
"Your Mission" (2)

namaste123 2010. 5. 2. 02:22

New Age

"Your Mission" (2)

By Carolyn Evers

How Missions Change As Souls Move Through the Dimensions

As we mentioned in Your Mission - Part one (http://blog.daum.net/tulla/8514821), the colours used at the creation of a soul define the core mission of the soul. I have completed readings for many healers throughout the years. I usually see those souls created with the central colour being green. Some of the secondary colours might be a yellow which represents wisdom; gold, a special quality of God's energy; ranges of pinks running all the way from light pink to darker shades such as cerise. As you may be aware, pink means love and cerise encompasses the blue-violet shades of compassion interwoven with love.

When God brought forth those souls who would heal, for instance, there were requirements for many different aspects of healing. According to the plan, or Tree of Life, there would be healers necessary for the healing of physical bodies, soul healings, planetary healing, healing the Earth in cooperation with Divas, healing within the core of the Earth, and working with the grid system to name some of the different aspects of healing. So each combination of colour and sound with the primary aspect of green would determine how each of these healers would work with their core mission.

This doesn't mean that the souls had no free will, but rather that the colours formed an inclination as to how souls would play out their mission across the cosmos. We use the word "cosmos" because souls made journeys to many other parts of creation before finding their way here. Each soul has a vast array of knowledge and experience just waiting to be brought forth, remembered and implemented into the ego self. Earth is a rather young part of the cosmos, perhaps the youngest presently, and there were many other places where these skills were honed and developed before coming here.

Souls are not forced to follow their missions and sometimes they don't because they have disconnected themselves from their higher self by shutting down the 'heart' center, or else they have turned away from God. However, even in this, souls learn a lesson, and that lesson is an understanding of what happens when an individual spark moves away from the integrity of who they are and what that means to the soul.

The soul remembers every iota of experience and evaluates it. In the soul's experiences, nothing is either bad or good, it just is. All of these experiences are evaluated before the next entity comes into spiritual form and the soul decides what experiences are required to move the incarnate entity back to the unity between the incarnate soul spark, the higher self, and Prime Creator.

one can almost perceive this in the passion or disinterest that evolves in a soul's life experience. What forces were responsible for the genius of a three year old Mozart to create such complex musical masterpieces at such a tender age? What forces allowed the despair through drugs and alcohol and the end of a life in an insane asylum?

Transition and Judgment

When a soul transitions, there is a period of judgment. However that judgment comes from the soul as the recent past lifetime is assessed and evaluated and integrated into the soul's experiences. There are wise beings that assist the soul in this evaluation, but in my experiences and memories, this judgment does not come from God. This self perception of the results of the previous lifetime becomes a driver for the planning of the next lifetime.

When the result of a life has been very tragic because of missed opportunities, or there has been a suicide involved in the ending of a life or some other very violent ending which was not self-inflicted, there is a special place of healing for these souls.

There is much compassion and care given to these souls and there is a resting period before the journey is again taken up to go forward. Know that these souls are received in great love and healed until peace again returns to their soul.

Know that these souls remember you, the ones that they left behind. You were part of their journey towards self-fulfilment. Know also that they do not want you to suffer as they walked through this doorway. Know that they hold you in great love. There were choices made that you do not understand and your grief holds them back to reach lovingly forward. You will see them again and probably come together to live again as souls usually work together in a core group. Loved ones do not usually leave each other; they just pause to prepare the way for the next joyful experience.

Since we on Earth have had our memory banks cut before we came here, it is sometimes difficult for us to understand our mission if we have not connected to our higher self. Use the gift of intuition, meditate, or connect to Source.

If one has developed the skill of remembering past lifetimes, they can see how the past lifetimes unfolded. While connecting to the past they can see how they used their skills to develop in their core missions or the cause for moving away from their mission.

I know this might seem too simplistic, but to do this you need to trust. I know how frustrating this can be when you want to understand those things but cannot see into the past or see into the other side. Trust in God and trust in yourself. Know that you can visit those moments in the past, watching yourself working with the skills that are implanted in your soul. You can do this. Intend to see yourself in the act of doing and not requesting to see. The request puts the action in the future and takes it out of the present. You already have the ability; you just forgot it. It is an ability of the soul and you can express it again. It is a gift that God gave you.

Doubt is a stumbling block

Where there is a doubt of yourself or God, it is a stumbling block to your success. There is a doorway that you must walk through, but once you do this, the skill becomes stronger each time you use it and more knowledge and ability comes to you. You only need to do this once to reconnect yourself to your past memory. Sometimes it takes an energy worker to help you through this doorway, but once you go through the doorway you can revisit anytime you wish.

