Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

does space clearing really clear imprints?

namaste123 2013. 1. 26. 07:12

Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui

Does space clearing really clear imprints?

Hand sensingHere’s an interesting question that arrived in my inbox recently:

Dear Karen, I’m curious whether you are using the vocabulary of energy and astral bodies and such metaphorically, or whether you truly believe that the previous owners of a house can imprint unpleasant energy and somehow cause the new resident to get fat?

I’ve been pondering this same topic of late, so the question is very timely. I’ve been pondering how amazing it is that walls, furniture and objects can act like a tape recorder for events that happen in a place. They are made of just ordinary materials, after all, so you wouldn’t think it would be possible. But it is. I’m not talking metaphorically at all. I can actually read imprints with my hands as clearly as I can read words in a book with my eyes, and I have trained other people how to do this too.

In fact, reading a book with one’s eyes is a very good analogy for explaining how the process works. I read and translate energy imprints with my hands in a very similar way to how I read and make sense of characters on the page of a book with my eyes. I’m just using different  subtle body structures to do it.

Can anyone do hand sensing? Yes, to a certain extent. In my public space clearing workshops I include a section on this and 99% of participants report afterwards that they are able to feel the difference between energies that are stagnant or free-flowing, dense or buoyant, prickly or soft, and so on. The technique is done not by touching objects but by holding the hand a few inches/centimeters away. Being able to read energies of this type gives a very useful indication of the effect a room will have on its occupants.

To learn how to read astral imprints take a lot longer – years in most cases, and only a few people ever become very proficient at it. Etheric imprints determine the general feel of a place; astral imprints contain the precise history of what has happened there. 

Repetitive behaviours and traumatic events are the most deeply imprinted, and it is also possible to detect a range of information about previous occupants such as their state of health, fitness, prosperity, happiness, and so on. All the professional practitioners I train learn to be able to read both types because this is what enables them to read the energetic cause of problems in a client’s home when they conduct a space clearing or clutter clearing consultation.

In feng shui terminology, the combined etheric and astral imprints are known as ‘predecessor energy’, meaning the energy left in a place by previous occupants, and it is a well-established fact that this energy tends to cause history to repeat itself and affect future occupants. And of course while you are living in a place you are creating imprints yourself, which will affect you while you’re there and will affect future occupants after you leave. Sometimes it’s just stagnant energies that accumulate on an everyday basis causing you to feel stuck, but if you’ve been through tough times there your own imprints will affect you in more profound ways, perpetuating the problems.

The beauty of the space clearing ceremony I’ve developed is that it safely and effectively removes these imprints in order to give people a fresh start. Other energetic techniques may move energies around but real skill is needed to be able to permanently change spaces for the better. My advice is to be extremely wary of any professional space clearer claiming to be able to do this unless they can read energy imprints in such a way that you’re sure they are not making it up. If they give you some story about previous occupants that you can’t substantiate, or run around clapping, belling or waving incense about without doing energy sensing at all, then they are doing it blindly.

In the early years of training space clearing practitioners, many of my students gave up because they weren’t prepared to do the personal work to develop their subtle body structures to be able to accurately read energies in this way. They sought out other less demanding methods such as dowsing, which can be learnt in a one-day workshop but is notoriously unreliable. Now I’m happy to report that all the professional practitioners I train are able to access deep levels of information through hand sensing, and clients find it to be one of the most interesting and insightful parts of a space clearing consultation. And of course the more accurately a space clearer can read imprints, the more effectively they can clear them and transform the energy of a space, which is the whole point of doing hand sensing in the first place.

Copyright © Karen Kingston, 2009
