Freeing 'the Spirit of Money'
Steve Nobel
‘If you are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life …
your reward will be that you eat but you will not live.’
George Bernard Shaw
In the previous two articles I explored some of the issues around dark, grey and spiritual magicians. In this article I wish to look at issues of money and power. For better or worst money is a channel of power in this material plane and therefore it touches all our lives. In terms of manifestation dark magicians have long desired money because they use it as a way of controlling others, period. Grey magicians waiver between using money to serve the evolutionary impulse and the pull of the limiting ego. For a spiritual magician money is a tool for world service and soulful growth. Money is one avenue where we can go deeper into the art of manifesting our needs and wants on the material plane. Yet money often will present many challenges. Ultimately when the lessons of money are learnt then it becomes an essential ingredient in the alchemical process of dissolving all that is illusionary and untrue within the self. Then money can become a powerful ally for world service.
For the past few centuries money has been, in this 3rd dimensional game of life, associated with conflict and pain. Dark magicians, long interested in the game of opposing evolutionary growth, have woven a paradigm of great material privilege for the elite few and much misery for the many. Dark magicians are now busily working some multinational companies to extend their grip on global economies and certain key resources such as water. Already the world’s wealthiest 200 individuals own as much as the combined income of the poorest 2.5 billion people. Some multinationals generate more money than the combined wealth of many of the world’s national economies. With the current flowering of interest in spirituality, holistic living and consciousness across the planet can we continue to support a system that supports the privileges of a few over the well being of the many? In Lynne Twist’s excellent book ‘The Soul of Money’ she describes the three toxic myths that underpin the global problem around money.
Toxic Myth one: There’s Not Enough - this says not everyone can make it and that some people will be sidelined and left out. This belief says that there is not enough food, water, housing, time, jobs and money. This is as a sort of musical chairs, where there is always one seat short of the number of people playing. Thus the focus is always on not losing.
Toxic Myth Two: More is Better - with the fear that there is not enough comes the great drive to acquire more. This fuels the first myth since there is a fierce competition for seemingly scarce resources. This is a race with no real winners only losers for even those who have vast resources often live unfulfilled and fearful lives. Within this belief people judge their innate value by how much possessions they have rather than by how much difference they can make in the world. This idea has for centuries eroded the natural sustainable abundance of the planet.
Toxic Myth Three: That’s Just the Way it Is - says that although it may not seem fair ‘rocks are hard and water is wet’ and we had better learn to play the game. This idea contains considerable hopelessness and resignation yet still manages to create tremendous resistance to change. This idea has long allowed much corruption and greed to run unchecked on the planet and has allowed a few to dominate our global economies.
These myths generate many unhappy consequences for the planet. Debt is one of the problems we must overcome both at a personal and international level. In my worldview chronic debt is not healthy for anyone. We may think that it is third world countries that mainly suffer from debt, but in the USA consumer debt is over $1000 billion and the government owes trillions of dollars. We live in a world of have and have not. A world of feast or famine where some are starving for lack of food and others are starving through having too much junk food. This kind of thinking I call Poverty Consciousness. A form of thinking that believes in: competition, greed, hard work and no play; lack and scarcity; sacrifice and struggle; fear and manipulation; hoarding and squandering; winning and losing; taking from the others; survival of the fittest; and that conflict and warfare are the best means to solve problems.
The number of people living on less than $2 a day has risen by almost 50% since 1980.
This is just under half the world’s population.
Historically these ideas have created a painful past. For example when the British conquered India in the 18th century the wealth of the country was gradually extracted through crippling taxation of the poor, brutal repression, unfair trading rules and sharp business practises. India, like many other countries under the thumb of a ruling elite, financed its own disenfranchisement and impoverishment. The draining of India’s wealth was used to create a whole new level of wealth and privilege in Georgian England. Although we no longer have an empire trade that combines with war to create big business. In 2002 $946 billion was spent annually across the world on military budgets. Since the war in Iraq this figure is much higher. It could be said that the war in Iraq was more about oil and money than any military threat Iraq posed to its neighbours. Whatever your view the military intervention in Iraq has certainly killed many people, devastated vast areas and has destabilised a whole region. Without the global need for expensive military budgets would not the whole world be a richer place?
