Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Accelerate Your Ascension with Meg Benedicte

namaste123 2018. 3. 25. 14:04

[TMHE2] Meg Benedicte


TUNE IN to receive today’s powerful transmission which includes the following:

  • What the 12 strands of DNA are relating to the chakras
  • What it means to fully embody the soul
  • A discussion on the enslavement of humanity and the dark force agenda (from a really empowered, SOLUTION based place)
  • What truly is 5D and how does it feature in ascension?

Meg Benedicte is a Quantum Healer, Alchemist, Ascension Activator and creator of Quantum AccessTM - a powerful healing technique that quickly shifts consciousness, unlocks karma and removes energetic patterns to accelerate your personal Ascension.

In 1994 Meg Benedicte experienced a spontaneous Kundalini Activation that opened her energy body to accept an Avatar Angelic Walk-In Soul. As Meg opened to the guidance and wisdom of her Higher Self and personal connection with AA Metatron, she catapulted into the revolutionary Ascension process.

Tapping into ancient Mystery School knowledge from past incarnations in Lemuria, Sirius and Zep Tepi Egypt, Meg has developed a time-tested Ascension Activation program for all seeking Soul Integration.

For the past 20 years, Meg Benedicte has been sharing Quantum AccessTM in her private healing practice and with international audiences in Webinars, Global Meditations, radio shows and her book, Soul Realized: Unlocking the Sacred Keys of Becoming a Divine Human. For more information, visit