Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

The Reality You Experience by Joshiah Group

namaste123 2013. 10. 9. 22:00

Joshiah Group is channeled by Bub Hill.
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Well now, well it is indeed a pleasure to be back within your vibrational level and to once again have this opportunity to interact and to share with each of you.

Now we would remind you before we begin that once again the energy that you have created in this sacred space remains, and the opportunity for you to be involved in that silent communication, that telepathic exchange of information, exists should you choose to do so.  As always, the choice is yours.  We would never attempt to tell you that you should or should not do any particular activity.  As always, we would infer that there could be possibilities available to you and it is your choice to do whatever it is that you desire.

Now; as we spoke earlier this afternoon, this reality that you experience in your conscious state is a reflection of what it is that you believe.  It is a creation that you are responsible for whether you choose to accept that responsibility or not in your conscious state.  At some level within the layers of consciousness, if you wish, you understand absolutely your reality creation process and you understand absolutely that it is your creation, that it is your responsibility. When you are in your conscious state you are as far removed from the understanding of who and what you truly are as it is possible for you to accomplish.

You alter your state of consciousness and enter into a dream state each and every physical day of your existence, for the most part.  And when you are in that dream state you have the capacity to interact with that portion of yourself which you might refer to as your higher self, that spark of consciousness that has the capacity to create, that multidimensional personality that you are.  And you as well interact with other entities at various levels of consciousness as you put in place the agreements and the contracts to create the reality that you will experience in your day-to-day activities.

Now; when you are in your conscious state you believe in time and space.  They are illusions.  They do not exist in other areas of your consciousness.  And when you are in that altered state of consciousness in what we refer to as the deep dream state you understand and comprehend that time and space are illusions.  In that state you also have the capacity to interact with other entities that you would seem to believe are on what you would refer to as the other side—entities that seemingly do not seem to participate in this particular incarnational period.  And while you are in your conscious state—being as you believe this incarnational period is the most important, not only the most important but in many instances the only existence that you participate in—then you believe that those other entities are not interacting with you as they are not actively participating in the creation in your conscious state in this incarnational period.

However, in your altered state of consciousness, in that dream state, you understand and have the capacity to interact and do interact with other entities that are not interacting with you in this so-called incarnational period.  For once again, time and space are illusions.  You only experience them and you only validate them in your conscious state.  They do not exist in that dream state or in what you refer to as a between incarnational states.  When you are in that dream state, in that altered state of consciousness, you once again understand absolutely the reality creation process and you understand absolutely what the beliefs are that you hold.  When you come back into the conscious state you put in place once again that electromagnetic type of energy that limits your understanding not only of who and what you truly are, but also many times limits your understanding of the belief systems that you hold deep within your so-called subconsciousness.  Your choice.  Absolutely.

Now; as you continue this transference into this new age and new energy it shall become much easier for you to consciously get a grasp of what those belief systems are and if you wish to change them.  Understand that the belief system precedes the reality.  Absolutely.  There are many other concepts of reality creation process that individuals hold as belief systems and they create realities that support those beliefs but underlying always is that basic truth, if you wish, that the reality that you experience is a reflection of your beliefs.

There are those who would suggest that you hold a certain attitude and that will affect your belief system.  Well, first of all, you must believe that if you hold an attitude it can have a certain effect upon your beliefs.  And so the attitude is rather a reflection of the belief rather than the belief being a reflection of the attitude.  So when you pay attention to the spontaneous attitudes that you experience you can get a glimpse of what the belief system that you hold is that is responsible for the attitude that you are spontaneously experiencing in relationship to any event that you are being involved in when interacting with other individuals.  Pay attention to the spontaneous reactions, to the spontaneous attitudes to get a glimpse of what the belief is that is responsible for the creation of that reality.

