Atlantean Dolphins
Carolynn Lloyd
Reiki Master
February 2007
Little is actually known about the Dolphins of Atlantis, except that they were an essential part of the Atlantis
landscape, and that they carried out essential healing and communication with the Atlanteans.
Although I have received a few Dolphin Energy Healing attunements, I was not aware of any that connected specifically with the Atlantis Dolphins. That was until now.
The Dolphins of Atlantis have finally come to share this wonderful energy healing system with us. It will add a new untouched dimension to your healing work, and facilitate personal spiritual growth. It also brings an almost identical therapeutic and healing experience to that the Atlantean Dolphins gave to the Atlanteans.
This system is best shared with advanced energy healers.
The Dolphins of Atlantis Energy Healing Systems will bring you many new healing skills.
These include:
Atlantean Dolphin Auric Hands-on and Distance Healing.
Atlantean Dolphin Crystal Healing Grids.
Dolphin Healing with Light.
Atlantean Dolphin Healing Bath.
Atlantean Dolphin Wisdom and Love Meditations.
Earth Healing with the Atlantean Dolphins.
Creating Etheric Larimar (for use in Healing).
The Larimar Healing Energy Ball.
Atlantean Dolphin Healing Breath.
Atlantean Dolphin Guided Meditations.
A Crystal Deva called KALA was the first crystal I asked about the Atlantean Dolphins and this new healing system.
This is what she had to say:
“Dolphins and Atlantean energy has been lost and hidden for many, many years. People had forgotten many, many things, and there is SO much angst and anger upon your World at this time! We have seen many centuries energies and life journeys unfold. New dawns, and new responsibilities are upon you. You ALL have the responsibility to make things RIGHT and HEAL your World.
We, and others can help, but we CANNOT do it without you. You must take some of the responsibility and commit to change to make your World a better place. This – the Dolphins of Atlantis – this is their GIFT to Humankind. It is NOW the time to share it.
Larimar is a beautiful new age crystal, which has often been associated with both Dolphins and Atlantis. It only comes from one location at this time – the Dominican Republic - hence this rarity is reflected in the cost!
RIVERFLOW, a Larimar Crystal Deva was able to define why Larimar is a very special crystal.
“Larimar is a sacred stone to the Dolphins – so respect it well! It is our gift to you, in sharing this precious Crystal Deva from the Sea. That is why it is so infused with our Dolphin energy. Yes, Larimar was in Atlantis. Yes, it WAS much more available and common then. It is rare and it is sacred, but meant for Beloved Lightworkers to find its skills and use it with wisdom and respect. It has definitely a high vibration – one that heals mind, body and spirit. It is the perfect conduit for Dolphins to channel their energies through – it is of the essence of the sea and it is spiritually pure! Use it wisely. It will bring life-changing spiritual strength, healing and wisdom for those who seek its maritime Dolphins”
For this system, it is best to have at least one piece of Larimar although you can use the Etheric Larimar as a substitute.
The Dolphins of Atlantis sent healing to the Atlanteans through their aura whilst being in the water with them. This is of a similar nature to the energy, which will be used, in this healing system. The Atlantean Dolphins will be with you and transmit their healing frequencies through your hands as you work on the auric layer of a person’s body. This healing can be given in-person and in distance. In-person healing will be discussed first.
The session will last approximately 20 minutes, and you need to make your client warm and comfortable. You may have candles burning if you wish – do not leave them unattended (ocean smells if possible), and you may cover the client with a blanket. First call in the Dolphins of Atlantis to be with you, and then place the Larimar upon the client’s body. If you only have one piece, place it over the client’s heart charka. If you have two pieces, place one at the crown charka (above the head) and one at the feet. If you have three (recommended), place these as above (crown, heart and feet).
Encourage your client to breathe in an easy relaxed manner during the healing. Place your hands gently on the top of the their head for a minute to begin the energetic connection.
You will begin by sweeping the aura in a downward direction so the Atlantean Dolphins can clear away negative energy from the body. This is done with both hands (palm downward), and you sweep slowly downward (starting from the top at each time) until you have swept over the whole body (can start from either left or right direction).
Then, gently place both hands (one and top of each other) just over the charka points on the body (this manual assumes you know where all the charka points are), starting at the root charka. Treat each position for 2-3 minutes (you may feel pulsating energy at the point where you are doing this).
Next, you will sweep the aura upwards in a similar to the way in which you swept down. Again, it does not matter whether you start the left or right side although consistency is best.
