Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Forgiveness is the KEY

namaste123 2015. 11. 9. 07:11

Forgiveness is the KEY

by Karen Doonan

For many people the past few linear weeks may have been immensely emotionally painful.  At times during the ascension to evolution process we are placed in what we perceive to be isolation, this is a phase of the process where we are removed from the distractions of the old earth in order to understand what is playing out. So much false teaching is taught in relation to being "alone" that many simply allow themselves to be overwhelmed and start allowing their human logical minds to tell them that they must have done "something wrong" or be "at fault". This works purely to trigger the emotional residue that we are taught to carry deep within us and to defend at all times.

Many people fall to the illusion in respect of what they "should" be doing, the illusion presents the idea of the "happy couple with 2.4 children, good jobs, cars, holidays" etc and many people simply filter out that the old earth construct is set up to PREVENT this from being experienced.  Whilst we run the idea that the rest of the human race is living something that eludes us we begin to resent those around us, most of this plays out at an unconscious mind level and begins to feed on itself.  Instead of opening our hearts we begin to close our hearts down, we begin to see those around us as competition and we begin to filter out that those around us are often playing to the same script and assuming and perceiving that THEY are the odd one out. As this is all done at an unconscious and sub conscious level it hides the darkness that uses these doorways in order to gain a hold.

A person who holds a grudge is perfect feeding ground for triggering repeatedly more fear and anxiety which is the very food of the old earth construct. Forgiveness is a word that is bandied about but usually completely misunderstood. To forgive someone for something you have perceived they have done (and I state perceived because we can only ever perceive an others intentions, we are not them, we do not know the emotional residue that is coloring their life experience) is not saying "ok i forgive you but i wont forget what you have done", this false teaching negates the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is POWERFUL which is why the old earth teaches to ignore it. We are taught repeatedly within the old earth to "never forget" in order that the door remains open to the pain for the darkness that exists within said old earth construct.  We walk about carrying the pain of "past experience" and then wonder why our life never gets any easier, why it seems we are always being hurt by others. What is filtered out is that the hurt is a two way street, many people believe that they do not hurt others, that it is others who hurt them, many believe that they are actually justified in hurting those around them as they have been "wronged".  There is a false teaching that states "an eye for an eye", if this was physically carried out the entire world would be blind but it is ALREADY spiritually blinded by this false teaching.  For the pain is a spiritual as well as emotional pain , emotional residue affects all levels of this our human life experience.

When a human being is in pain they are looking for a salve for said pain, they are looking to escape the pain and the old earth construct teaches that this is through defense/ attack, that to prevent more pain then the pain already experienced has to be remembered at all costs. This simply teaches how to fuel life from the point of pain, a life fueled from pain will only ever contain and be experienced as pain.

As we now stand on the threshold of a new way of living and being and begin the EXODUS that brings us to the new earth physically we are asked to leave at the door way all the frequencies and teachings from the old earth. This in plain terms is the pain, the emotional residue that we have lived with and been taught is our life.  This is not TRUTH, just because the experience is pain does not make pain TRUTH, it just shows how well DESIGNED the old earth is in creating the experience of pain.

Forgiveness is therefore the KEY that many will not pick up, preferring to defend the experiences and the resulting pain of the old earth. Attempting to prove that they are somehow "justified" in carrying the pain and the reasons for it but this "justification" is the tool of the old earth and the darkness.  The emotional prison that is created from said pain is one in which each person is locked into until they use the KEY of FORGIVENESS.  Many will reject this and continue to try to fuel their lives from the teachings of a construct that was DESIGNED and CREATED to harvest pain, trauma and grief.

I have updated the main Truth Codes Ministries website with further prayers that may be useful in these End of Days. We were never created to live this life isolated from SOURCE and from our creator YHWY, we were created to experience deep love and joy. Just because we were born into a construct that is designed to negate this does not make the construct any more real or solid than a wisp of smoke but the illusion will present itself to us a deep as the emotional residue that we carry.  The key to the EXODUS is handing over ALL emotional residue and residing in the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ who won our victory on the cross. There is never any requirement to hold tight to any pain that we have experienced or are currently experiencing but we must hand this pain over. Many have become so used to dealing with everything themselves they can see no other way forward.

Forgiveness does not say that we are weak, indeed it shows that we are able to rise above our own human ego and understand that we cannot see the bigger picture that is at play from this our human reference points. That we do not have all the answers and that miracles are granted to us when we suspend the human logical mind and what it will and will not accept.  Miracles are available at all moments and they start from forgiveness, of SELF and those who share(d) the old earth construct. As we now move more fully into our evolution we will begin to understand that the enemy was never another human being, the enemy was the emotional residue fed upon by the darkness, this darkness is now running out of food and will try anything it can to remain.  Forgiveness slams the door shut on this darkness and is a gift from GOD.  This gift is presented to ALL at all moments and is handed to us as we exit the old earth reality permanently and begin to live in the new earth in TRUTH.

For those who are at a loss as to the next step to take I hand you the GIFT that GOD has presented to ALL within the human race, this gift is FORGIVENESS, it is the key that will set you free and remove the blindfold from your eyes at a human conscious waking mind level.  I have accepted and used this key and have been shown how powerful this KEY is and now I share it with ALL for WE ARE.

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question"

Karen X

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight


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