During a recent Lord Metatron Soul Healing, I was working with an individual whose mission was healing. Together we watched as she was planning this lifetime before reincarnating. She was a healer, but she couldn't remember how she would start her mission or the tools she would use to heal others.

Lord Metatron suggested to me that we take her to several of her lifetimes. The soul makes the choice of what lifetimes to visit. When we arrived at the first destination, I suggested she look down at her clothing and see how she was dressed; where she was going; what she was doing. I asked her to become aware of her surroundings, and the people she meets. It is the soul that makes the choices for those moments where the individual is ready to see and understand, and the choices are always perfect.

In this case the woman was taken to a lifetime where she was ministering to a sick woman who was lying in bed. She could see how she was working with the sick woman's energy body clearing all negative energies from her physical form. She watched as her former self cleared negative thought patterns from the sick woman, along with negative entities. This one scene allowed her to see all the healing methods that she has used in the past.

The next lifetime she saw herself walking towards a river bank and there were children playing there and laughing. She joined the group and started playing and laughing with the children. She told them stories and these stories were about their bodies and the kinds of foods that were necessary. Her teachings were given to the children in songs and games and they were all about healing the body and the mind.

This woman understood that she was here to heal and to teach. In these two journeys to the past, she was able to understand perfectly how she would use these skills to heal today. The manner in which the soul dialogued with this healer was perfectly exquisite.

If you have a sense of your mission, but are not exactly sure how to begin, you can take a step forward through meditation to find the answers to your questions. In order to do this, the body must be perfectly relaxed and as we said you must have trust and faith that you can do this. Fear is a real stumbling block on this journey. Fear constricts the blood vessels. When the blood vessels are constricted, the body cannot relax. Constricted blood vessels also mean that the delivery of oxygen to the body slows down.

As an aside, consider that if you are in a state of constant fear and anxiety, you constrict the amount of oxygen circulating in the body and this is the basis for the beginning of many diseases. It is very important to clear any patterns of fear and anxiety from the physical body for this reason alone.

Left Brain - Right Brain

Logic, problem solving and such things as schedules are functions of the left side of the brain. Spiritual issues are on the right side of the brain. So many during their typical work day are using the side of the brain dealing with our three dimensional world. We do not use the spiritual side of the brain much and it takes real effort to start to do this.

These movements of thought patterns run through the corpus callosum which is also known as the third eye, or ajna. When spiritual issues come forth they are countermanded by logic. Thoughts coming forth from the soul come through the subconscious and if allowed, they cross over to the logical side. Our logic says, "What is this?" "This is something that we do not understand."

It is at that moment that the logical brain comes forth with opposition to try and understand what this thought or inspiration means to you. That is why you must not question spiritual inspiration in the beginning. That is where "trust" comes in. After you receive the information you can use your logic later to understand what it means. As we mentioned, in the beginning you must stay with your inspiration without evaluating it.

The Power of the Soul

What all of this really means is that all is possible. We have the ability to open any doorway even though we do not have the memories of what is there. Prime Creator wanted to know, and so did we when we first came here with such excitement and passion for the journey, "If we forgot everything as to who we were and where we had been, would we wake up from the dream and remember our love for God?"

Note: I do not wish to challenge anyone's belief system, but I have found that at transition I was the one who judged the previous life and not God. In all the akashic readings that I have done along with Lord Metatron Soul Healings, I have never found that God judged souls.

I have found in all of this work that Prime Creator was responsible for sending us forth to experience. There were no judgments in these experiences, but rather attempts for the souls to understand, evaluate, and explore potential and return to God with the sum total of all of our learning and exploration.

God loves all the souls that were created. Whether we consider these souls dark or of the light, God created all of them. The dark played roles and at the end of the cycle will be received back into the light of God and healed, if they so desire.

Even though most religious teaching is that souls are judged and punished, consider how liberating this thought might be. We are not judged or punished by God, but rather given opportunities to explore infinite possibilities and grow in the understanding and acceptance of God's creation and gifts.

Consider that perhaps judgment and damnation might be a tool of control by those who wish to decide what we should think and what we should feel. Know that what is in the heart is the desire to love and that is what God is all about - love. It is LOVE that is the force that urgently draws us forth to explore in innocence, and to open ourselves up like a rose in bloom; its fragrance wending its way toward our Creator and accepted as our gift to God.

This article is the fourth of a 40-part series, ending in Autumn 2012. The series will then be widely released in Dec 2012 as a freely available ebook, so as many people as possible will understand how they can participate in the Ascension - the transformation of the human race to become guided by and one with Unconditional Love in nature and being. More at Counterpoint Article Library.

to be continued

'자기계발·Self-Improvement' 카테고리의 다른 글

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