who view the world and ourselves through the lens of the Christ
mind or spiritual consciousness, view it in terms of oneness, wholeness and
love. There are really only two basic ways in which we can function. one is
from the negative ego and the other is from the Higher Christ/Buddha
Consciousness. The former begets an attitude of separateness and
selfishness, creating an entire behavioral structure built upon a faulty
foundation. The latter springs from the fount of oneness, and outpictures in
loving service to Self and to humanity. The two cannot co-exist if you want
to realize God and become a full fledged Ascended Master, rather than a
“partial” or kindergarten Ascended Master.

The sincere initiate works on exposing, via the light, any and every pattern
of faulty negative ego thinking, using the clarity of wisdom to wipe the
slate of their mind clean of the destructive influence of the negative ego.
In its stead, through the wondrous and healing quality of love and
attitudinal healing, does the sincere initiate work to put forth only
Christ/Buddhic consciousness, and from that state of being and perceiving to
then participate in serving self and humanity.

This, my beloved readers, is a process which demands much attention. This is
why I have given you specific tools and guidelines with which to proceed
with your work. The time spent in clearing away the negative ego and
reprogramming both the conscious and subconscious mind with the quality of
Christ/Buddhic consciousness will be well worth your while, and the rewards
of peace, joy, love, unity, health, wholeness, oneness and liberation that
await you will transform you into the truly spiritual being that you, and
all of us, in truth, really are!


Synthesis/Mahatma Consciousness

Truly, ascension is the synthesized and balanced integration of light, love,
psychological wisdom (leading to the transcendence of the negative ego) and
service (which finds the natural expression by living within the realm of
the Christ consciousness). This process “frees one from the wheel of
rebirth”, and frees the initiate-turned-master to function from the higher
planes downward rather than as the aspiring seeker looking upward.

What I am speaking of here is “integrative ascension”, which does not bypass
nor deny any level of your beingness, but rather synthesizes and ascends all
four bodies equally into the spiritual or monadic self. Through the process
of integrated ascension you then become the perfect unique manifestation of
God, able to fulfill your divine puzzle piece without the interference of
your negative ego and with the full integration of all the divine qualities
within you. With the negative ego transcended, the emotional body becomes
spiritualized and positive, the mental body filled with divine wisdom, and
the physical body purified, healthy and filled with light!

The fact that a synthesized approach to integrated ascension will free you
from the necessity to reincarnate upon the four lower worlds (physical,
etheric, astral, mental) is true indeed. Likewise, is it true that, as a
fully integrated ascended being, you will have vast potential both to
express and to serve upon these “lower worlds”, and in joy will you be
living out the wisdom and grace spoken of by beloved Master Jesus when he
told his disciples to “be in the world, but not of it”. These worlds will
become, to you, realms of experimentation and service rather than the
enforced “school of endless lessons” and experience that they were before
you achieved the status of the integrated and fully realized ascended

Therefore, while remaining in incarnation as an ascended being, you will not
be leaving your life behind, but, in truth, expanding your life to include
the Divine! As was stated earlier, ascension goes hand and hand with
descension. Therefore, as you bring your Earth self unto “Heaven”, so do you
bring and anchor your “Heavenly self” upon the Earth.

Ascension and initiation, my beloved readers, is the most practical path
anyone can travel. By whatever name you feel most comfortable calling this
process, know that it falls under the banner of synthesis and is therefore
the most “complete” and balanced approach to life that one can possible
strive for. It is a path that, in its truest and most complete sense,
incorporates and includes “life as a whole”, running the full spectrum from
the densest material earth plane to the most refined spiritual planes. What
it is not is a path relegated to the impractical dreamer. Being all
inclusive, the true initiate seeks to give substance and manifestation to
their loftiest dreams and visions, as well as to bringing forth the
practical application of all that has been assimilated from the “higher

It is of utmost importance that you look upon this path in this balanced and
integrated light, with the full knowledge that ascension is not meant to
separate you from the world but simply to give you “Life more Abundant”!
This entire book has been given as a presentation of ascension in its most
simple yet complete and synthesized form.


It is with this in mind that we bring this book to its conclusion. It is our
fervent hope and prayer that the material contained herein will serve as a
launching pad to your conscious participation, study and application to the
path of “integrated ascension”.