Inner vibrations have begun the last hour or two and the electromagnetic spin is also present with these as well. Now each experience is "different" and has a different purpose until all integrates within to become one" experience overall.
This one "right now" is a part of the "whole" .... this one is my StarGate activating... and I will describe this for "each realm" BEing, as I experienced along the way, in transcending the lower & middle realms to BE here on NEW EARTH NOW.
Inner body vibrations activate your BEING, whether you are aware or not. Your level of awareness will be how "tuned" you are and unified within. For the lower realms this may activate a panic attack/density needing to surface and purge.
Inner body vibrations activate your BEING, whether you are aware or not. Your level of awareness will be how "tuned" you are and unified within. For the lower realms this may activate a panic attack/density needing to surface and purge.
For the middle realms, the Merkaba, where the masculine/feminine have reversed and this spin creates a merge, bringing one further into Christ Consciousness and shifting out of a dualistic reality with each activation and dimensional shift. Now once the Merkaba delivers you to the higher realms/5th Dimension enough, Ascension will be "completed" and your Orbitron will have been activated here.... but even "past that" is your StarGate and this is what I now describe here. I write AS I experience in order to share with all who resonate as well.
Here, electromagnetic energy can be heard "charging up" and just like on the series StarGate, when enough energy has built up, a "chevron" (or coordinate) will dial/be locked in. I can actually hear this, each time one does. I am always awoken to be able to experience, observe and write, if my schedule is clear. Otherwise I just absolutely enjoy the experience!
Now, before, the ability to "program" these coordinates was not consciously done at-will. The higher realms always the outcome we were working to achieve, yet this too has changed here. With this much integration (unification) one actually can start programming their own HUman Star Being Self as a crystal, as a traveler for where they desire to "go". How long it takes to "arrive" there, will be dependent on one's own overall unification, integration and Star Being DNA activated here.
Each activation offers a different opportunity, so for me, all I have to do is observe & listen to KNOW what is available energetically at that time. Today, my "chevrons" are charging, as I type here to you. It is "slower" charging this time, each time is different, maybe just so that I'd have an opportunity to type during and share. The middle realms will hear the "whisper of wind" or the airplane spin, as the LightBody/Merkaba activates there.
The amount of light/density (or unification/separation) one holds within will dictate the experience one has. It will also dictate one's ability to TUNE and PROGRAM AT-WILL. Where density/duality is still being transcended (clearing/purging), this will ease up and completely go eventually, to where all that is present is sub-atomic molecular restructuring, the internal tetonic plates shifting and particle re-mapping occurring).
Eventually, this will give one the ability to move GALACTICALLY, for when these activate, so do Gaia's and the Cosmos/Galaxies out there. Practicing with TUNING and DIALING is up to you in every moment! Your gate codes are delivered with each integration and unification from within.
Now, HERE on NEW EARTH, ours are StarGates dialing coordinates... and it's up to me/us to "achieve" the ability to unlock the coordinates of "travel" by continuing to anchor/integrate light and being activate participants in bringing forth our ancient knowledge/selves here.
I have also tied these to the weather.... for certain rain "episodes"/releases, this occurs... I always know when rain is coming and when certain sun activations are present based upon the frequency patterns I observe/hear. In every moment, the weather now matches up to the activation that is occurring, and there is even a HUGE visible difference, you one can tell which EARTH is dominantly present at any given time.
Here, electromagnetic energy can be heard "charging up" and just like on the series StarGate, when enough energy has built up, a "chevron" (or coordinate) will dial/be locked in. I can actually hear this, each time one does. I am always awoken to be able to experience, observe and write, if my schedule is clear. Otherwise I just absolutely enjoy the experience!
Now, before, the ability to "program" these coordinates was not consciously done at-will. The higher realms always the outcome we were working to achieve, yet this too has changed here. With this much integration (unification) one actually can start programming their own HUman Star Being Self as a crystal, as a traveler for where they desire to "go". How long it takes to "arrive" there, will be dependent on one's own overall unification, integration and Star Being DNA activated here.