There are those who would suggest as well that your thoughts precede your belief system, and it is not that way at all.  Your thoughts are a reflection, once again, of your attitudes and your beliefs.  They interact with your feelings and the beliefs…[tape is overridden with static and noise and fades out for a couple of sentences]…and what the belief is that is responsible for the reality that you are experiencing.  And you can consciously alter the belief.  And when you pay attention to those attitudes and you pay attention to those thoughts, you begin to understand how they influence your decisions that creates the reality that validates the illusional belief.  And you, as individuals entering into this new age and new energy, are developing the capacity to consciously understand and alter your beliefs and your belief systems in order to consciously alter the reality that you are experiencing.

You see, in the old age and in the old energy you put in place the majority of your belief systems, and indeed many of the major events that you would experience in a particular incarnational period, in your so-called altered state of consciousness that you would refer to as the between incarnational periods.  And so your entire existence, if you would, was to a certain extent pre-determined before you entered into this conscious state of a particular incarnational period.  So it became quite easy to predict your future.  It was quite easy for various individuals who had the capacity to tap into and understand what your beliefs were to give a fairly accurate description of what you would experience within a particular incarnational period.  Not only what you would experience within a particular incarnational period but indeed to accurately forecast and accurately prophesize what could be experienced over a multitude of incarnational periods in succession, for it was all, if you wish, pre-determined.

Your choice.  You were not forced into that situation, absolutely not.  It is a choice that you made to validate your reality while you are in your conscious state to make it seem real, to make it seem like you are not in control.  For you see, if it is more real then the intensity of the feelings become much greater.  And that is what you came here for in the first place.  That is why you chose to create and to be involved in this vibrational level—in order to experience the intensity of the emotions and feelings that you have the opportunity to experience as a result of your creation.  And the more that you seemed to be less in control of your creation, the more intense the feelings and emotions were that you had the opportunity to experience.

In this new age and new energy you are developing the capacity to consciously get a grasp of what your beliefs are and to consciously alter them, and so it becomes much more difficult to predict your future.  Not impossible.  For you see, someone can predict your future and in fact, there are many entities existing within your vibrational level who can quite accurately predict a future based upon your present beliefs and present understandings of this reality in your conscious state.  However, as you alter this vibrational level, as you alter the energy and enter into this new age and new energy, it becomes much more difficult to give an accurate prediction because you can consciously alter that belief.  It is no longer a belief that is necessarily set in place in your altered state of consciousness, in your between incarnational states, but one that you have the capacity to understand consciously and therefore alter.  And as you alter the belief you have the capacity to alter your future.  And your future, therefore, becomes much more difficult to predict.

The irony of it is that you exist in the ‘now’ and your past and your future are very easily manipulated.  Not only very easily manipulated but constantly manipulated in your reality creation process.  You just don’t understand or grasp that concept in your conscious state for you believe in time and space.  Time and space are two of the very strong human consciousness belief systems that you have agreed to participate in; that you as individuals have agreed to perpetuate while you are in your conscious state.  Therefore, that belief in time and space—in order to have a validation—requires that there be a past, a present, and a future, and that is requires a certain length of time to travel from one point to the other.  So that time and space become very real and very difficult to manipulate while you are in your conscious state.  However, in your altered state of consciousness they do not exist.  And therefore, in that altered state of consciousness you understand the interaction and the relationship between your so called past, present, and future incarnational periods and how each one influences and can and does affect the other, and how you have the capacity to alter them—past, present, and future.  A difficult concept to grasp in your conscious state.

Indeed the limitation of the use of a vocabulary prohibits what you might refer to as an accurate explanation of what the ‘now’ is.  For to use the terminology of ‘now’ is to infer that there must be a particular aspect of your existence that is “this instant”, “this now”, and yet that is not what we refer to at all.  But rather that the ‘now’ is an encompassing of your past, present, and future.  A very difficult concept to grasp and a very difficult concept to give an explanation for, once again, due to your limited understanding and your absolute belief in a time and space phenomena.  Nonetheless, they are illusions and you do create your reality.  And as you exist in and enter into this new age and new energy you are developing the capacity to alter your reality consciously, to alter the belief systems that are reflected in your reality, absolutely, and thereby altering the reality that you perceive in your conscious state.