Next you will ‘pat’ the aura from the head upward, using both hands and making small gentle fluttery movements (like playing the piano type motion!), work downward to the feet. Take your time doing this!
Finally, end the session by resting both hands gently on the feet for a minute or two.
Remove all the Larimar crystals and leave your client to rest (ensure they are warm). Offer a glass of water when they come round to ground the energies. Drinking water after this is also important for you too!
Distance healing with the Dolphins of Atlantis is very similar to the healing session as described above. For the healing, please use a proxy (teddy, dolphin or similar stuffed toy or doll). Please ensure that you have obtained permission first before sending any healing.
The treatment session is the same sequence as detailed previously. First, connect to the Atlantean Dolphins, and then place the crystals around/on the body, depending on how many pieces of Larimar you have available.
Next, place both hands on the top of the proxy’s head, visualising the proxy as your client lying in front of you.
Begin the sweeping of the aura (down) with one palm only as described above.
Treat each charka with the tips of two fingers only, for the same length on time as in-person (2-3 minutes).
Then sweep the aura upwards with one palm.
Pat the aura from head to feet with both palms on the proxy.
Finally end the session by placing your hands on both feet (fins?) for a minute.
Remove the crystals and have a glass of water!
Check in with your client afterwards if you can to see how they are feeling and to provide insight into how the healing has felt for them.
If possible, it is best for the client to rest whilst you transmit the distance healing although this will not always be possible.
This is a lovely way to receive Atlantean Dolphin healing and connection. Run a nice warm deep bath, have candles lit and placed around each corner of the bath. Use Sea salts in the water and scent the air with ocean smells if possible. If you have a big enough piece of Larimar, you may place this in the water.
Relax in the bath, and deliberately slow down your breathing – breathing in and out in a gentle and relaxed manner. When you are ready, call in the Atlantean Dolphins to be with you and allow their healing energies to be transmitted to you through the water. You may see Dolphins, sense movement or energy during this.
Stay with this energy as long as you need. When you are finished, thank the Atlantean Dolphins and blow out candles.
You will now use a piece of Larimar to carry out two simple Atlantean crystal connection techniques, which will connect you to the Atlantian Dolphins. There is an Atlantean Dolphin Heart connection and a wisdom connection.
Find a place where you will not be disturbed and have ready your piece of Larimar.
Crystal Grids consist of placing a group of crystals in a specific way so that their energy can be enhanced or delivered in a powerful way.
This Grid consists of 4 CLEAR QUARTZ points and 1 LARIMAR crystal. It is placed either on the heart charka for healing or you can actually sit in the middle of the Grid (laid out on the floor), whilst you hold the Larimar crystal (or wear a pendant).
This Grid is used for healing others, ‘things’ (situations, manifesting) and places. It consists of 4 CLEAR QUARTZ points, 4 LEMARIAN QUARTZ points and 3 LARIMAR.
The Grid is put together as follows: Place the Larimar in the centre first, then start at the top Clear Quartz crystal, next will be a Lemarian, the Clear Quartz and so on until you are back at the top and the Lemarian crystal was the last one which you have put in place.
You can place names, photos and wish lists under the Larimar and leave in place for a few days (review weekly)
The Atlantean Dolphin Light Meditation is the use of using candlelight to lift up the energy of places, remove fear and allow the individual to feel infused with healing Dolphin light. Candles (any colour) are placed in a circle format – using at least 4 (orange circles show their position), and where possible, 8 are used (yellow circle indicate where they are positioned). Tea lights may be used. Create the circle as shown below (depending on number of candles used).
You may also burn ocean-type scents if you have them. Please ensure that the candles are positioned safely and that you can climb safely into the middle (ensure there is enough space where you can sit without burning yourself!).
Sit in the middle, holding a piece of Larimar and call in the Dolphins of Atlantis. You can relax and feel safe in the circle of light. Just breathe softly in and out, knowing that the light will lift the energy around you and within you. The Atlantean Dolphins will also transmit healing to you whilst you are in this circle. When you are ready, blow out the candles and leave the circle. Do not remove them until they have cooled down! You may call upon this circle of light as much as you want to!
Place your Larimar on your 3rd eye charka, and when you are ready call in the Atlantean Dolphins. Ask them to reveal wisdoms to you that you are now ready for. You may feel sensations, receive insights or visions actually at the time of the crystal connection, or they may be revealed a few days later. Just relax and allow the energies to flow. When you feel that the information exchange has been complete, remove the Larimar, and rest for a few minutes (you may use a piece of Smoky Quartz for grounding). It is best to journal any insights to help you remember them!
