
Affirmation of the Disciple

namaste123 2009. 8. 13. 04:21

Affirmation of the Disciple

Author Unknown

I Am a point of Light within a greater Light.

I Am a strand of loving Energy
With the stream of Love Divine.

I Am a point of sacrificial fire,
Focused within the fiery Will of God
And thus I stand.

I strive for better understanding.

Let wisdom take the place of knowledge.

Let the Master of my life, my God Presence,
Throw Light on others through me.

In the center of the Will of God I stand.

Naught shall deflect my will from His.

I implement the Will by Love,
By turning towards the field of Service.

I Am a messenger of Love and Light.

I do not walk alone.

I know myself as one in Service with all Great souls.

A soul, I walk on Earth, I represent the “One”.

Give me your hand and tread the Path with me.

Let Peace and love prevail on Earth now and forever!

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