Each of you has that capacity.  It is not that one has some type of particular attribute that is not let to another.  Absolutely not.  Each individual existing not only within this vibrational level but throughout all of the vibrational levels throughout all of creation use exactly the same method of reality creation process, by establishing a belief and having that belief being reflected in the reality that they experience.  Your reality creation process is exactly the same as ours.  We simply understand the process and you only understand that process in your altered state of consciousness.  In your conscious state you do not have a grasp of that understanding.  Even in your altered state of consciousness you still exist within the limitations of a veil that limits your full understanding, your full capacity to grasp the enormity of who and what you truly are and of the limitless possibilities that exist for you to create whatever it is that you desire.

You create your reality.  Your attitudes are a reflection of your beliefs, not the other way around.  And your attitudes and your beliefs influence your thoughts and the combination of those have an influence as well upon the decisions that you make, resulting in the reality that you experience.  And that reality is not only influenced by but is a reflection of the beliefs that you hold.  Absolutely.  You have but to believe.  You have but to understand and to accept the responsibility.  You have but to make the choice to believe that you create it all and you can have it all.  Understand that that god that you search for exists withinside each and every one of you.  It is who and what you truly are.  You are no more and no less than any other spark of consciousness that has the capacity to create.  There is no greater and there is no less.  You are that spark of consciousness that you search for.  It exists within each and every cell of your entire being.  Not only that, it exists within each and every cell of this entire universe that you participate in the creation of.

You create your reality and you absolutely cannot fail.  When you get a grasp of that understanding that you cannot fail to come to the understanding of who and what you truly are then you can set that aside.  You don’t have to dwell on it.  You don’t have to search anymore for that god, for it exists within you.  It is who and what you truly are.  It is an unconditional and absolute love for who and what you truly are.  For you create this reality from a position of love.  You are, withinside, absolute unconditional love.  When you can accept that, accept it absolutely without challenge and without doubt—make it the belief that is the focus of your existence—then you can get on with living.

For you see, you chose to be involved in this vibrational level.  You are not here because someone forced you to be here.  The purpose of existing within this vibrational level is to live.  The purpose that you chose to be here and to exist in the conscious state is to experience.  You didn’t come here to exist so that you could search for god.  Because you see, before you came into this vibrational level you knew exactly who you were, that you were god.  You simply chose to set that aside.  You chose to set that aside.  You chose to put in place that vibrational level that limits the understanding of who and what you truly are while you are in your conscious state.  Accept that and then you can once again put that aside and get on with the purpose of creation of this reality, which is to have the opportunity to experience the broad range of feelings and emotions that are available to you.  You can get on with living.  You can get on with creating what it is you desire.  You can get on with using your imagination.  You can get on with understanding that through loving yourself you can have whatever it is that you desire.  The choice is yours.  Absolutely no other individual can make the choice and absolutely no other individual can create for you.

Now if you wish, we would be willing to attempt to answer any questions that you might have for us.

QUESTION:  I was wondering is there a difference between perception and creation?  Or is it kind of the same thing?

ANSWER:  What do you believe?  Once again, you create this reality.  Absolutely.  Now; that creation is a reflection of your beliefs and that becomes difficult to grasp, once again, for you believe that this is real.  And so you exist in an illusionary reality that you believe is real and it is not really real.  It is an illusion.  If it is an illusion, is the perception of that illusion real?  Or is the perception an illusion as well?

When you enter into a theatre and you look at a projection upon a screen, is that real or is that illusionary?  Well you believe that it is illusionary because in your conscious state you get a grasp of the understanding of the creation process of that particular projection that you are observing upon the screen.  You are perceiving, absolutely, but does that mean that you are not responsible for the creation as well?  You understand that it is an illusion, absolutely, but that does not mean that you do not understand that you have an active participation in the creation of such an illusion.

