The Truth about Tantra:
The Art of Uniting your Innerself with your Divine Energy
© Qala Sri’ama, 2008
Tantra is based on the truth “that all people hold a divine energy stream within them”, able to be accessed and awakened through the practise and art of awakening and circulating this divine energy. In many schools of thought, Tantra is known to open the flow of divine energy within your sexuality, but Tantra is much more than this as it is the art of awakening your divine energy through your primary 7 chakras for the purpose of union in relationship, blissful experience, building your health and attraction and developing your communion with God/Presence.
The opening of your heart is a very large part of the journey of Tantra because of this. Divine bliss, ecstasy and physical bliss in the body is sought by many who open themselves to the path of Tantra in life but many are unable to awaken their divine energy or Tantra simply due to their hearts not being the central focus of this process and the sexual experience being the primary focus of the practise. The lack of focus on the heart centre can create difficulty or a great deal of illusion on the Tantric path.
Of course, awakening “the Shen” and “the Sha”, the feminine and masculine serpents held coiled in the base of each person’s body naturally occurs for all souls, when the chakras fully open and the spirit grounds into the body. This spiritual connection, when deepened, energises a soul’s kundalini awakening in life. If the heart is not open during this experience, the power of this serpent awakening can create pain and ill health or even depression in many. Many experience the kundalini awakening naturally after the age of 38 though generally it occurs for the majority of people in the world in their 40’s or even later than this age. It sometimes takes place later for those whose consciousness is very blocked with fear. It sometimes awakens earlier for those souls who hold little fear and are more deeply connected to spirit early in life. People can experience this many years earlier due to a very open spiritual connection although often this will only be a kundalini experience and not the full awakening taking place. Though when a soul is very open and connected to Spirit in life, and are very grounded in their body, their kundalini can awaken earlier in life.
The fire ignition from this serpent energy can also create great wounds to arise, if there are deep blockages in the lower chakras. When the kundalini awakens it will bring up the wounds or deepest fears of a soul and it can manifest them into physical blockages if this occurs when the heart is not open.
The serpent currents purpose is to ignite your spirit and ground it into the Earth and the cells of your body. It is held inside your body, for the purpose of infusing your body with divine energy. It carries an immense voltage of light that is held coiled inside of your body, waiting for the right time to ignite and ground the spirit of your soul into your body. Simply so the spirit of the soul can infuse the body with divine energy. This is a natural process of evolution. The awakening of the divine energy and flow of it through the chakras supports a soul to experience the ecstatic dance or Tantra of life.
Tantra is the art of the alchemy of harnessing this divine energy and creating its flow for the specific purpose of regeneration of the body, union with another, communion with God/Presence or for the ignition of the magnetic body of attraction. The divine energy is released from the base chakra into the chakras, via the serpent current, as the spirit of your soul is grounded into the body. This can only take place if the heart is open and your masculine and feminine energies are united through your heart and your heart is open to generate the energies of Tantra through the 7 chakras.
“The Shen” is your male serpent current and “The Sha” is the feminine serpent current. Shen-Sha is the marriage of the masculine and feminine energy currents. The purpose of Tantric practise is to support your natural Shen-Sha to flow up through your chakras.
The opening of your Tantric heart is essential for this training in the development of your Tantric heart and is the first step to safe and clear Tantric practise. once you have learnt to develop and open your Tantric heart to have a deep connectedness in relationship and learnt to release divine energy through your heart and share love deeply, your own spirit is able to be brought into more of your 7 chakras. As these 7 chakras are cleared, your own natural Shen-Sha is able to begin to flow to ignite your spirit and create the flow of divine energy within and between each of your primary chakras, creating a flow of the Tantra energies through not only your body but your aura. When your aura is filled with your natural Shen-Sha, you carry your special spark in life. When your chakras exchange Shen-Sha with your partner’s through intimacy, your own Shen-Sha raises in vibration and begins to travel up your spine and central chakra column to fill your body with ecstasy. Your Shen-Sha can be ignited in meditative Tantric practise to fill your organs and your body for regeneration and building of your body’s vitality. If it fills and overflows through your chakras and aura, it can take you into altered states of oneness with the universe and communion with your Divine Presence.
The Self Mastery School of Tantra is designed to offer a student the energy and consciousness practises so they may move through this journey step by step as they are ready, on their path of self mastery of the awakening of their own divine energy.
When the Tantric pathways
Flow once more with pure consciousness,
the Tantric Heart births
and Divine Bliss becomes us……
Invitation to join The Self Mastery School of Tantra
Facilitated by Qala Sri’ama and Illumina
Blessings Beautiful friends,
We would be deeply grateful if you could pass this information on to any contacts you have who may be interested in Qala Sri’ama’s work…
In the email below is information about The Self Mastery School of Tantra for 2008/09. The Self Mastery School is “the higher self” of the original Gaia Sacred Mystery School. This is Qala Sri’ama’s seventh school of one year training. The Self Mastery School has been designed specifically by Qala Sri’ama and the Enlightened Masters for the Academy of Energy Science and Consciousness in accordance to new blueprints.
The Tantra School contains the most powerful elements of the sacred mystery school with an advanced level Tantra program, the base of the teachings and practises which empower each student to become accredited Tantric heart practitioners and work with supporting others to open their divine energy in relationship. In the design of the school, this formal accreditation is offered, as well as a higher level of student support and a more comprehensive teaching program and structure for learning. We hope you enjoy looking at this new school’s program and enjoy reading each of the pages that describe this very new form of education at
This year The Self Mastery School offers you a journey to ignite your divine energy connection, to raise your vibration and ignite all of your 7 chakras with divine light and love. This process will benefit of all your energy exchanges, your own development of union and inner bliss, communion with the Universe and the building of your health and attraction. If the journey described below by Qala Sri’ama in the article “The Truth about Tantra”, pulses you to look inside, be willing to meet your masculine and feminine energies and to open your heart more deeply in life, we invite you to now connect your heart to The Self Mastery School of Tantra.
We invite you to join Qala and co-teacher Illumina by enrolling in The Self Mastery School of Tantra for exploration of the Tantric path for one year with your Divine Presence and the Enlightened Masters Babaji, Christ, Mary and Nada (Magdalene), and The Illumined ones. If you are attracted to this path, you may be one of the 55 new students who are invited to enrol and register as a member of the new pod, as a divine group of students from all over the world, training in group consciousness for one year together. An extra 15 students (previous students of pods from Gaia Sacred Mystery School), will also be accepted into this school also. You are invited to spend time in deep receiving and training to ignite your divine energy in life, and work deeply in training with the Enlightened Masters to generate the divine energy of Tantra powerfully.
You can now visit for all details on the School, its comprehensive list of teachings, the modules of the one year training design, student support structure and what is needed from you to be able to register and join this amazing new program. Enrolments are now open via this website.
If you live in Australia - Information nights
You and your friends are invited to come and meet Qala and Illumina for a free information evening about Tantra and the 2008/09 Self Mastery School.
Where? Yoga in Daily Life, 1st Floor, 117-119 Anzac Parade, Kensington
When? Friday 4th July 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Byron Bay
Where? The Academy of Energy Science and Consciousness, Byron Bay
When? Thursday 31st July 7.30pm – 9.30pm
If you have any questions about The Self Mastery School of Tantra or the information nights, please email or call Illumina on 0432 164 498 (or +61 432 164 498 if you are overseas).
Blessings to you and your beautiful heart. May you be supported to share the divine love you are, each day of your life, as a blessing to our world and all being.
All our Love to you,
The Academy of Energy Science and Consciousness
- The 1st Academy of the Divine University Project -
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