
The Top 12 Reasons Families Should Work with the Light

namaste123 2010. 4. 2. 01:44

The Top 12 Reasons Families Should Work with the Light

by Bryan James

12. The Light energies keep us in a positive attitude. If you have trouble with anger, fear or

depression, these energies provide miraculous solutions to help us shift our outlook. Despite

what events may shake up the world or affect us personally, the Light keeps us grounded and

balanced in love and joy.

11. When we need to improve our creative talents, learning abilities or job skills, the Light energies

can enhance our skill sets. You can realize measurable results in all areas of your life. For

example, artists will enhance their creativity, students grades will improve, salesman will

increase their sales.

10. Prosperity will increase as the Light enhances our auras. Whatever we think, say or do, and

whatever is occurring in our lives shows up in our auras. By downloading and sharing those

energies that lead to prosperity, our overall prosperity can only increase!

9. Working with the Light leads to more spiritual protection and your own entourage of etheric

'Special Security' forces. It's like trying to survive in a dark world with a 'security guard' when

you need an army. Having seen them in action, these Holy Beings are not polite when disposing

of the dark energies.

8. Our spiritual senses are enhanced when working with these energies. It's not uncommon to be

taken in vision to other places and time in history, or to see and hear the Holy Beings helping us.

These experiences are intended to build our faith, especially during turbulent times.

7. Involvement with the Light reminds us we are onE with all life on the planet. Every life form,

including the trees, plants, animals and ocean creatures realize we are one together with Mother

Earth. And they all work with the Light to try and support the planet.

6. The Light is an intervening spiritual force that can intervene in a situation and alter a negative

result. Many times, I've seen the Light stem the tide of a negative intention or create 'shock and

awe' against the dark forces.

5. Accessing spiritual power provides us access to our etheric teachers, angels and guides and

allows us to draw closer to them in a united effort to save the planet.

4. The Light offers miraculous healing properties according to our needs and divine will. on many

occasions I have seen the Light energies work to alter a being's consciousness to a state illness

cannot exist.

3. Relationships are made easier by utilizing the Light. Whether you're trying to attract a mate,

enhance intimacy, resolve conflict or just improve communications, the Light builds bonds

between souls.

2. This method is fun, easy and effective for children and their parents, and is supported by Light

beings from all dimensions. When they work with the Light or are given the Light by

us, children don't get distracted by the darker attractions that are too readily available.

1. Working with the Light increases our vibration and our spiritual power, which results in greater

accessibility to Light beings from the higher dimensions. This gradual vibrational increase of

Lightworkers raises the Earth's vibration as well, leading us into a new era of Light.utilizing Light

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