Place the Larimar on your heart Charka, and place your hands over this, resting them there. Call in the Atlantean Dolphins to be with you, and allow their love for Humankind to wash over you and fill your aura with their love, as they have done for those in Atlantis. Stay with the energies as long as you wish (they will always be there for you), and when you are ready to leave, thank the Atlantean Dolphins, remove the crystal and rest a few minutes.
The Dolphins of Atlantis have come to help Humankind now to heal our Earth with their sacred and powerful energy. However, they cannot do this alone, and need our help to anchor ALL healing energies..
Simply connect to the Atlantean Dolphins and send them to places, people and situations. Please remember to thank them for their help! You can ‘charge’ a piece of Larimar (or Clear Quartz also – will not be as strong or pure) with the Atlantean Dolphin energy. Just ask the Atlantean Dolphins to do this. This make a special gift to give to someone, or can be placed in an area of need (a river, a forest).Larimar is a very precious crystal, which is a little more expensive to buy due to its availability.
The Atlantean Dolphins however, have brought us the gift to create an Etheric form of Larimar. The energy is not as strong as that of a real piece of Larimar, but is helpful to use as a replacement.
Only those who have received the Atlantean Dolphin attunement will be able to create the Etheric Larimar.
INTENT to create the Etheric Larimar is very important! The symbol for the Larmiar is this:
First, connect to the Atlantean Dolphin energy and intend to create a piece of Etheric Larimar. The circle part of the symbol is drawn out first with the index finger of the dominant hand (the hand you right with). The circle begins at the top. Next, you draw the line down, and the one across goes from the left of the circle to right.
You can place this Etheric Larimar on things, on Grids, etc.
You can also create Etheric Larimar Energy (Chi) Balls, which can be placed on the body during healing, and sent to people or places!
The procedure for this is almost identical to the Etheric Larimar creation except that you must INTEND to create an Etheric Larimar Energy Ball. After you have drawn out the symbol for Etheric Larimar as described above, you hold the symbol in both of your hands and feel the Etheric Larimar becoming a solid Energy Ball (When I did this, I saw the energy as a blue ball).
Lie in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and connect to the Dolphins of Atlantis. You may hold a piece of Larimar or wear a Larimar pendant, and begin to softly breathe in and out. Allow the Atlantean Dolphins to infuse each breath with their healing and light. Completely focus on your breathing and allow their sacred energy to infuse your body with peace. Stay with this as long as you like, and when you are ready, take some deeper breaths and thank the Atlantean Dolphins for their gift of breath!
Find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed, and ensure you are warm. Have a piece of Larimar nearby if you wish; you may hold it in your hand. Slowly start to relax, and focus on breathing slowly, nice and relaxed. Deliberately slowly your breathing down, and if any thoughts pop into your head, simply chase them away by returning your focus on your breathing.
When you are ready, call in the Dolphins of Atlantis to be with you. They will always come to you when called, once you have accepted the gift of their presence. They are pleased that you have called them, and are happy to share their wonderful gifts of healing once again. They are now going to transmit their love and healing energies to whilst you rest. All they ask is that you accept their help and healing.
First of all, you become aware that there are many Atlantean Dolphins around you; they glide softly around you, just as our Dolphins do in the sea. Their bodies shimmer with a beautiful glowing white light, and their manner is gentle.
They gently swim around your head and you can feel a deeper sense of relaxation starting to come to you. You relax even deeper, knowing that you are safe and very loved.
The Atlantean Dolphins begin to swim down the length of your body. The energy feels very peaceful, and you can feel all the negative energies and tension that you have felt inside you is simply being removed away by the Atlantean Dolphins as they swim over your body. Fears and worries are also removed from you at this time, as they swim over you again and again very softly and slowly, removing the negative energy to the Earth for transmutation. Your body feels ‘lighter’ already!
Next, you begin to notice that the Dolphins have changed position, and are beginning to circle closer to you. Now you are aware that their healing focus has changed, and that they are starting to work on each of your charkas. They begin by swimming around and around your hips, enclosing the whole of your root charka in amazing Atlantean Dolphin healing sound and light. They focus their energy there for a minute or two, and they gradually work up your body, treating each of your charkas in the same manner. All the time, you feel much better and better all the time whilst this loving healing energy is being transmitted from the Atlantean Dolphins to you. Once at the top of your head, they circle around and around, creating a beautiful halo of Angelic Dolphin light around you head. It feels magical, and you can feel the blocks and fears in your mind are being removed, and your thoughts are becoming kinder and lighter. You find that you feel much happier with the world you are living in, and how you can make a difference in it.
