업과 윤회 차원에서 바라본 슈타이너의 교육학적 원칙 Art by Rudolf Steiner 0003.jpg '업과 윤회' 차원에서 바라본 슈타이너의 교육학적 원칙 (The Pedagogical Law and its Expression in Karma and Reincarnation) ...(전략) 루돌프 슈타이너는 인지학운동 회원들로부터 가끔씩 자신의 삶의 과제는 무엇인가에 대한 질문을 받았는데 그는 두 가지 답변을 내 놓았습니다. .. 자기계발·Self-Improvement 2011.06.20
Nature of the Soul: Lesson 1 Nature of the Soul: Lesson 1 Lucille Cedercrans In any attempt to understand the Soul, it is wise to consider first that which creates the Soul. In occult terminology they are known as the Will aspect and the Intelligence aspect of Divinity. Orthodox Religion defines them as the Father, and the Holy Ghost, while the scientific mind recognizes them as a Positive Pole and a Negative Pole. All are.. Ascension/Ascension 2009.05.10
The Ascension is Life Lived From 'Joy' (1) The Ascension is Life Lived From 'Joy' I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will "mov.. Ascension/Ascension 2009.03.31