Simply because it is an illusion does not mean that you did not create it or at least have an influence upon the creation.  And because you perceive it, does not mean that you did not create it or did not have an influence upon that creation.  And so a perception indeed is a validation of a creation, which can be one and the same if that is what you believe.  But nonetheless, a perception simply influences, validates the illusionary creation which gives you the opportunity to experience the feelings and emotions that are involved with that creation.

Does that answer your question?

QUESTION:  Do you have any comments on the U.S. presidential race?

ANSWER:  Once again, your existence within this vibrational level is influenced by what we have referred to as human consciousness belief systems and societal belief systems and individual belief systems.  Societal belief systems have influences upon what you refer to as election results, if you wish.  Those particular activities, once again, can have an influence upon individual belief systems and creation and reality perception.  But, once again, the individual belief systems have a greater influence and allow you to have different perceptions within the societal belief systems.

The choice of which individual is elected within a particular electoral event is as a result of the particular individual belief systems that are involved in and participating in that election process.  Which way it goes really makes absolutely no difference in your reality creation process.  You will create it in exactly the same way—it will be a reflection of your belief systems, of your human consciousness belief systems, of your societal belief systems, and of the individual belief systems.  And it is possible through the individual belief systems to have an influence upon the societal belief system and indeed, through the individual belief systems, to have a capacity to effect the human consciousness belief systems.  And so the result of the election is not nearly as important as the individual belief systems that have an influence upon the activities that are to occur as a result of that particular election.

Does that answer your question?

QUESTION:  I have a couple of questions that have to do with a dream.  I was in a place, a building, and a construction worker came to the door to ask if I minded if he built something outside that was going to make a noise and I said no, that wasn’t a problem.  And at that point—and he was with another man as well, I think a construction worker—at that point, this man thanked me and gave me a hug.  And I realized when he gave me a hug that he knew me and I knew him but I also realized that while he was hugging me he was starting to lose consciousness in that particular vibrational level, wherever we were.  And I know how I feel when that happens when I am in a dream and I start to lose consciousness there and I realized that was what was happening to him.

And I asked him what his name was to try to keep his consciousness there enough so that I could talk with him.  But he didn’t respond and I saw on his hand, etched in his hand—which doesn’t make sense now, of course—but his entire life history was written in a foreign language, very tiny writing etched right into his skin.  It was as if it grew that way.  And I think his name was there but also there was a poem or a prayer or something, which a part of me understood and I knew in there that a part of me didn’t understand it either.  And obviously it was this part of me because when I got back here I can’t remember, I don’t understand what was written on the hand.  But I know a part of me did understand it because I did when I was there.

My two questions, first of all, are do you have any information on who that individual was?  And the second question is that experience of me being aware of part of me not understanding that writing and part of me understanding it, is that an example of kind of a glimpse of that multidimensional personality experience?  If any of that makes any sense, do you have any comments?

ANSWER:  First of all, we would suggest and remind you that when you return into your so-called conscious state that your perception and memory of those particular interactions that you experienced in the so-called dream state become very distorted.  Your choice.  Absolutely no one else’s choice.  But you see, to not have that distortion would allow you to understand absolutely the reality creation process, which would make this conscious state seem very illusionary indeed—which it is, but you do not believe it is in the conscious state.  But it would indeed take away the veil, if you wish, it would take away that belief that this is real and it would validate the illusionary effect that you are experiencing throughout all of your vibrational levels. And so you choose—not only you, but other individuals, all individuals existing within your vibrational level choose to alter the memories that you bring back into your conscious state from your so called dream state to distort the interactions with other entities that you interact with in your so called dream states.