The Atlantean Dolphins begin to swim down top your feet, and swim continuously over you, very gently and softly. Your aura feels much, much bigger and filled with light as these Dear Dolphins are sealing in their healing to your body.
Slowly, the Atlantean Dolphins move around you again, slowly moving around your body and slowly moving down. This gives you a funny but pleasant patting sensation around you.
Finally, the Atlantean Dolphins touch your feet for a minute or two, making them feel tingly all over. The Atlantean Dolphins slowly move away, and whistle you a blessing before slowly swimming away. You feel a little sad that they have gone, but you know that they are always with you now, and you can call upon them at any time.
Slowly, take your time coming around and thank the Atlantean Dolphins for their precious gift of healing.
In this Guided Meditation, you will swim with the Atlantean Dolphins, as they invite you to swim with them in the sea.
You may like to have a CD of the Sea playing in the background to enhance your experience.
Imagine, as you lie down in a comfortable place, that you are lying on the beach. The sand is soft and warm and golden in colour as your body is being gently warmed with the summer sun. There is a pleasant cooling breeze blowing over your body.
Above the sounds of the sea, you begin to hear a different sound…it takes you a few moments to realise that it is the sound of Dolphins! You sit up and look out to sea, and you can actually see a small group of Dolphins swimming closer and closer towards you on the shore.
Excited, you walk into the sea and the Dolphins come nearer. As you begin to swim out to them, you begin to notice that these are no ordinary dolphins. They are bigger and their bodies have a shimmery appearance to them.
They allow you to stroke their slender bodies, and you find that they are talking to you telepathically! You hear their words in your head, as they swim around you. They tell you that they are very special Dolphins from Atlantis, and they are here to send you special healing, like that of which had been transmitted by them to the Atlanteans a long, long time ago.
Their energy is warm and incredibly loving, and you feel increasingly relaxed as they swim around and around your body. They assure you that it is safe for you to relax, and that no harm will come to you in the water as they are with you and they will keep you safe.
They begin to send healing to you as they swim around – note where you feel this energy (as this healing will feel different each time you visit the Atlantean Dolphins in the sea), and it is just what your body needs. You may feel the Atlantean Dolphins focus on or touch a specific part of your body where healing needs to take place…
You may stay with the Atlantean Dolphins in the water as long as you feel you need to. You may also ask them for any extra help you need – it can be for insights, manifestation or deeper healing of your mind, body or spirit. The Dolphins of Atlantis will do their best to assist you, although they caution you they can only act if it is for Highest Good.
When, you are ready, you wave goodbye and walk back to the Shore. Thank to Atlantean Dolphins for their help – it can be called upon any time you need it.
If asked, the Atlantean Dolphins will take you to Atlantis under the sea for personal growth and to reclaim a past skill. They suggest that you only obtain one of these at each time. Begin to get into a relaxed state, and call in the Dolphins of Atlantis.
They are suddenly with you, and you tell them you would like to go to Atlantis so you may obtain information to aid your personal and spiritual growth. The Atlantean Dolphins are more than happy to take you there, although they advise you to focus first what you would like to know or need help with, and again they gently remind you to focus only on one thing at a time.
Focus then – if you will – on what you would like guidance with at this time. Let the Atlantean Dolphins know when you are ready, and you feel the Atlantean Dolphin Energy surround you. They swim around and around, and you can feel their energy increasing and increasing.
You become aware that somehow you are under the sea with the Dolphins of Atlantis safely escorting you. They form a protective ring around you, and you feel very, very safe knowing that no harm can come to you.
You notice a group of large stone buildings just ahead of you – you know that this is Atlantis! The Dolphins encourage you to walk around the buildings, and choose where you would like to go. They assure you that you are completely safe and that they will totally protect you.
Slowly, you walk around Atlantis – it is empty except for you and the Atlantis Dolphins. Despite there being no one around, you feel safe in the presence of the Dolphins of Atlantis. They are patient and wait for you to choose where you would like to visit in Atlantis. You can choose to go into any building you wish to.
When you are ready, select a building and go inside. Some Atlantean Dolphins wait outside, whilst one comes inside with you. He tells you he is to be your guide. Take your time looking around the building, remembering to focus on the information or knowledge that you seek. Your Atlantic Dolphin guide assures there is no hurry and to take your time.
As you look around, you suddenly spot a container or vessel of some kind. You feel that this means something, and your guide tells you that it does contain the information that you seek. He asks you to open it only when you are ready.