Each activation offers a different opportunity, so for me, all I have to do is observe & listen to KNOW what is available energetically at that time. Today, my "chevrons" are charging, as I type here to you. It is "slower" charging this time, each time is different, maybe just so that I'd have an opportunity to type during and share. The middle realms will hear the "whisper of wind" or the airplane spin, as the LightBody/Merkaba activates there.
The amount of light/density (or unification/separation) one holds within will dictate the experience one has. It will also dictate one's ability to TUNE and PROGRAM AT-WILL. Where density/duality is still being transcended (clearing/purging), this will ease up and completely go eventually, to where all that is present is sub-atomic molecular restructuring, the internal tetonic plates shifting and particle re-mapping occurring).
Eventually, this will give one the ability to move GALACTICALLY, for when these activate, so do Gaia's and the Cosmos/Galaxies out there. Practicing with TUNING and DIALING is up to you in every moment! Your gate codes are delivered with each integration and unification from within.
Now, HERE on NEW EARTH, ours are StarGates dialing coordinates... and it's up to me/us to "achieve" the ability to unlock the coordinates of "travel" by continuing to anchor/integrate light and being activate participants in bringing forth our ancient knowledge/selves here.
I have also tied these to the weather.... for certain rain "episodes"/releases, this occurs... I always know when rain is coming and when certain sun activations are present based upon the frequency patterns I observe/hear. In every moment, the weather now matches up to the activation that is occurring, and there is even a HUGE visible difference, you one can tell which EARTH is dominantly present at any given time.
The "mist" present when NEW EARTH is, everything is "fuzzy or foggy", wheras "OLD EARTH" has very definite LINES (I will have to show a photo I took to explain this one) The more "logical" the more defined the "scene". The higher the realm, the softer, fluffier, the more it looks like a painting, is more colorful and MORE!
There is no density here, so there is no pain, no suffering, only the ability to further move about dimensionally (realm to realm) at will. There is no more ascension/descension, with all the old "ups & downs"... for that is all gone here. That was continual shifting up/down/back & forth between the higher & lower realms... rather now it is "lateral" and by activating portals/StarGates to be able to eventually walk GALACTICALLY... and "right now" for me, to TUNE REALITIES at-will.
There is no density here, so there is no pain, no suffering, only the ability to further move about dimensionally (realm to realm) at will. There is no more ascension/descension, with all the old "ups & downs"... for that is all gone here. That was continual shifting up/down/back & forth between the higher & lower realms... rather now it is "lateral" and by activating portals/StarGates to be able to eventually walk GALACTICALLY... and "right now" for me, to TUNE REALITIES at-will.
All is a progression from where we once were to where we are going BEYOND here. Here is just standing in one place while the shift occurs and looking around to see how all is different. It is feeling the energy portals as you come near them and actually walking through them or better yet, creating your own!
Now, the first "coordinate" activated about an hour ago and the 2nd one just now builds to activate too... I have seen, in the past, 13+ codes/frequencies for dialing, so we see how much of CHARGING ACTIVATIONS occur, as at this current "speed" it will take awhile to build up. As we step into codes 14 & above now, we go Galactic. Sometimes it builds to a huge point of "transfer", while other times it decreases to return at another time.
Now, the first "coordinate" activated about an hour ago and the 2nd one just now builds to activate too... I have seen, in the past, 13+ codes/frequencies for dialing, so we see how much of CHARGING ACTIVATIONS occur, as at this current "speed" it will take awhile to build up. As we step into codes 14 & above now, we go Galactic. Sometimes it builds to a huge point of "transfer", while other times it decreases to return at another time.
The NEW moon energies play a part as well, as do the specific energies of the full moon when it is present. LOVE it! Pay attention if you wish to understand what your reality brings forth. The weather, the moons... for that "out there" is your GUIDE to what is TRULY OCCURRING WITHIN you as the entire Universe/Cosmos/Gaia & more! it seems WE have a bit to go while the energy charge continues to build for "completion" of a the equivalent of a Dimensional shift or Quantum Jump….