Now; we are not familiar with this entity that you are referring to.  For some reason we do not get that response from you and, as we have suggested so many times, the information that we suggest to you is information that is contained within yourself.  To believe that we, as individuals existing outside of your vibrational level, have access to information that you, as individuals existing within your vibrational level, do not have access to would be rather ludicrous indeed—would put us in a position of superiority and that is not the case at all.  In this sense, however, we do not perceive or get a perception of that individual.  We would suggest, however, that we do get a perception that that individual is existing in and experiencing interactions with you in other incarnational periods, absolutely.  And that interaction indeed was putting in place the agreements and the contracts for interactions in those other incarnational periods.

Now how as to receiving information regarding the so-called activities of an individual in another lifetime, it is only when you are in your conscious state that you limit that capacity to interact with and to understand all of the instances of interactions, not only in this lifetime, in this incarnational period, but in all the other incarnational periods that you are participating in simultaneously.  For you to attempt to bring that particular knowledge back into your conscious state would put you in a state of insanity.  As we have suggested before, it is not within your mental capacity in your conscious state to get a grasp of the understanding of who and what you truly are and of all of the interactions that you participate in, of all of the contracts and agreements and beliefs that you put in place—not only for this particular incarnational period, but for all of the other incarnational periods—so that you can experience the reality that validates the beliefs and allows you to experience that broad range of feelings.

And so it should come as no surprise that you had a glimpse of an understanding of an individual’s entire lifetime, if you wish. That is entirely within your capacity.  Each individual existing within your vibrational level has the capacity to enter into an altered state of consciousness and tap into each and every piece of information that exists throughout all of your universe.  It is your choice to not be involved in that process.  And it is your choice, when you are involved in that process in your altered state of consciousness, to not bring back into your consciousness a total recall of that interaction.  You do that, once again, to validate this reality, to make it real, to limit your conscious understanding of who and what you truly are.

Does that answer your question?

[next question and answer is overridden with noise and static]  

[there is quite a length of discussion overridden…. a few questions were asked regarding the same topic.  The person mentioned that they felt a fear of meditating or going into an altered state and suddenly remembering who and what they truly were and then leaving here right away as they really liked it here and wanted to stay awhile.  The person asks if they would “instantly pop out of here” if that happened.  At this point, the remaining part of that answer comes through on the tape], no, absolutely not.  [person and Joshiah are laughing] Absolutely not.  You exist in this vibrational level by choice.  No one put you here and no one forces you to stay.  You are here by choice—by your choice.  And you absolutely can choose to leave this vibrational level whenever you desire, but it is your desire.  You won’t necessarily simply enter into a meditative state and get trapped there, absolutely not anymore than when you enter into a dream state you have a fear of being trapped there.  It just does not occur.

Now that doesn’t mean that when you are in that particular altered state of consciousness that you refer to as a dream state, that you will necessarily come back into your conscious state.  But that is not really all that bad.  You simply alter your consciousness to a different state.  You exist.  You will never cease to exist.  You can’t get lost.  You can’t end up in a place that you don’t want to be.  The choice is always yours.  You choose to remain in this vibrational level.  When you are in your conscious state you are as far removed from who and what you truly are as it is possible for you to be.  When you alter your state of consciousness into a meditative state or into a dream state, if you do not return to this conscious state that is your choice.  You are not trapped there.  You are not forced to do anything that you do not wish to do.  It is your choice to alter that consciousness and you enter into what you might refer to as a between incarnational state, and if you wish, from that point to have the opportunity to choose to leave this vibrational level.  Absolutely.  This is not a success or failure type of thing.  You absolutely cannot fail.  We guarantee that!

Does that answer your question?

 [end of questions and we thank Joshiah and the others]

We would like to once again take the opportunity to thank each of you for offering us this opportunity to interact and to share with you.  And we would remind you that we are not separated by time or space but rather by a vibrational level and should you choose to interact with us you have but to express the intent and we would welcome the opportunity and we would offer to you our unconditional love and our unending support.

We would bid you farewell with love and with peace.