Grounding and Protection
Why do we need protection when doing Reiki and from what you might ask?
We are told Reiki never does any harm, you are protected from anything. Reiki will cure all.
What do we mean when we say protection:
It is when you create a safe space around yourself, stopping unwanted thoughts feelings and making sure our energy is not leaking out to other people/places. Learning to not take on others energy or opening ourselves up to psychic attack (the intentional use of psychic/mental energies to harm another)..
When working with Reiki, a good percentage of people are working with other dimensions they can't see nor have control over. Eventually, some may have a problem with taking in negative energy which they may have trouble removing from their energy system. They begin not feeling quite right. None of us is immune to this type of thing.
How will one know if they have taken on negative energy?
You may experience any of the following?
You may feel uneasy or invaded.
may be drained/tired
feeling spaced out, ungrounded
pain in body
emotional problems
noise and light sensitivity
weight gain
unable to bring ideas to fruition
feeling not like yourself
Energy Vampires: A Practical Guide for Psychic Self-protection (Paperback)
by Dorothy Harbour
Dorothy Harbour has written a wonderful and easy to follow book that is great for beginners as well as more experienced people interested in protecting themselves from unseen influences. She takes you step-by-step through her easy to understand methods on how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work, including mob attacks, personal relationship energy vampires, and also other energy draining people such as salesman, and many more. She explains the importance of the chakras, how to open, cleanse, and close them too. This is a complete guide that anybody can use and see improvements in their life immediately!
Reiki does work on a higher consciousness which opens the person up as much as they are capable of on an energy level. When the Reiki energy enters your system changes take place. **Students who take their initiations at a fast pace may be setting themselves up for burnout and unbalance in their energy system. Before beginning an initiation one should be in balance in mind and body. As a Reiki Master there is a responsibility to make sure the student is ready for an attunement **We talk about the 21 day cleansing process, some students will open and develop with the energy past the 21 day process and need more time for their energy systems to get into balance. If we take fast courses (say Reiki l and ll combined or all levels in one day) we will never know what each of the Reiki level's energy vibration feels like, we will not have the experience nor knowledge to pass on to our students, how can we?
When a Reiki Master attunes a student their systems will be changing in the physical, mental, emotional levels. It opens up a channel for the energy to increase and move through this channel into the chakras, if your system is damaged to begin with you will be in worse shape until you repair your system. Some of this damage may be labeled "21 day cleansing" but as the student notices they can have much difficulty for months after till their system if fixed and chakras balance..
There are those students who take Reiki hoping to change things in their life, like mental, emotional or severe physical problems. The person with these problems will not be helped until the original damage and repair of their energy system has taken place. We would need to seek out someone experienced in repairing damaged systems.
If we are unbalanced and have holes in our aura (which is like a protective energy field around us) we are then like a lighthouse beaming out our energy as it leaks out of our energy system into other dimensions which can be seen by all in other realms. These holes allow emotions, energy or mental influence to pass into us. When we have a Reiki initiation this raises our energy level making the beacon of light coming from us even stronger. Those waiting for this energy can see who to feed on and can open us up for psychic attack.
When we are providing a Reiki Treatment we are particularly vulnerable to others energy as we the channeller of the energy is within the energy of the client receiving this energy. If we are not detached yet present when we are open and doing a treatment we can pick things up off each other.
**If you wish to read more about protection and why we need it I recommend Dancing with the Devil as you channel in the light! Survival for Healers and Therapists by David Ashworth** You can find the book here:
Dancing with the Devil
by David Ashworth
This is an astonishing and timely book which works on many levels: it is a book about healing; about psychic attack and how to resist it; about Reiki; about the chakras and subtle bodies; and about the responsibilities of all who work with energy.
Some places/situations we may need to make sure we do use protection:
psychic fairs
mental institutes
people who work with others example counselors, doctors, nurses, healers, their energies may be drained if not protecting themselves.
some people are naturally more sensitive and may pick up others emotions
people who have no boundaries, taking on others stuff, in Reiki we must release the energy once we are done a session, detach while giving a treatment
What can we do to protect ourselves:
The first thing we can do is to not have fear, like energies attract each other.
There are many visualization exercises (create with your mind) you can use (close and ground yourself after). You might want to visualize a bubble of light surrounding you or a cape like Batman's you can just pull down around you when needed. Picture a mirror and send the energy back to where it belongs. Seal your aura by crossing your ankles and wrists and imagine a light bubble surrounding you.
Wear crystals (black tourmaline, smoky quartz, apache tears, black obsidian, amethyst) don't forget to cleanse crystals often..
Sunlight is great
Flower Essences (urchin, yarrow, leafless orchid)
Be in touch with our higher self
If we are not in balance don't use Reiki on others, get in balance and then reschedule
Drugs, alcohol or cigarettes open our auras up to holes, quit
Our sexual partners may open us up to negativity when we mingle in their aura, pick your sexual partners carefully
Exercise and eat healthy
Drink lots of water
Make sure you are grounded
One of the best ways to protect yourself during any spiritual activity is to get to know your doorkeeper (your guardian spirit or angel of your gateways). The gateways are linked to your chakras and link to the unseen world, if your gateways are functioning properly they will prevent things happening to you. If you are channeling it is important to close the link afterwards and not be stuck open, breaking off connection from your energy bringing your vibration back down to earth (you can enclose yourself in a bubble of light or put your hand over a chakra or gateway to feel if it is still open). Close all your chakras except the root. A strong aura and chakras is a must.
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