Divine Plan 22

Bashar: "Why Staying on the Highest Frequency Path is Important"

Johneal Rouse Bashar: 2013,14 to 2015 year span:"Why Staying on the Highest Frequency Path is Important" - Published on Dec 7, 2013 Bashar explains that this time span we are in is one for streamlining and fine-tuning our frequency, and why we must tread a very very narrow and high frequency path during the years 2013 through 2015, or else things in our lives can and will beco..


A POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR 'UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS' July 17 - 18, 2010 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles We have just emerged from the unprecedented influence of several very powerful planetary alignments, an exceptionally powerful Solstice, and greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipses. The influx of Light associated with these celestial events helped Humanity to break down the crystallized negative..