Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Spiritual Connection Between Body And Soul

namaste123 2009. 3. 26. 02:39

Chaos Before Creation

Chapter 1

"Spiritual Connection Between Body And Soul"

Today I want to discuss how healing not only affects your physical body,

but also how it affects other people, both past and present, your

univese and the environment.

We have described soul experiences on earth as segments, or rather

what you would call lifetimes. It really is the same soul who experiences,

however, that soul sends a different particle to earth each time. Those

particles are part and parcel of something much larger than the entity

presently on earth.

All the experiences are linked together like a string of beads, or the

branches of a tree. All come from the same trunk, but each have

different components in the physical such as genetics, DNA and the

history of all those past souls that make up a family lineage.

It would also be helpful to consider the element of time for a moment.

Time seems different on my side of the veil as it does not appear

linear, or in a straight line as it does to you. Here, there is no

element of time. I know that is a difficult concept to comprehend and

we will develop that thought later.

When we consider healing, it is also necessary to consider your genetic

makeup. Before you came to earth, there was a planning session with

advanced beings who reviewed your decisions as to what you wanted

to accomplish in the way of learning lessons.

If you were experienced enough and had absorbed and integrated advanced

lessons, you would have companions agreeing to come to earth and join

you in a cooperative effort in developing human affairs.

The more one advances, the more responsibility is given to a soul

through leadership positions. Spiritual leaders work on developing

human affairs and will be cooperating with those Elders who plan the

future of humankind and try and integrate spiritual elevation for the race

as a whole.

If there has been backsliding in spiritual perfection, then one will be

more centered on their own personal advancement rather than the

advancement of others. There must first be a firm foundation of

spiritual values for the entity and soul before one can think of

missions that help others on a larger scale.

Groups of souls plan momentous events. For instance, in your own

country, when the Declaration of Independence was signed and a new

country evolved from those small beginnings, there was a group of souls

that incarnated to earth at the same time. These founders of your

republic planned beforehand as a group inviting known companions,

that for the most part, had worked together mostly in Europe. Then that

plan needed to be approved or cleared with the Elder Brothers to make

sure that the correct guidance was to be implemented on earth at the

proper time.

The Elder Brothers are directly connected to the Time Keepers for your

planet. The Time Keepers have connections with other universes and

the timing for earth is tied in with these universes. Nothing is without

an interface with others. Nothing is held in a vacuum, the picture of

evolving spiritual truths and methods is held universally and not

individually though universes may view the direction through a different

planning focus. Creativity is bounded by past events. Past events only

hold history and compare choices. The creator gods for each universe

have the options of choosing what methods they wish to experience.

Back to human genetics for a moment. It is a matter of physical laws

that genetically there are patterns and material that one inherits from

the past, which were your forefathers. Most understand the physical

elements such as color of eyes, temperament, health patterns and the

like. However, there are other manners of inheritance; namely, genetic

memory. Memory can sometimes be an elusive pattern, but there are

memories that are dim urges that come from the past.

You can see what I mean by observing the animal world. Birds seem to

easily fly as it has been programmed into the genes of the bird and they

have the body parts that have evolved to make flight easier for them

such as balance, design for lift off, and such.

Humans have the same memories of the past that they bring in with

them also. Some of it is a residue from the past races of their forefathers.

Different races have adapted to weather, mores, belief systems and these

urges or impulses come through the genetic material that a baby inherits

at conception.

I realize that I do not sound like the Roman that I was, but all this

has come to me through learning while in the etheric after my

assassination, and also by connecting with the higher part of my

soul since I was released from the Bardo.

My viewpoint has emerged through a much larger perspective and I am

able to express myself from a data base that covers not only my own soul

experience, but data from earth records that I have been able to view.

All the history that has occurred on earth is registered in a data base

so those who have permission may review this and this source acts as

a library for research for inquiring minds.

My soul has always been involved with the patterns and development

of spiritual guidelines for the human experience on earth. I belong to a

family that was given this job when the planetary system was planned

even before it came into existence. It is one of the reasons that I am

involved in this work presently.

I know I digress momentarily from the discussion at hand, but this

information is necessary for you to understand also as to why I have

been involved in this project. This is an extremely important project

because the time is now as to an advancing tide on earth for those ready

to move up the ladder of growth. We will get into that momentarily, as

I wish to finish the thoughts of healing past genetic ties with the


The genetic material holds blessings in the sense that there are

attributes that the soul wishes to tap into such as intelligence,

predispositions for certain tasks that were decided to enter into for

the needed experiences for that lifetime in question. However, along

with the blessings that are inherited, there are also emotional

handicaps that were absorbed into the experience.