When you feel ready, open the container or vessel in which way you choose. You may find it opens by intent or you smash it on the ground or something is revealed. You may now hear words, see words or feel something, that relates to your chosen issue. Do not worry if you do not as some of this information is revealed over the passage of a few days.
When you are ready to leave, your Atlantean Dolphin guides you out of the building and back to the rest of the Atlantean Dolphins. Before they take you home, they assure you that their help can be called upon any time.
Slowly, you become aware that you are safely back home. Take your time coming round, and thank the Atlantean Dolphins for their help and journal down anything that was revealed to you about Atlantis. Be aware that some information will be revealed over the next couple of days.
Attunement to the DOLPHINS OF ATLANTIS energy is a very important and life changing one! This is a very sacred and special energy that has been given to us so please respect it (in terms of not editing or removing parts of this manual, passing it for free without a fair exchange of energy and pricing it fairly and with respect to the energies which it contains. This is what I have been asked to mention by the Atlantean Dolphins).
This attunement can be passed to anyone, even if they do not have Reiki Master level. It is advised although that is not passed to beginners of healing due to the high vibration and spiritual energies, which it contains. It can be passed to those who feel ready to work responsibly with this very beautiful Angelic-like energy (all through the hours of channelling and transcribing I have felt the energy of the Atlantean Dolphins – It really is a beautiful energy).
Many of you will feel the Atlantean Dolphin energy as tingles around you that feel of a very high vibration (similar to that of Angels and Archangels I feel), and the tingles feel like ripples of energy washing over you.
If receiving the Atlantean Dolphin attunement distantly, rest in a quiet place. You may want to light a candle, and have a piece of Larimar nearby. Simply INTEND to receive the energy and it will be passed. You may also say “I NOW RECEIVE MY DOLPHINS OF ATLANTIS ATTUNEMENT THAT HAS BEEN SENT TO ME BY (NAME).
Ask the Dolphins of Atlantis to be with you, have a piece of Larimar with you and have lit candles nearby (the instructions are the same for in-person and distance).
Place your hands upon the top of the student’s head (or visualise if doing this distant). Rest your hands there for a few moments and then say:
Rest your hands there for a few moments and channel the Atlantean Dolphin energy. Remember to thank the Atlantean Dolphins for helping you pass the attunement.
By the Chi Ball method, simply add ‘by the Chi Ball method’ before saying ‘it is so.’ Instruct your student to add this sentence also after the sentence on the previous page.
“Us Beloved Dolphins of Atlantis are with you now. We always have been here still, but you were not ready for our words of love and healing. We are proud to be a part of Earth’s Ascension – every Lightworker equals one Light that further helps heal your tired and hurt World. Be the Light! Let us show you the Way! The Answer is in the Flow of the Sea.”
With every journey, there is always a beginning. After I swam with the Dolphins in the summer of 2005, I fell even more in love with them!
I contacted Shanti Johnson ( who has written some wonderful Dolphin Healing Systems! (Dolphin Trilogy Reiki, Dolphin Heart Reiki, Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System, Sacred Dolphin Drumbeat)
She attuned me first to Dolphin Reiki and Dolphin Trilogy Reiki (Co-founder of DTR), and then I took Dolphin Heart Reiki with her. Dolphin Heart Reiki has two attunements, and after the first, I channelled this wonderful DOLPHINS OF ATLANTIS System!
When I asked Shanti about this, she said that the Dolphin Trilogy and the Dolphin Heart Reiki WILL open people up to the Atlantean Dolphin Vibration (I was unaware of this at the time ϑ). She also said that this occurs after Dolphin Crystal Reiki (which is the final level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki), and continues through with Dolphin Heart Reiki and Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System. A new Dolphin Healing Energy is also on its way….
This manual does not bring us to the end of the Atlantean Dolphin journey, but signifies a wonderful beginning with these very wise and Ascended beings. They have told me that they never left Earth as such, but maintained contact with the Dolphins on Earth so their vibration was never truly lost. They reside in the Heaven, have no wings and have beautiful Etheric Dolphin bodies made up of shimmering white light (I had never asked them what they had looked like until I had finished the original channelling).
Please note that this manual is not meant to replace medical care or treatment. It is a personal development system with qualities to facilitate growth, peace and relaxation.
Many Blessings on your Atlantean Dolphin journeys!
Manual channelled 9-11th February 2007 by CAROLYNN LLOYD
(Reiki Master, Guisborough, Cleveland, England).
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