Opportunities 27

If We’re Living in a Virtual Reality, Why Care About Anything?

If We’re Living in a Virtual Reality, Why Care About Anything? Openhearted Rebel By Nanice Ellis, Wake Up World On the path of awakening, sooner or later, everyone reaches a milestone where they experience oneness, and from this state, it’s common to realize that “nothing is real,” and, consequently, there is nothing to do and no purpose to life. After all, since we all eventually wake-up as God..

Being Peaceful And Relaxed In Your Daily Lives...

Being Peaceful And Relaxed In Your Daily Lives is part of your reason for being human. by John Smallman 2017-04-03-jesus-audio-blog-for-monday-april-3rd.mp3 Jesus Audio Blog for Monday April 3rdHumanity’s progress towards awakening is proceeding apace. However, it may well seem to many of you that conflict and chaos worldwide is intensifying, worsening, even approaching a catastrophic state that..

How Your Body Generates Electricity And The Benefits Of Grounding

How Your Body Generates Electricity and The Benefits Of Grounding Dr. Mercola Waking Times Your body is capable of generating electricity, and this ability is actually a key part of your achieving health. Electricity allows your nervous system to send signals to your brain. These signals are actually electrical charges that are delivered from cell to cell, allowing for nearly ..

5D Shift: New Phase Activated - Unwinding the Karmic Construct

5D Shift: New Phase Activated - Unwinding the Karmic Constructby OpenAs we pass through the Inflexion Point between the Old Paradigm and the New, the influx of vibrant energy pulls on the tethering of the old Karmic Construct, progressively unraveling it. From past experience, there comes a point, where the old reality becomes fundamentally untenable in any kind of fixed state..