For instance, your forefathers probably absorbed fear into the physical

emotional system because knowledge was lacking to dispel those fears.

Lack of knowledge in certain areas can engender superstitions concerning

living and spiritual beliefs.

Belief systems many times are held communally within a race. Patterns

from the past evolved whereby most of the people were participating in

the commonly held belief system. Those beliefs do not advance one in

this current cycle of evolution, and they also trigger certain reactions

that are presently considered reactionary.

What this means is that the person will have triggers not of their own

making that can cause problems adjusting to the current evolutionary

pattern. This must be dispelled from the physical. Unfortunately, the

emotional system is not always connected to the mental authority of the

person, especially if the person is not consciously evaluating their

predispositions and reactions to outside triggers.

Since this current lifetime offers the opportunity to advance to a

higher dimension energically, all those past physical triggers will

present themselves in this lifetime for healing. Many times those past

triggers will express themselves in the body as physical pain,

discomfort or disease if they are not addressed.

By the time the past life trigger falls into the scope of a disease, it

is necessary to consult a physician because there are other systems that

have been pulled into the problem. For instance, asthma, as it becomes

acute, necessitates the care of a physician. But if the symptoms are

challenged before they involve the lungs, then the chances of diverting

this disease becomes much easier.

I would like to suggest that the basis for most illness is spiritual. 

What I mean by that is that the underlying causes stem from current

emotional triggers or past life emotional triggers.

Fear and guilt play a very great part in the physical health of the

body. If the negative qualities of fear and guilt are not purged from

the body, it can cause one to suffer from problems of circulation namely

heart, lungs and blood. The best that I can see, these problems seem to

come from past life experiences, though your medical community would

deny this. These problems start as a discomfort and not a full blown


It is necessary to take the time to stop and evaluate how one feels in

their body. I know that this may seem strange; however, many people

are too busy to even consider this state. Mentally assess the body every

day. What I mean by this is to sit quietly in a meditative state and

thoughtfully check each part of the body trying to acknowledge how it

feels. The pace of living today is such that time is not taken to sense

how each body part feels.

This acknowledgement is possible because each body part carries

intelligence. It is not the rational thinking process that the human

brain uses, but nevertheless there is intelligence and understanding

between cells so that the systems can function and be integrated

with other systems of the body.

Consider conception. This is a time when two cells combine to form

one cell. Those cells divide until a child is completely formed. What

a miracle! From two cells there forms complete systems that connect

the working organs. Cells seem to know how to divide and form each

and every organ, miles of arteries and veins, and what seems like

unlimited brain cells. Considering every type of tissue in the human

body, it is difficult to consider the fact that all these cells and systems

can trace themselves back to two cells, yet it happened. This miracle

of life happened because of the intelligence of those two cells and the

cells that came afterwards.

The body as a whole carries this same intelligence even after the child

grows and develops. There are some developments that occur after the

child is born and there are many cells that are continually rejuvenating

themselves. This is not meant as a physiology lesson, but rather an

attempt to illustrate the fact that the body holds a type of

intelligence, and this intelligence can be reached through one's

mind and there can be an interaction between the mind of the person

and the intelligence of the body on the cellular level.

I am not speaking here of the physical brain. True, the brain holds the

rational thinking process for the body, but the mind is connected to the

soul and universal intelligence. The connection between the two is held

in the Will and the acceptance of the individual that this ability is

innate in the human condition. The explanation of this process takes

longer than the actual detection of discomfort.

The method of detection is explained in the Appendix. But I want to

mention now that once the discomfort is initially discovered, there is

a process that can be used to alleviate this discomfort and it is

relatively simple once mastered.

Consider this. If the soul and mind of the individual becomes a guiding

principal, then through the Will one can reach a level of personal

creative ability so that the body can be monitored and corrections to

the body can be instituted.

Unintentional changes occur through the pollution of the environment.

This includes food, water and air that may carry chemical compounds

that are not consistent with health. Sometimes the person is not aware

of this pollution until it has registered as a disease.

Sometimes the changes in the health of the body has its origins in

either the thinking of the individual, or past actions from either

earlier lifetimes or past occurrences from the genetic material that was

inherited from ancestors. This means that the DNA which acted as a

filter bringing through past results of short or long duration releases

into the blood stream the consequences of the past.

If the soul which oversees the individual, allows current events to

trigger memories from past lifetimes, then the individual is ready to

work with these past lessons. It is the soul itself that allows these

lessons as a gradual teaching tool. Never is more memory released than

the individual can cope with at any one time.

Physical symptoms are the key to understanding how this process works.

