Multidimensional Beings 7

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension Life

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension LifeVarious Elders & Seth Buoymaster We must always remember that the dark does not have the co-creator abilities that we do, and that's why they have to control, manipulate and deceive us to create their world for them through our belief systems. If we always remember this, it will become easier and easier to unplug and ~ this took me many y..

The Pleiadian High Council: The 3D Way Of Life Is Now Collapsing…

The Pleiadian High Council: The 3D Way Of Life Is Now Collapsing… Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today. Most of you know that I am assigned full-time with the Earth Council where are very busy! The ascension process is in full swing. The implosion of the third dimensional way of life is collapsing before your very eyes. It is collapsing almost as quickl..