
The 'Allowing Abundance' Attunement

namaste123 2009. 10. 7. 05:15

The 'Allowing Abundance' Attunement

The Allowing Abundance Attunement is a simple energetic healing meant to open
up the recipient to letting the flow of abundance in. It works to gently clear any
blocks or resistance a person might have to letting good into their lives.

Sometimes, when a person is having financial issues, the problem is not that they
aren't talented or capable. They may even be trying to think positively or affirm
their wealth with gratitude practice.

No amount of positive thinking, however, will work if a person believes they
should not be happy deep down inside. We often get these feelings of
unworthiness from growing up in dysfunctional family environments as well as
past life issues.

This attunement will not instantly solve financial problems but will empower the
recipient to make better choices and move forward in their lives for increased
abundance down the line. The more blocks a person has, the longer it takes, 

but "don't give up" – keep using the energy! It will make a difference!

Using the Allowing Abundance Attunement

Once attuned, there is a simple process that can be used to access the energy.
Sit or lie comfortably. Breathe in and out deeply with the intention of breathing
in the “allowing abundance” energy.

on the in-breath, affirm to yourself silently:

"I am worthy of love and abundance in my life." 

On the out-breath, affirm silently:

"I am letting go of any feelings of unworthiness or unforgiveness." 

Do this for as long as you like as often as you wish.


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