Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love)

Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love) Dear Ones, I am here as the Voice of the newly established Council of Twelve, which was created during the past week as a result of the group consciousness which arose during the workshop at Kathryn May’s retreat. The group hiked up the Stone Mountain above New Paltz, NY, to meditate on the crystal rocks on t..


A POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR 'UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS' July 17 - 18, 2010 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles We have just emerged from the unprecedented influence of several very powerful planetary alignments, an exceptionally powerful Solstice, and greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipses. The influx of Light associated with these celestial events helped Humanity to break down the crystallized negative..

Liquid Light Plasma Activation by Soluntra King

STAR LINK-UP FEBRUARY 28th, 2010Soluntra King On the Virgo Full Moon and the Liquid Light Plasma Activation Within the Gold Light Body. The Star link up is the star that you are/I am/we are and time to awaken to the Shinning One that you are. The worlds and dimensions are merging, this is creating great strain and pain in all that is still holding onto the illusion and duality, and the old para..