2022/08 7

What Is The Difference Between The Soul, Self and The Supreme-Self?

What Is The Difference Between The Soul, Self and The Supreme-Self?by Naveen Kumar, The Spirit Science We are aware of the words Soul, Self and the Higher or Supreme self. We often mistakenly get confused and consider these three words meaning as same. But there is a fundamental difference in consciousness that these words represent. The Soul is the individual, Self and Supreme self-are Universa..

Synchronizing with the Universe and Finding our True Path

Synchronizing with the Universe and Finding our True Path Bob Fickes When we first start to wake up and get on the Spiritual Path, we often feel frustrated that things don’t work as easily as we want. Many things from our past continue to bother us and we wonder how long will it take before my life becomes better. When we first wake up and turn on the light, we don’t see a beautiful room. We see..