commitment 12

Uncertainty, Confusion and Lack Of Direction As We Move From…

Uncertainty, Confusion and Lack Of Direction As We Move From Our Soul’s Purpose Into Our Soul’s Mission By Sabrina Reber Many people, choosing to ascend in consciousness, are finding themselves in a transitional period of uncertainty, confusion and lack of purpose while their vibrations evolve from their current state of being to a higher level so they can activate their s..

Space Clearing: Refreshing the Energy in Your Space

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SPACE CLEARING by Amanda Slaz Chapter Five THE SPACIAL TUNE-UP Suggestions for Quickly Refreshing the Energy in a Space The Space Clearing process is unsurpassable as a technique for dynamically altering the energy in a space. It can also serve as a profoundly healing and emotionally cathartic exercise. It is, however, an act of devotion that requires planning and time. ..