Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension Life

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension LifeVarious Elders & Seth Buoymaster We must always remember that the dark does not have the co-creator abilities that we do, and that's why they have to control, manipulate and deceive us to create their world for them through our belief systems. If we always remember this, it will become easier and easier to unplug and ~ this took me many y..

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your Power

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your PowerChristine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. Your third-dimensional story continues to unfold as your planet undergoes a rapid recalibration since the opening of the 2020 vibrations. There has been an upswing in the third-dimensional drama, which is being held within the veils of illusion. These higher vibrations that are entering Earth ..

Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration

LeeHarrisEnergy Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration - Published on Apr 27, 2016 Some quick tips for how to stay grounded and centered right now. You are not alone in this almighty change we are experiencing on the planet. Dana Mrkich's brilliant energy update (which I refer to in the video):!Five-..