‘An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind’
Martin Luther King
Although military spending is the most obvious area where we could change our thinking and increase our collective prosperity there are many others. For example what would happen if we changed the health service in this country to be more in line with current holistic thinking? In 3rd dimensional reality costly and drastic interventions, such as drugs and surgery, make sense to combat unhealthy lifestyles, chronic stress levels and fearful mindsets. It is predicted that in 2005 the NHS have an annual budget of £90 billion of which very little will finance relatively cheap and safe complementary practises. Methods such as homeopathy have a long history of effectiveness in this country particularly in times of war when commonly used drugs have been in short supply.
The wide-ranging benefits of this form of treatment and others like it continue to be largely ignored by a highly conservative health service obsessed with scientific research. It is a strange fact that Western medicine takes little account of the impact of diet/nutrition, repressed emotions, the quality of a person’s thinking and their general lifestyle. It has no understanding of energy flow in the body and in the environment and so buildings such as hospitals are constructed with little consideration for the healthy flow of energy in the etheric body. It is not only possible, in my view, but also highly desirable to create an integrated health care service that would combine the best of western and eastern medicine as well as cutting edge complementary healing practises. I believe such a model would not only save money but also improve health and in the long run save lives. Perhaps one day we will see the NHS incorporating the healing power of nature. Perhaps one day we will see the NHS educating people on how to experience wellness rather than how to avoid illness. I believe pill popping and surgery will in time be a thing of the past. It is my hope that as more enlightened thinking takes root we will use our precious resources in more beneficial and sustainable practises.
Money is currently being used in a way that enhances the ecological dilemmas facing the planet. However, that same force of money could create a very different world. Can you imagine the kind of a world we would have if we started to invest heavily in sustainable energy sources such as solar energy and other up and coming technologies such as hydrogen-powered engines? Can you imagine a world with cheap energy that generates no pollution whatsoever? In my view this is where we must go if we are to see a new age of peace and prosperity on the planet. I believe far too much of our collective wealth continues to be channelled towards fleeting and fashionable things and even on dangerous and deadly things. In the hands of the wise and happy person money will create a heaven on earth, in the hands of the foolish and desperate person money will create a hell on earth.
‘We destroy the beauty of the countryside because the unappropriated splendours of nature have no economic value. We are capable of shutting off the sun and stars because they do not pay a dividend.’
John Maynard Keynes, Economist
Wealth means different things to different people. For instance tribal peoples around the world see wealth in terms of gifts of nature and human relationships. Perhaps we could learn something from indigenous culture in regards to wealth and true value. Wealth is more than just money. Wealth is access to love, creativity, security, knowledge, relationships, freedom, belonging, identity, and meaning. If we are just focused on making money then perhaps we have missed the whole point. Money is used by some to addictively fill all manner of holes but money is simply energy and by itself it can never make anyone happier, smarter, powerful, confident or anything else we fantasize money can do for us.
Money is a valuable tool and I believe a time will come where our individual and collective sense of prosperity will not depend on the size of our bank balance or the number of assets we possess. I foresee a world where our economic systems will embrace values greater than simply making a profit. When we adopt other values such as doing business in order to finance abundance for all, to generate freedom and justice for all then we will be some way in creating a new world.
For too long money and spirituality have been seen as incompatible, as poor bedfellows. one theme of the current holistic revolution is to change our consciousness around money and see that money can become a divine force in the world. Being spiritual and wealthy is both possible and desirable after all what is the point of being poor? Does it prove spiritual superiority? As I see it poverty does not demonstrate spiritual understanding in any shape or form. I do not believe that the intelligence that created this universe is in anyway interested in us leading a life of austerity, denial or poverty. I believe that the true spiritual life is one where we demonstrate the abundance of the divine source through our manifestation and prosperous living.
Since we have all been conditioned by the toxic myths developing a prosperity consciousness will require constant effort, discipline and daily practice. This is the practise of the spiritual magician. In my own life I have recognised so many ways in which I expertly keep prosperity away. Therefore I have put together a few suggestions that I hope may prove useful. I wish you every success in liberating your own spirit of money.
‘There are those who give little of the much which they have and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome, and there are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffers are never empty.’
Kahlil Gibran
Changing Our Personal Reality Around Money
Examine and Change your Limiting Beliefs. What limiting messages did you receive about money from your family? What unhelpful messages did you receive about money whilst passing through the education system or at work? Do you now believe that money is hard to come by, or only comes through hard work? Do you believe you have what it takes to earn a good income? Do you believe you are worthy of having money? Do you believe in easy come easy go? Examine all your beliefs and see which ones you have adopted without question. A belief is only a thought that you have labelled as being true. Beliefs generate our thinking and feeling that either attracts or repels money.