The body usually exhibits a pain or discomfort of some sort that begs

for attention. Sometimes the pain is hardly noticeable and sometimes

the pain is such that the person cannot but stop and give the situation

attention. Usually when the pain is of a crisis nature, there would be

grave consequences if the situation is not modified.

Lets us explain for a moment. When a crisis type of event happens

for the body and it is not from the environment, it represents a duty

that the soul took on before incarnating this time. There are events of

spirit that cannot be completed unless it is finished by the soul when

it is encased in flesh. I simply mean that the soul must be embodied at

the time to bring forth a result in spirit.

Sometimes spiritual healing requires several people to effect the

change. Usually this happens when many souls are affected and the

higher realms of spiritual hierarchy are needed to complete the cycle.

Let is give an example as this thought may seem ambiguous.

The history of the soul covers a very long epoch of time. You have a

tendency to consider life as encompassing one generation, yours. But

the soul covers times even beyond your own earth history as a planet.

Souls who inhabit this plane can come from other universes that have

died or exploded for reasons that we do not have to explain here. only

understand that history can cover a very long time indeed.

There have been turbulent times throughout all this past. It could be

safe to consider the fact that perhaps there were mistakes and

intentional deeds that need to be healed from the point of view that

some souls need to be rescued from some dire results of the past. You

in your present incarnation were a player in some manner and you hold

a memory of these events. That past memory will be triggered by some

event in your present that will act as a catalyst to activate those

memories. These memories show up as a physical symptom that needs

to be healed.

If a spiritual healing is needed you will be able to acknowledge this

because the physical symptoms do not clear up with medical intervention.

These are situations where no matter how the physician treats the body;

the symptoms do not go away. The symptoms only mask themselves

because of ingested medicines, only to reappear again either intensified

as the same physical symptom or else appear as a different symptom.

Colds and allergies that keep coming back no matter how treated are

suspect as spiritual symptoms. Problems of a more complex origin will

show physical symptoms that are more health threatening. one can

have a cold or allergies that can be just annoying or else there can be

breathing symptoms that are so serious that the breath feels like it is

being stamped out of the body. The word chronic is a good description

used by the medical community to describe a spiritual symptom. How

intense the symptom describes how serious is the spiritual problem.

Hospitals are full of people who need spiritual healing but they have

relied solely on medical means. This is the time to release the

physical from the pains of the past. Because of the changes that are on

the horizon for changing the earth and her inhabitants and how they

will react with her, it becomes very important to heal these symptoms

or else advancement will be stymied. We simply mean that unless the

body is released from spiritual burdens, the soul cannot advance to

the next stage of development.

This is the reason for our dialogue about healing. It is our job now to

help in the elevation of humankind and we must start with the body

before we can focus on spiritual means. When I came to earth as Julius

Caesar, I was endowed with the mission to help advance humanity.

Now I work for the same goal, though my tools are different, but the

purpose is the same.

We are not giving the methods in this chapter as to how heal the body,

which will be later in this book. For now we wish to lay the groundwork

so you can see the need for the healing. Understand that in this world

of medicine that has been overshadowed by the AMA and surgery and

drugs, most have failed to see the spiritual connection between the body

and the soul.

When I lived as Caesar, the medical profession such as it was understood

more about natural herbs and more surgery than what you perceive as

medical standards in the Roman world. Our physicians learned about

surgery because of the need started on the battlefield. We used our

best efforts to save the lives of our soldiers. We understood the

importance of keeping our soldiers fit and well trained. We understood

clamps to close wounds and we understood in an indirect way how the

body became weakened by infection and perhaps that infection would

became fatal. We used herbs very liberally in surgery, and also in non

surgical methods. But unlike you, we regarded the human nature as

having a secret part that was connected to the gods. We didn't

understand the soul as you understand the soul presently, but we

believed that there was a part of humanity that belonged to the gods.

I mention this because the Romans worked on the spiritual side of the

body when we were unable to cure the physical through the use of herbs

alone. We had our rituals though some would say they would be primitive.

However, we had an understanding that that part that belonged to the

gods had to be recognized and an interaction was required if the person

would be healed.

And so we finish this chapter with the understanding that healing all

parts of the human body is necessary now. Without spiritual healing

you will surely die. You will either die because you stay in a world full

of turmoil if you live with that part of the earth relegated to the dark

forces, or else you will die because the body is not able to move on

towards the higher levels of the etheric, and your soul opts out of the

physical to take up habitation at a more appropriate time.

Julius Caesar

Chaos Before Creation represents the teachings from 13 different

individuals and it covers all aspects of healing.