You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
Dr Joshua David Stone
How does one know if the Spiritual channel and Spiritual teacher they are working with is the real deal? This is a great point of confusion by a great many Lightworkers!
T h e I s s u e O f C o r r u p t L i g h t w o r k e r s A n d C h a n n e l s
They get incredibly confused by all the different Spiritual theories, philosophies, psychologies, belief systems, claims and so on.
A great many of the people in the New Age Movement believe if it is channeled, it is true. Nothing in the infinite universe could be farther from the truth! Channeling is one of the most corrupt processes in the history of the Earth, if the person who is doing the channeling does not have a highly developed consciousness, Spiritual psychology, belief systems, Spiritual development, very high grid attunement, clarity, egolessness, integration, balance, Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness, developed information banks, clarified subconscious mind and so on!
A great many Spiritual teachers are extremely disintegrated and fragmented, filled with negative ego, thirst for power, fame, money, greed, vanity, false pride and false teachings.
These things cannot be seen by their students or Lightworkers because they are lacking in Spiritual discernment. one cannot see in others that which they cannot see in themselves. They cannot see the negative ego and how it works in themselves because they have not been trained in this level of work as the I AM University teaches; so they cannot see the corruption in others.
As I have said many times, an enormous number of the Spiritual leaders in the New Age Movement and even in religion are fallen beings, and they do not even realize it. Their students cannot see it either and they have taken on the fallen nature of their fallen channel and teacher. Channels are especially prone to being fallen beings because they tend to be run by the emotional body, the inner child, the subconscious mind, lower-self desire, and hence by the negative ego. They tend to have negative feelings and emotions, because they don’t fully cause their reality with their mind. They are not Masterminds!
Remember as the Universal Mind said, “It is the Mind that leads to the Christ!” To realize the Christ one must be a Mastermind, for that is the basis or foundation for developing one’s consciousness and proper Spiritual psychology. The channelings, clairvoyance, psychic gifts, hence become corrupted by the lack of development and refinement of the consciousness! This is occurring in epidemic proportions in the New Age Movement.
Others think that people who give themselves fancy names using such Ascended Masters as Melchizedek, Elohim, Baba, Avatar or Saint, are a realized Master because of their fancy name. This is corruption of the highest order. A fancy name does not make a Master.
Certain Spiritual scientists give incredible scientific information, but on a consciousness and psychological level they are as corrupt and power hungry and filled with negative ego as the day is long! They have a totally imbalanced understanding of Spiritual psychology and don’t even know what the negative ego is. Their students cannot see this for they cannot see it in themselves!
The world for the most part is deaf and blind, psychologically speaking, and doesn’t even realize it! Melchizedek the Universal Logos said, most people see life through the lens of a fly. This is because they have limited lens thinking instead of Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness thinking.
Most people are not integrated. They are developed in one area like the Spiritual or psychic area, or as a healer and teacher and yet, on a consciousness and psychological level, which is the most common theme, they are like children! So their negative ego is running them and they don’t realize it. They think they are Self and God Realized Beings.
Then as the Master Sananda/Jesus said, we have the false prophets, false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Then we have the “Whited sepulchers filled with dead men’s bones.” We have the modern day Pharisees and Sadducees!
We have the Spiritual channels and teachers that are filled with personal agendas, wrong motivations, corrupted belief systems, corrupted forms of psychology and philosophy! We have the cult leaders, the twilight masters and the limited lens teachers. We have the fragmented ascension teachers, the corrupted religious teachers and ministers who teach false doctrine that is contaminated to the brim with negative ego.
The New Age Movement is filled to overflowing with glamour, illusion and maya, people channeling astral Spirits or their own subconscious mind, or negative extraterrestrials and calling them Ascended Masters and Angels! We have those claiming to be Buddha/Maitreya or this Ascended Master or Archangel.
The Spiritual leaders get on stage and give a great lecture or channeling and in their lives it is a nightmare of inner child victimization, emotional victimization, involvement with unscrupulous people, victim consciousness, negative ego sabotage, self-aggrandizement, ego defendedness, inability to admit mistakes!
They have certain Spiritual development and gifts and talents but because of the lack of integration, synthesis training, Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness, and a complete understanding of what Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness is, as compared to negative ego / fear-based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower-self / materialistic consciousness, they are ill prepared to deal with all the lessons of Spiritual Leadership! 99.99% of the time they fall down the Spiritual Ladder and do not even realize it! Their students are Spiritually blind and deaf as well, and take on the imbalances of the channel or teacher.
Most Spiritual leaders are developed on one level, but not on all three; Spiritual, consciousness and psychological, physical/Earthly! Most are developed in a Spiritual and Earthly sense, but not in consciousness and psychologically. This is why 99% fall! A lot of them had great potential but without a strong foundation in consciousness development and refinement, and Spiritual psychology, the fall is inevitable.
As I have said many times, the New Age Movement is a vast wasteland of fallen Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers. It is really like children playing around trying to be Spiritual leaders! If you ask these people about these lessons they will tell you they mastered this in the spring of ‘72! They are filled with self-deception and self-delusion yet claim to be fully Realized Ascended Masters, or Self and God Realized Beings! Some of the Spiritual leaders are so out of integrity and so lacking in consistency and alignment that sometimes their behavior can borderline on sociopathic, pathological or even criminal! Yet they have large followings of students that are even more blind and deaf than they are, psychologically speaking!
This is why if Lord Maitreya incarnated on the Earth, as was originally planned, he would be crucified as Sananda/Jesus was, but in a more modern way. 90% would not recognize him and the other 10% would put him on pedestal and lose the Christ, the Mighty I AM Presence and the Integrated Ascended Master within.
So how do you know a true Spiritual leader, teacher, channel and Master when you come across one? They are few and far between in this world, if you are talking about the real thing! Yet the New Age Movement is filled with people claiming to be this or that! It is all ego, glamour, maya, illusion, lack of understanding, false pride, vanity, self-aggrandizement, limited lens seeing, fragmentation and disintegration! It is like the blind teaching the blind; the deaf teaching the deaf.
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