
On Meat-Eating

namaste123 2019. 9. 16. 01:19

On Meat-Eating 

"Despite what has been programmed to humans throughout education over the decades, the idea of meat-eating has been an agenda that serves a variety of purposes. 

1. To place humans in a base vibration mainly eating animal tissue, muscles, tendons that contain adrenaline poisons to make your bodies sluggish and frail overtime.

2. The agenda to fuel the meat industry into a profitable multi-billion dollar empire. There is absolutely no real nutritional value within your common meats purchased, for it is only the selling of discarded parts of the animal regularly poisoned by harsh adrenaline deposits as a result of slaughter.

Humans have and always will be herbivores. If you don't believe us, look at your own teeth. They are the teeth of herbivores. Have you ever tried eating heavy amounts of raw flesh in excess? No... Because it would make you ill and then kill you. Because herbivores aren't designed to ingest meat like that. This is the understanding in working more towards a protocol of food consumption that is simpatico with your body's natural functions. Herbivore, vegetarian, fruits...

All of these are the natural compatible elements to further the human body in increased vitality and higher levels of health. It is not a conspiracy, it is nature designed and imprinted into the human genome that the creator has left for you to enrich yourselves on this planet."

Adronis via Brad Johnson

