Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

Soul Ages: "Have you ever wondered…?"

namaste123 2014. 1. 10. 11:44

Soul Ages

by Path To Ascension

Have you ever wondered why some people act the way they do? In this series I explore Soul Ages. 
Each person you know is probably at a different soul age to you. By understanding soul ages, you can 
better navigate your life, and you may just figure out where you are in the big picture!




Published on Jun 10, 2012

An appropriate motto for the Infant soul is, "Let's not do it". They do not know how to confront 
the world effectively.

The Baby soul Age is like the typical teenage know-it-all stage. An appropriate motto for the Baby Soul is,
"Do it right or not at all"

Having mastered the Infant and Baby Soul issues of survival, discipline and order, the Soul is now 
looking to see how powerful it can become in the world. The motto here is "Do it my way!"

By the end of the Young Soul phase, uneasiness arises that something is amiss. All the wealth, 
power and acclaim aren't quite enough; profits and winning no longer have any real value. 

Thus begins the search of the Mature Soul period. The questions "Who am I? Why am I here?" 
are asked with frequency in these lives.

On deep inner levels, Old Souls perceive the interrelatedness existing among all people. 

Intuitively they sense they are part of an integral whole.

Soul Ages ID Chart

Download a Hi-Res, full colour, A3 x 3 pages ready to print PDF.
It is a quick reference guide for everything I have discussed in this series.
If you can spare a donation I would greatly appreciate it - if only a couple of dollars

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