YOUR ability will depend on your overall vibrational frequency and integration from within. The ability for us to actually experience this in the "waking physical" now and participate is phenomenal, for we actually get to SEE the NEW as it occurs if we are paying attention and observing absolutely EVERYTHING in every moment.... are you?
Today we have the rain that is present each time this occurs. :) Very cool! Observe the rain clouds, the sun, the clouds period. This may tell you much about your own dimensional realm!
Now there are "other" experiences that are "different" and are a part of the "whole". I get to "see" this in advance now, as it is a "repeat" of the unification I went through back when my Merkaba was unifying, and this is just the UPGRADED version, our own StarGate.... so when all experiences (particle dematerializing/re-materializing, etc.) unify with this experience, then we shall have the REMEMBERED ability teleport at-will BEYOND just the two EARTHS that we currently have available now, in the actual physical... as this is here.
Today we have the rain that is present each time this occurs. :) Very cool! Observe the rain clouds, the sun, the clouds period. This may tell you much about your own dimensional realm!
Now there are "other" experiences that are "different" and are a part of the "whole". I get to "see" this in advance now, as it is a "repeat" of the unification I went through back when my Merkaba was unifying, and this is just the UPGRADED version, our own StarGate.... so when all experiences (particle dematerializing/re-materializing, etc.) unify with this experience, then we shall have the REMEMBERED ability teleport at-will BEYOND just the two EARTHS that we currently have available now, in the actual physical... as this is here.
For now, teleporting for me is observing the particles breaking down, going through a vortex (wormhole) and restructuring on the other side" and knowing I am in a completely NEW space than before. Before it was moving EARTH to EARTH, yet now I feel that shifting and more about to be coming forth. Things are definitely happening very fast here now!.
A "materialization/teleportation" experience is one where the where chest/head/body compression is present and and breathing is hard really hard. WE move inward to shallow breathing for this until the re-materialization has completed. Our energy compresses while we teleport. Today, this is not "that" experience. This experience now is the StarGate Activation and it takes "both" to unify before they can become one entire "Teleporting/Galactic Experience" here in the physical.... for now I observe "each" as they occur and I write and share them with you!
So, electromagnetic field charging up and coordinates being programmed for me at this point. Going to see if I can participate in the "dialing/programming" and REMEMBER more to share later on another post!
p.s. In the lower realms, none of this was possible, whereas in the middle realms we did this in our sleep. In the higher realms all is done while awake and participating. This can't occur if you do not sleep to integrate. Realities do not completely flip while you are awake! Honor your light activations loves and anchoring all within you as much as you can. You must let go of the old density/programming/reality, if you truly wish to BE your STAR BEING self here NOW! Welcome to NEW EARTH Loves... where absolutely EVERYTHING is possible here! Are you ready loves? Let's do this!!!!
So, electromagnetic field charging up and coordinates being programmed for me at this point. Going to see if I can participate in the "dialing/programming" and REMEMBER more to share later on another post!
p.s. In the lower realms, none of this was possible, whereas in the middle realms we did this in our sleep. In the higher realms all is done while awake and participating. This can't occur if you do not sleep to integrate. Realities do not completely flip while you are awake! Honor your light activations loves and anchoring all within you as much as you can. You must let go of the old density/programming/reality, if you truly wish to BE your STAR BEING self here NOW! Welcome to NEW EARTH Loves... where absolutely EVERYTHING is possible here! Are you ready loves? Let's do this!!!!
Lisa Transcendence Brown
The Galactic High Council, Almighty Elohim, Syrians, Lyrans, Angelic Realm, Jeshua, Metatron & more. For all embodied now, no separation, ALL unifies here. Inside though, no longer "out there". WE all unify as onE here. WE again.
The Galactic High Council, Almighty Elohim, Syrians, Lyrans, Angelic Realm, Jeshua, Metatron & more. For all embodied now, no separation, ALL unifies here. Inside though, no longer "out there". WE all unify as onE here. WE again.