Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Entities, Star Seeds & Psychic Self Defence... With Steve Ahneal Nobel

namaste123 2018. 3. 19. 14:14

[TMHE2] Steve Ahneal Nobel


This transmission which includes the following:

  • What’s happening now in Earth’s ascension cycle
  • Who and what are star seeds and how to discover if you are one
  • What the dark force agenda is about
  • Reptilians, annunaki and the dark Orions
  • Why psychic self defence is SO important and some tips on how it's done

Steve Ahneal Nobel is an author of 5 non fiction books, his most recent being an ebook called Starseeds which Steve is generously sharing for free with you here:  Check it out to feel into if you are one and to understand what star seeds are all about!
Steve is a spiritual coach and the founder of a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing. Prior to his current work he was a director for 13 years of a non profit spiritual organisation called 'Alternatives' (which is based in Piccadilly, London).