You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
Dr Joshua David Stone
H o w T o S e p a r a t e T h e C h a f f F r o m T h e W h e a t
So how do you know when you find the real thing and a real Integrated Ascended Master, teacher, channel all combined into one? As the Master Sananda/Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them.”
My Friends, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Use your God-given Spiritual discernment and examine their fruits. Examine their words and deeds. Examine their motivations. Examine if they are Self and God Realized on a Spiritual, consciousness and psychological and physical/Earthly level. Examine if they are in integrity and consistent and in alignment on all levels. Examine if they see from an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness or a limited lens consciousness. Examine if they are integrated and balanced.
Examine if they walk their talk and practice what they preach. Examine if they are at all times of the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness or negative ego / fear-based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower-self / materialistic consciousness. Examine if they demonstrate and embody God/dess on Earth. Examine if they are pure, egoless, selfless, humble, humility-filled and saintly.
Examine if they put God/dess or money first. Examine if they are caught in the superior/inferiority complex. Examine their level of initiation, for that is an indicator of one’s evolution once one goes beyond the 12th initiation!
Do their books or lectures have a ring of truth inside of you? Is everything they say consistent? Do they seek to glorify self or glorify God/dess? Are they really interested in God/dess or power, fame, money, greed, false pride, self-aggrandizement, sex, or vanity? Are they attached to things?
Are they peaceful, evenminded, happy and loving at all times? Are they impeccable in everything they do? Are their belief systems, psychology or philosophy dead-on accurate? Do they have talents, gifts and abilities on all levels or just one level? Are their lives dedicated to service work? What comes first, money or service?
What are they like in their personal life as compared to being on stage? Does their personality match their mastery on all levels? How do they deal with conflict and how do they deal with negative ego people? Can they own their mistakes? Can they take feedback? Do they humble themselves before the Lord? What are their true motivations? What are their true personal agendas? Do they truly put God/dess first and not have symbolic alternative lovers, false gods, symbolic idol worship, pearls of lesser price, lesser doors or little gods?
My Beloved Readers, by their fruits you shall know them! You have seen how religion has been contaminated by negative ego. The same is true of the New Age Movement, which has been like a new religion! The problem is that it is filled with Spiritual leaders who are not right with self, who are lacking in true self-love, who are run by negative emotions, negative ego thinking, lower-self desire, the five senses, bad habits and addictions, appetites, inner child victimization, subconscious mind victimization, emotional body victimization, inability to quiet the mind, inability to focus and concentrate the mind as needed, narcissism, attachments, personal agendas, wrong motivations, separation, lower self, carnal influence, false pride, wrong psychologies, wrong philosophies, wrong belief systems, fragmented ascension, limited lens seeing and hearing, contaminated channelings, negative extraterrestrial and astral possession, negative implants and Elementals, lack of understanding, wrong perception, wrong interpretation, wrong conclusions, wrong assumptions, wrong perspective, who do not have their heads screwed on straight, who are ungrounded, who are not passing Spiritual tests and lessons, who do not realize the Self and God through all three levels and all Four Faces of God, who are singularly focused instead of being of a synthesis consciousness, who are filled with self-deception and self-delusion, just to name a few!
C o n c l u s i o n
So it is these Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers who go out and teach and open centers, and their students take on the blind spots, deafness, mind locks, veils of light and time of their teachers! The New Age Movement and religion are filled with this. This is why God/dess told me only a handful makes it Spiritually in each life wave. Our life wave is around six to ten billion Souls. only a handful!
My Beloved Readers, the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University has come to try and rectify this situation. All are chosen, but few choose to listen, for they do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear. If God/dess Himself/Herself came, S/He would be rejected by the people of this world, for blindness and deafness is the norm. Very few have the ability to lift themselves out of mass consciousness. In truth we are living in a nursery school Planet. Maybe in the last forty years we have graduated to a kindergarten Planet, but no further! Humanity as a whole is stuck in the lower Chakras. They have not evolved beyond the Second or Third Chakras.
The I AM University has come to see if we can train and Spiritually harvest 144,000 22nd degree Masters and 144 million 12th to 22nd degree initiates. The inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University is for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! The I AM University is a Group Avatar incarnation not of myself, but of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron, Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God/dess, the Mighty I AM Presences, Oversouls, Superconscious Minds, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Mahachohan/Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda/Jesus, Djwhal Khul, the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, the Ashtar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess Lodge, the Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrial Lodge, the Western Esoteric Lodge and Eastern Masters Lodge and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings!
It teaches ascension, Spiritual psychology, consciousness development and refinement, physical/Earthly mastery from the perspective and teachings of all these Masters! It is the first time in the history of the Earth that there has been a Group Avatar incarnation into a Spiritual organization to begin a new 2000 year cycle! I am just the humble messenger and nothing more! It is my job to help and channel forth all their teachings to the Earth from an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesized perspective, so teachings of the entire group are brought forth to the Earth!
The inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University is a channel or service vehicle for this inner plane Group Avatar incarnation to bring in this new Aquarian Age cycle! The inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University’s purpose is to give the next higher octave teachings of God/dess, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I AM Presence, the Universal Mind, the Superconscious Minds, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim Masters and Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrials to the Earth for the new Aquarian Age 2000 year cycle.
My Beloved Readers, “By their fruits you shall know them!” In conclusion of this lesson, be Spiritually discerning in self with the Spiritual teachers and channels you work with. When you find Spiritual gold of the highest order, do not waste your time studying lower self, limited lenses, disintegrated teachings that carry only a sliver of truth! This is one of the biggest mistakes Lightworkers make!
You are being offered an opportunity to dine with God/dess and all the Masters, but some will dine with a single personality level, limited lens, fragmented, disintegrated teaching that is like comparing a drop of water to the ocean of God/dess! Do not sabotage yourself and confuse yourself. When you find truth of the highest order, stick to it like a drowning man wants air!
Do not allow yourself to be confused and overwhelmed by the “glut” of false prophets, false teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, whited sepulchers, modern day Pharisees and Sadducees, disintegrated channels, fragmented channels, teachers and Spiritual scientists and limited lens channels, twilight masters and cult leaders! Use your God-given Spiritual discernment and trust your inner guidance, your Still, Small Voice Within and your intuition, for it will tell you where truth lies and where corruption, self-deception, self-delusion, lack of integration and fragmentation, contamination and limited lens seeing lies as well!
If you study the work of the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University it will fully open your Third Eye and it will remove all blind spots and deaf spots. You will be able to instantly see and hear corruption and contamination and see through it! The inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University and the Group Avatar incarnation that incarnates through it, wish to give you the Keys to the Kingdom! “By their fruits you shall know them!”
So Let It Be Written! So Let It Be Done!
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