"Returning to Now" by Karunesh Returning to Now Draccun If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. Lao Tzu -http://www.karuneshmusic.com Beautiful World of Arts 2012.12.12
I AM University NEWSLETTER I AM University NEWSLETTER The Integrated Ascended Master realizes that the negative ego is nothing but a thought that you are separate from your Creator ... www.IAMUniversity.org | www.PlanetaryWorldService.org | www.IAM-Tunes.org | www.IAMYOU-Foundation.org | www.TheExternalization.org 12/20/2009, Welcome to The Externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy We are excited to announce today, on D.. Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 2009.12.21
NAMASTE NEWSLETTER – "ECONOMY" NAMASTE NEWSLETTER – JUNE 2009 Namaste, Inc., P. O. Box 22174, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123 – 405-773-5210 Website: NamasteConsciousness.org THE ECONOMY Usually when I ask God or the Universe a question, a book, article or person is sent with the answer. One of my recent questions was: How did the economy get into such a mess without anyone stopping the trend? Why wasn’t it.. Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 2009.06.11