Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

A Two Year Cycle With The Cancer-Capricorn Eclipses

namaste123 2019. 7. 17. 22:00

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Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are immersed in a two year cycle with the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses, in which, the main inner work for the ones who have chosen to ascend while we inhabit a physical body, is to work with the dissolution of the lower aspects of ourselves and begin to embody, in the physical, higher ones. As we navigate the eclipse waves, especially with Capricorn, it is important that we focus on the anchoring of these ascension energies into our physical body - allowing them to show us what needs to be released, so we can begin the process of physical embodiment, which is how we truly ascend, in the physical.

This eclipse in Capricorn is all about our power and how we use it. Do we use it to stand firm in who we are and personal truth? Or do we give it away, allowing others to direct our lives? Do we really know what true power is, which is all about love and the proper use of wisdom? Or do we still believe that power is about using our ego to control, manipulate and hence try to govern others?

This is a Moon to use your power wisely, become one with it and commune with your soul, from where all your choices should come, for as ascending souls, we no longer wish what we think is best for us, but what our Highest Will desires for All. You are here to BE, observe and assist, and to be able to do so, one must be fully anchored to Earth. 

I have received that it is pivotal to work on our solar plexus chakra, as it is going to be especially affected by the Capricorn eclipse energies. During the eclipse we have the Moon conjunct with Pluto as well as the Sun opposite this last one. These frequencies will help us into the proper embodiment of our emotions of whatever nature they are. 

This could result into a personal shift, which is necessary if we desire to experience a personal transformation. If we align with these energies in a physical level, we could direct them to help us discern if we still have lower emotions trapped within our power center, or if we have transmuted them into loving ones.

As you know, it is in our solar center where the conscious transmutation of lower energies, from ourselves as well as lower chakras, begins. It is there where the process of transmuting lower energies into higher ones occurs - allowing us to dissolve lower emotions, such as fears, guilt, etc. into loving feelings towards ourselves and All.

The energy has to be built from this chakra onwards, so we allow pure emotions to be conducted to our higher chakras. one of the main blockages that impede this influx to our higher senses and hence their opening, is the accumulation of lower emotions, which makes our upper chakras to spin very slow, and hence impeding us to properly descend the guidance and spiritual energy that is meant to be constantly flowing through us. 

As always, you are your own healer and master and you are the one who knows your body and knows how to work with it. However, for those who are beginning or that are not familiar with clearing work yet, one simple tool I use and works for me, although it does not mean it will work for you, as we are all unique, is to call upon the Golden-White Light or just Golden, as you prefer, especially if you are just focusing on your solar center, to be descended to you through your crown chakra with the purpose of purification, self-empowerment and freedom.

This Light is a very powerful one that is pure Consciousness, not just a mere color. This will help you together with your Unified Self, Guides and Soul direct family, to clear your physical and non-physical bodies as well as channels of all lower energies and will help you do your inner work of self-transmutation, so the illumination of your physical self can take place.

I suggest to work with the feminine at the same time that we focus our attention into our solar, and hence masculine essence, as well as patriarchal issues, at this time, not only due to the Cancer frequencies that still surround us and that invite us to work with old wounds, familiar issues etc. but for the proper balance of both essences, so we do not fall into the trap of nurturing one more than the other. 

During these two years, we are being blessed beyond our human understanding with what we call healing energies that in truth are Illumined Essences, Beings and forms of Consciousness directed to us for the inner work of self-remembrance and illumination. This is an opportunity for all, not just the ascending souls, to work on the harmonization of both essences, distorted beliefs about the authentic role of the masculine and feminine, parental wounds and what true power really is, which is never separated from love and wisdom, as the Threefold Flame reminds us. 

After the proper work is done with our solar plexus chakra, it is important to clear our four bodies so we can begin the process of purification required for us to begin anchoring our higher chakras system - fifteen chakras - into our physical body. This is a process in which we finally begin to unify and anchor, in our physical self, all the ethereal energy and wisdom that resides in our higher chakras and that needs to be descended and anchored.

While we are working with our bodies, and in any other purification work we do, it is pivotal to call upon Guides, often parallel aspects of us, Unified Self, and Soul direct family to be working with us from a deeper perspective. This will assist us tremendously to have the proper protection required for us to develop the inner work we are doing with success. This is also useful to integrate the healing energies required for this process to conclude with the dissolution of what no longer serves.

Your soul direct family is You. These are twelve soul extensions, counting yourself, who are incarnated, although the usual is that five or six remain in the non-physical planes, and ascend as you too do so and vice versa. All of you, even though residing as individualized aspects, are one. They will protect, care and love you above all, and your responsibility is to provide them with the proper evolution that will help the entire soul group to move into a higher level of consciousness.

When we call upon all these aspects of us we are working as one, whether we are aware of it or not. It is then that unification and healing occurs, allowing us to begin the conscious task of anchoring higher essences from our Unified Self, into this physical body, resulting in what we call self-illumination, which is simply the evolution, of our human self in the physical, by properly embodying spiritual energies.

I wish you all a loving and healing Eclipse, Beloved ones!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba
