Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Exiting the Matrix

namaste123 2022. 11. 10. 07:11,h_510,al_c,q_90,enc_auto/241b94_017b5c1c048f49409959b99a279ecdbb~mv2.png

Exiting the Matrix


Until the pandemic happened, I think most people thought that we all lived in freedom, but now with the Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports looming on the horizon, and the great reset is underway, we are rapidly becoming aware that the freedom we thought we had is actually a construct within the Matrix.


If this is the case, then our real freedom is outside of the Matrix. But in order to get out of it, we have to be aware that it exists in the first place. Only then can we discover the key to open the door that has remained locked for life times.


What is The Matrix? It's invisible. It's a belief system that controls our lives from the moment we are born until the moment our body dies.


This belief system feeds us with lower vibrational energy experiences (shame, guilt, jealousy, fear, greed, etc) to keep our minds controlled and enslaved. When we believe that we are simply human beings, not connected to each other in any spiritual way or to the Universe, then we loose our power. When we identify solely as "I am John, or Joe, or Julia" or whatever your name is, and "I am a web designer" or "I am a Director" or whatever your job is, then you limit yourself to your 5 sense reality of who you really are and what you are really capable of manifesting.


In fact we are unlimited consciousness, creators of All That Is, having a brief human experience here on planet Earth. You are so much more than just the body you see in the mirror. We are creating and co-creating every day. But most of us are totally unaware of what we are doing.


Think of how a table is created. First you have to imagine what it looks like in your mind, you have to visualise it and feel it. Only then can you draw it and design it, and then build exactly how you want it to be in your reality. So the same is true of everything in our reality of the 5 senses. First it came from thought, an energy wave in the quantum field.


When we start to understand this on a deeper level, we understand how we manifest things into our lives, how we create everything. We have even co-created the Matrix because we believe it is the only truth. Once we start to expand our consciousness then we become aware how we are being trapped in a limited belief perception of what reality is and who we are.


When you look in the mirror and see this wonderful person looking back at you, do you ever look beyond just the physical you? Can you look in the mirror and imagine that your material body is just the tip of iceberg of who you really are? Can you imagine that actually you are a limitless colourful vibrant source of divine energy? If you can, then you have become aware of your Aura.


The more you think of yourself as just a physical human being, so your energy life force shrinks into your material body. But when you believe in your energetic Aura self, so you start to expand and connect with other energetic conscious Áwake´ beings. You start experiencing incredible synchronicities, meeting people at just the right time to support you on your journey. You start to experience the magic of life.


Top 9 Steps for Exiting the Matrix?


We, humanity, are now in a transition period where the doors to the Matrix are starting to open for the first time and we have the opportunity to exit on mass. This is where I am on my life´s path, so I wanted to give you some practical advice that you can apply to your lives to exit the Matrix too. I know this works as I am doing it right now.



1. You want to surround yourself with people who are open-minded, free spirited and awake.

You just don't want to waste your valuable time and energy being around people who don't get you. This is because you need to be able to talk about all of this stuff and get support quickly. Things are shifting fast now and you need support from people who can really help you.


I´ve noticed the massive benefits of being surrounded by people who are not living in fear, shame, jealousy or guilt. Or are conscious of these emotions and doing their best to rise above them. You feel the difference in their Auric Field.


2. You need to work hard every day on healing emotions relating to shame, guilt, jealousy, etc.

These emotions are designed to keep you trapped in the Matrix, fearful of what others might think of you. I looked at my life and decided that I wanted to work on my sexuality and stop living in shame or guilt. This is why I am now writing my erotic short stories and sharing them through my Loyal Fans page.


I've felt so blocked and ashamed about being sexual for many years, mainly because of the Aura Painting work I am doing. I thought the two should never cross-over. But I finally realised that I had succumb to the power of the Matrix, so I decided to confront my fear head-on.


A woman who was involved in one of my erotic stories, asked to read what I had written, and then decide if she was OK with it being published. It was her reaction that made me realise that there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, in fact it made her really horny and she simply loved it! That was my proof that I was going in the right direction. Two other women encouraged me to start doing tantric naked body painting and gave me glowing testimonials after their wonderful experiences. For so long I had held limiting beliefs of who I am and what is possible. But by breaking through the constructs of the Matrix, I was able to set my Soul free and souls of others. It was a magical awakening.


We are spiritual beings and we are also sexual beings. Both are a natural state of our being, nothing to be ashamed of at all. As a powerful creator and exhibitionist, I am grateful to have found my balance of expression, and I am honoured to be able to bring so much pleasure and joy into people's lives. So now my erotic story telling has become a passion of mine, of course all names are changed to protect the identities of those concerned and consented, as not everyone else is as liberated as I am. I know it is a step-by-step process to exit the Matrix and gain your freedom.


3. Start listening to healing guided-meditations

At least three times per week can work on your subconscious mind and help you to powerfully transform your life within. I created my own and since February, I have been listening to them every week. Massive changes going on, they use the secret ancient knowledge of the Moses Code, very interesting.


I also discovered the healing powers of crystals. I think that with everything in life, most of it comes down to the power of your own belief and transforming your subconscious mind is the first step.


4. Consciously work with the frequencies of 528 hz and 432 hz when listening to music first thing in the morning or going to bed at night.

These will get your mind, body and soul in good harmony for creating miracles in your life.


5. Reduce your possessions.

Only the essential items and the fewer the sentimental things the better. When you have less emotional attachments, you will have less things that can upset when they break down or if they get stolen. So the less emotional stuff you have, the easier it is get out of the Matrix.


6. Pay off all your debt or as much as you can.

You want to reduce your debt to the minimum. Pay off your loans, credit cards, mortgages, etc as they tie you to the Matrix. Then start investing into assets which generate a passive income for you so you are not always working like a slave to make money, but money flows to you 24-7, 365.


7. Start investing into yourself. You are your greatest asset, so learn new skills, re-educate yourself and start evolving. Take online courses. Discover amazing things about yourself, your spiritual journey and the quantum world. Take spiritual retreats and do workshops to get valuable experience. Evolution is the key. Self-mastery is the spiritual way.



8. Health and Medicine.

It used to be that Allopathic medicine was called ´Alternative Medicine´. Instead of running to your doctor for some more antibiotics or other medical drugs, it is best to try and work out what the problem is yourself first. Trust in your inner guidance. Do lots of research into it and then get medical advice. But this can be from many different sources, not just Western Based Medicine. Always tune in with your intuition to get guidance because the medical system is also part of the Matrix.


9. Wake Up!

It's important to be aware of what is really going on in the world, but it's also important not to get wrapped up in it and believe it is the only truth. Once you are aware, then the next step is to always focus on transmuting the negative energies to positive ones so you can uplift and inspire people to be the change they want to see in this world.



So a lot people say that the MATRIX is not a film, it is actually a documentary. If you haven't seen it or it's been a long time since you watched it, now watch it again. Watch it from a different perspective. Discover what it is really trying to tell you.


Apply as much as you can from what I have mentioned in this article to your life.


If you need any help, then reach out me. I am more than happy to chat with you and discuss any concerns you may have. Being the super hero of your life does take courage.