Look at your Judgements.
How do you judge rich people? Do you see them as arrogant, selfish or uncaring? If so why would you want to become well off? Look at your judgements for they will form unseen barriers to you allowing in more money. Practise self-acceptance around money and avoid self-blame.
Are you still holding onto feelings of anger, hurt, shame or resentment around money? Give money a break and forgive it for any past disappointment and hurt.
Take the Weight Off Money.
We weigh down money through our projections and limiting fantasies. Money by itself cannot make us more attractive or confident or intelligent or special or worthy in any way. If we think that money will make us better than other people then money will always generate suffering for us. Money is a valuable tool but is not a panacea for all our problems.
Look to your Values.
Create a set of values around having and spending money. Values such as generosity, gratitude, integrity and joy would change the way you relate with money. What would happen if you chose to earn, save and spend your money more ethically? What about choosing to earn money through ways that work for your upliftment and others? Open to the possibility that you can earn money from doing things you love. Work that is enjoyable can be a great affirmation for feeling abundant.
Release all Financial Desperation.
There is the paradox that when we feel desperate about our survival then we keep money away. Practise stop worrying about your bills and instead focus on appreciating what you have. Bless your debts and the people that trust in you to repay them. Bless all the money you spend and appreciate what you receive in return. Open to having money come into your life from many different avenues. Are you willing to receive money from unexpected avenues?
Dwell on the Essence of Abundance.
Beyond the things money can buy you, what are you really looking for? Is it more freedom, love or security? You can have those things without being a millionaire. Take steps to having the real things that you want without waiting for a load of cash to make it happen. Passion and inspiration are wonderful attractors of money and success. Start to visualise wealth flowing into your life. Create a symbol or mental picture of wealth and spend 10 minutes each day bringing this to mind.
Be Willing to Have Money.
Some spiritual teachers suggest that money is less a question of deserving and more one of willingness. How willing are you to being prosperous? Engage your will to having money. Start to make choices that open the way for money to come to you. Non-spiritual people can attract money often because they are simply willing to have it.
Look at Money as Being Spiritual.
There is no separation between spirit and money, for too long we have lived with the idea that to be a spiritual person one must be poor. See money as being a divine energy in your life. How about allowing money to enhance your sense of spirituality?
Affirm your Abundance.
How much do you feel you are worth? Do you feel you deserve to have all your needs and wants met in the world? Affirm that money can be a source of good in your life and in other people’s. Everyone is born with the potential to be abundant regardless of upbringing. Take off any limiting price tag you may have placed on yourself.
Unburden your Life.
Clear out the clutter in your home and office. Create some space for new things to come into your life. Make more room for new possibilities around money. You will be amazed at how better you feel by giving things away that you do not really need or want. Simplify your outer life so that you can simplify your inner life.
Create Inner Balance.
When the intuition and heart is linked to the will and intellect we become aligned and focused towards our higher good. The synergy of masculine/feminine energy produces empowered being and doing in line with our spiritual destiny. If you have a strong will then work on awakening your intuition and visa versa. Connect your crown and base chakras. Meditate on opening the central channel from the crown chakra to the base and re-connect these two poles of your energy system. Imagine bringing the light all the way down to your base of spine and empowering your earthy self.
Release Past Vows.
We have lived many lifetimes and may have suffered much trauma around money where we have abused or felt abused. We may have taken vows of poverty and so now consciously renounce all past limiting vows and take a new vow of prosperity.
Trust that the Universe is Safe and Supportive.
Open to the possibility that the Creator is secretly conspiring for your happiness and not your demise. Trust that the universe is safe, abundant and friendly. Money is energy and a part of the great interconnected web of life. Money and spirit are not separate. When we heal the artificial split between spirit and matter we can allow money into our lives.
Practise Stewardship rather than Ownership.
Nothing in your life truly belongs to you; everything is on loan from the Divine during this lifetime. We can take nothing material with us. Stewardship is a much lighter way to travel than ownership. See everything as being on loan from the universe. Practise sharing generously without any conditions or strings for what goes around comes around. It is possible to collectively generate a heaven on earth.
Steve Nobel worked in international banking for 10 years before becoming a director of Alternatives, a non-profit organisation based in the heart of London. Visit He is the author of Freeing the Spirit (published by Rider 2002), a Spiritual Response Therapist, a Spiritual Counsellor and a workshop facilitator. Visit www.
© Paradigm Shift
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