Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies by Karen Dover

namaste123 2014. 12. 17. 11:11

Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies 

by Karen Dover

We in our human form have been kept out of the "evolutionary" cycle that expands ALL life within the universe in TRUTH, this has seen our human form kept within a vibratory frequency loop that has started to feed on itself. The human vehicle was never designed to "break down" and it is the result of the anchoring of the lower dimensional frequencies that many human vehicles do begin to break down.  ALL is frequency in the universe, so the emotions that you are taught to keep tight hold of begin to work AGAINST the human vehicle which is designed to allow the FLOW of energy through, around and within.

At this time upon the planet many are undergoing a frequency CLEANSE like no other, this is the release of those frequencies that no longer resonate with the LOVE that IS that is now pouring across the planet. Frequencies form and appear as solid reality, by this I mean that to release a frequency may see you need to go to the loo, may see you throw up or experience "pain" in the cells of your human vehicle.  Just as a tree is a frequency that  appears as something "solid" in your outer waking reality  then "illness" is a result of a frequency that is out of balance with the human vehicle.

At this time many of us may be experiencing strange sensations, from sleeping in ways that appear to be other than they are, for example many of us may be sleeping but aware we are sleeping and dreaming, in essence more conscious of the PROCESS of sleeping than we previous were. Some of us may be sleeping for extended periods of time, this allows for the process of integration to be easier on the human vehicle - you do not want to shift dimensions when fully awake! it is very disorientating to see more than one reality all overlaid on all the others.  

Some of us may be rejecting foodstuffs that have served us well for a long time, remember this is an evolutionary process, just because we have fed ourselves on certain foodstuffs up until this moment does not mean we will continue to do this. This is the human logical mind trying to teach that as we have already experienced something we will then continue to experience it.

At this time it is vital that we get in touch with our human vehicles, we have been taught to dismiss them and concentrate on the energy or spiritual aspect of this human life experience but we are in human form for a reason. We are not only upgrading the amount and frequency of energy that WE ARE in TRUTH but also upgrading and re-balancing the human vehicle which houses said energy. The energy of the planet is also expanding and moving, there is no servitude in trying to ignore or just "ride out" this energy wave because it is set to continue, it is not a wave, then a pause, this energetic frequency will continue to expand and increase in its power.

The "separation of worlds" began on the 21st December 2012 and this is due to COMPLETE on the 21st December 2014. This portal as it is being called is the wave that takes us as a species in the New Earth and kick-starts the evolution of the entire human race.

Working with our human vehicles, listening to what is happening within and taking some time to sit and to release that which no longer serves will see the "symptoms" dissolve and the human vehicle return to balance.  This is a NATURAL process and we should be guided by how we FEEL at all moments of all moments. 

Not everyone will experience the same symptoms for not everyone is operating at exactly the same frequency. What may floor one person may see another very buoyant so there is also no servitude in comparing with others. We are all unique and have incarnated into human vehicles that have anchored different frequency patterns.

At this time we are asked to prepare ourselves for the UNKNOWN and to accept and understand that the UNKNOWN is an energetic expanse like no other, it is nothing to step back from for it is under the guidance of GOD and SOURCE at all moments of all moments. WE came here to witness the evolution of the human race therefore we must balance the knowledge that WE have at energy level with the very human aspect of our incarnation.

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question"

