전체 글 3235

The Healing and Transformative Power of a Spiritual Shower

The Healing and Transformative Power of a Spiritual Shower Spiritual ShowersI love when inspiration hits. And it’s a funny bit of common knowledge that lots of us have our most inspirational ideas in the shower!This isn’t just your imagination. Water has incredible spiritual and healing properties that promote clearing and therefore allow those sparks to manifest and come into your conscious.Wat..

Shift Symptoms While Going From A Carbon Base To...

Shift Symptoms While Going From A Carbon Base To A Crystalline Silicon Body Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself..


청정경(清靜經) 1.​ 노군왈: 대도는 형(形)이 없으나 천지를 생육하고, 대도는 정(情)이 없으나 일월을 운행하고, 대도는 이름이 없으나 만물을 길러낸다. 나는 그 이름을 알지 못하나 억지로 이를 이름하여, '도(道)'라고 한다. 2. 대저 '도(道)'는 맑음이 있고 탁함이 있으며 동함이 있고 정함이 있다. 하늘은 맑고 땅은 탁하며 하늘은 동하고 땅은 고요하다. 남자는 맑고 여자는 탁하고 남자는 동하며 여자는 정하다. 근본에서 내려와서 끝으로 흐르며, 마침내 만물을 생한다. 청은 탁함의 근원이며 동은 정의 기틀이다. 사람이 능히 항상 청정(淸靜)하면 천지가 모두 다 돌아오게 된다. 3. 대저 사람의 정신(精神)은 맑은것을 좋아하지만, 마음이 어지럽게하고, 사람의 마음은 고요함을 좋아하지만, 욕망이 이끌..

Alan Watts: The Taoist View of the Universe

"The Taoist View of the Universe" – Alan Watts by Christopher Chase “Taoists view the universe as the same as, or inseparable from, themselves so that Lao-tzu could say, “Without leaving my house, I know the whole universe.” This implies that the art of life is more like navigation than warfare, for what is important is to understand the winds, the tides, the currents, the seasons, and the princ..

10 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration and Ascending Your Consciousness

10 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration and Ascending Your Consciousness By Sabrina Reber 1. You are aware of the term ascension. You understand that ascension is the process of integrating more LIGHT from your higher soul into your physical being through the process of meditation and ego/shadow work. Ascension requires us to SPIRITULIZE our lower being – taking dominion over our ego/shadow cons..

Energy Updates: Exploring Dark Night of the Soul

Energy Updates: Exploring Dark Night of the Soul Hello LuminariesAs we exit 3D consciousness and make our way through the 4th dimension of time toward the 5th dimension, we often, as a rite of passage, go through an intense DNA shift. It is where the majority of our healing crisis’ take place, as the cellular memories and ancestral lineages associated with the 3D carbon-based DNA get transmuted,..