Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings


namaste123 2017. 6. 1. 10:30


Kryon – The DNA of the Human Being is ready to shift and change. 

You’ll never see it in a microscope because it’s not chemical, it’s physics.  The 90 percent of DNA that heretofore was junk is now understood by your science. Science now understands that this 90 percent is information – a manual – a control panel for the genes. But it’s still a mystery as to what it actually contains or how it gives out the information to the genes. What is not acknowledged yet is that it is a multidimensional transmission. To most biologists that would be a stretch, but there actually is a bit of quantumness in your DNA, and this has also been scientifically seen (Garaiev and Popoinin experiments with DNA).

This 90 percent of DNA is like trillions of antennas in your body, ready to receive information and then rewrite the manual via the changes in your grids. The DNA is going to receive information and shift. It’s going to affect genetics. Mothers will receive it first and pass it to their children. Mothers, you don’t even know you’ve got it, yet you are passing it to your kids right now. Are you aware of the books of my partner from more than 10 years ago about “The Indigo Children”? These children were precursors to the new energy. The kids are different! It started before 2012 – way before – since the potentials were very high that you would make it, and you did. Mothers of grandchildren, do I have to ask you if they are different? Very different!

Changes in the Kids are First

A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born. You’re in a new place in space, the Sun is quiet, you have the nodes and the nulls feeding new information into the grids, and the paradigm of consciousness is different for them than it was for you. Their Genesis cells, the “how a Human works” cells, are changing.

Things will start working that are unusually different for standard Human nature. The intuitive self, the barrier between innate and consciousness, will start to improve. The barrier starts to become less. Be ready for children who have very accurate intuition about what’s wrong with them. If they tell you something’s wrong, take them to the doctor! Immediately. Don’t tell them, “It’s your imagination, honey”, or, “It will be okay later; it’s growing pains.” Do you hear that? 

There are those listening to this right now who need to hear that, because their children are saying, “I feel funny; something’s wrong.” Mothers who are used to raising children are also used to an old energy paradigm that has a certain health template. This is changing. The kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn’t built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they’re feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. 

Listen: You didn’t have it, but they do. Listen to them.

The Akash of the child is starting to become clearer. These children are going to tell you many things about who they’ve been and what they’ve done. If you’re a parent and you are listening to this now, the worst thing you can do is suppress it. The best thing you can do is to tell the child the absolute truth, the absolute truth: “I believe you.” When you say things out loud, it helps the child. That’s truthful and the child will get it. Listen, parent: In these things, be an ally to your child, and it will change your relationship with your children. Be honest with them about it all. Tell them not everyone will understand, so there are times to be quiet about it. These are instructions for kids in the New Age. These attributes are going to get even stronger, and your instructions will make sense.

Instinct is going to work better than it ever has. Instinct is not something that you are used to seeing much in Humans. You see it in animals mostly, because the offspring of animals have a very strong survival instinct. It is passed to them so well that they can actually walk within hours of birth! You don’t have that. However, this same mechanical passing of instinct is starting to become stronger in Humans, and especially that which will come from the Akash. It is chemical as well as being esoteric (genetic and Akashic). As it is in animals, you should have it also and you will. You’re going to see children remembering how to walk and how to eat much earlier, without training. It will be faster than the older paradigm, and faster than the doctors who know about child development will have seen. It will be “off the scale”. Get ready for it; it’s instinct. It’s simple chemistry. It’s the DNA working better.

If you look at the DNA cell itself, you might ask, what is happening? The truth is that DNA is becoming more informed, some say “enabled”. Now, there is a buzzword in esoteric belief called activation. Please don’t change it, but know that it’s not accurate. You are not activating anything. Instead, you are releasing DNA from a prison. If you have somebody who is crippled in a chair, shriveled and not able to move, yet suddenly they are released from this bondage, and the fingers untangle and the hand starts to become whole again, it’s because something that has happened to the DNA. It hasn’t happened to the hand, or to the muscle, or to the fingers, not even to the arm, but to the DNA. It’s a release. I want you to hold this vision. All the changes I have talked about are about being released from  a prison of crippled DNA! And (get ready), it happens to ALL DNA in the body at once. It’s a “whole body experience”, not a local “hand/arm” one.

Your DNA is crippled in this old energy, and it’s your own free choice that created this. Your DNA, your lifespan (aging), your diseases are all where you wanted to take the energy of this planet, and your DNA cooperated. This is what you’ve lived with, and what is now changing. It’s not DNA activation, it’s DNA release. Release!

The profundity of it all: Do you realize the help that you have? Did you think for a moment that all of this was going to be you just doing these things? It involves the galaxy, the part of space you’re in, the nodes and the nulls, and the creator of the Universe. It involves the Pleiadians, it involves your timeline, and it involves love. All of this is for you to sit in a new energy and release the bonds of your DNA. Now, dear ones, old souls, there is something you ought to know. You don’t have to wait to be reborn for this. The old soul has the equipment inside right now, just like the newborn.

DNA Templates

Your DNA is filled with information and templates. Now, templates are patterns and paradigms of life. Most of these templates are ones that you have that are not complete. Now, what you don’t know about a template is that is has what we would call a patterning of its own. If you have a portion of a template already, that is to say, a piece of the design, it draws to itself the rest of the design, if it can. Did you understand that? If you have a piece of the picture, that piece has an attitude – an attitude of desire – wanting the rest of the picture! 

As soon as it’s possible to get that missing piece, it’s like magnetics. It literally flies to itself and the template snaps into place and you get the whole thing. All of you have pieces of the template and the ones who have the most profoundly “ready” pieces are old souls (the ones reading this). Your earth experience has waited for this! You are then going to complete the templates that are missing, old soul.

– Kryon
