
The Energy And Spirituality Of Your Job And Money

namaste123 2014. 7. 27. 19:00

The Energy And Spirituality 

Of Your Job And Money

Sabrina Reber

Check your beliefs about money!  If you feel money is bad, and we should 
not use money as a form of energy exchange ~ then you will block money from 
coming into your life. 

Money has been part of the program for Earth for a very long time, and it will 
not be going away anytime soon. Yes, I do believe we will eventually do away 
with money ~ as we know it ~ however, there will always be some form of 
energy exchange". 

That is the way the universe works! Everything is energy, and nothing is for 
as it requires energy to create everything so anything you get that you 
perceive as FREE, actually required someone a lot of time and energy to create..
consider it 
a gift of "their" energy ~ and be grateful!

In addition, all jobs are spiritual. EVERY job serves the evolution of this planet. 
Depending on where the focus of your vibration is ~ will determine the level 
of spiritual energy you are able to infuse into your job position. 
If you are a waiter 
in a restaurant ~ you have just as much spiritual potential to affect the people 
you interact with as a spiritual teacher or author. 

Approach your job with gratitude and a positive vibration, and INSPIRE those 
you to do the same. If you exude dread, irritation, stress and unhappiness 
at your job ~ you need to get a new job! Find something that is more aligned with 
your soul ~ you have been given the power, and the free will choice to make 
decisions for your self that are for your highest good. What is good for YOU ~ is 
good for everyone else.

Regardless of where you choose to work ~ every job that requires your energy, 
time and physical efforts DESERVES to be energetically balanced by "payment 
through money." Money is a form of energy ~ Everything Is Energy ~ it is time 
to stop separating energy, and view everything as onE..... seek balance not 

If you work and earn money or use money in any way ~ then it is inappropriate 
and disrespectful to tell someone else who works for their money that they don't 
deserve to get paid. This happens in the spiritual community all the time. People 
who have distorted beliefs, have taken poverty vows in another lifetime, are in 
are in "lack and poverty" consciousness ~ for some reason ~ feel 
ministers, healers, spiritual authors and teachers should work for free. 

This belief is a form of energetic vampirism ~ as people want to 
"take energy" 
without giving anything in return.

Check your beliefs! Your beliefs will create your reality....and 
be careful you 
don't project your distorted beliefs onto others. 

The energy you put out always returns to you so if you are passing 
on the way other people choose to make their money ~ you are only limiting 
your SELF.

Live "spiritually abundant" ~ no more limitations on your self or 
anyone else!
