Energy Updates: Exploring Dark Night of the Soul

Energy Updates: Exploring Dark Night of the Soul Hello LuminariesAs we exit 3D consciousness and make our way through the 4th dimension of time toward the 5th dimension, we often, as a rite of passage, go through an intense DNA shift. It is where the majority of our healing crisis’ take place, as the cellular memories and ancestral lineages associated with the 3D carbon-based DNA get transmuted,..

Current Cosmic Quantum Energy Report: Advanced Intelligent Life Forms DNA...

Current Cosmic Quantum Energy Report: Advanced Intelligent Life Forms DNA Activations Delivery for Integration into all Earthly Physical Bodies of Matter 9/5/2017 After weeks of Light Waves and Crystalline/Christed Consciousness flooding our evolving bodies and planet (both being referred to as "Planetary Bodies"), powerful cleansing processes, powerful integration phases, whi..

Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies by Karen Dover

Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies by Karen Dover We in our human form have been kept out of the "evolutionary" cycle that expands ALL life within the universe in TRUTH, this has seen our human form kept within a vibratory frequency loop that has started to feed on itself. The human vehicle was never designed to "break down" and it is the result of the anch..