Quantum Jump 4

New Ascension Symptoms Bring Bizzare Pains And Memory Loss

New Ascension Symptoms Bring Bizzare Pains And Memory Loss MichelleWalling As we accelerate at faster than light speed toward fifth dimensional frequencies and higher, new chakras are opening that may cause panic as resulting ascension symptoms appear. In order to recognize when bizarre pains and memory loss could be related to ascension, it is wonderful when people share their experiences for t..

Gaia's Crystalline Grids & Templates: We've Begun A Very Important...

Special 3-Month Quantum Energy Report: Gaia's Crystalline Grids & Templates 11/5/2019 We've begun a very important and intricate clearing, re-mapping and re-coding process in conjunction with Gaia and Cosmically that affects every living and breathing organism on this planet... To understand how our physical bodies link-up to everything through our bodies' DNA, templates and m..