Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Clear Out The Clutter!

namaste123 2013. 1. 24. 16:00

Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui


What is Space Clearing?
Written by Karen Kingston   

Space clearing is the feng shui art of clearing and revitalizing energies in buildings. It's as essential to the energy maintenance of a place as physical cleaning is to the physical maintenance.

The term 'space clearing' has passed into the English language as a generic term for all kinds of energy clearing techniques, but originally it was the name I coined to describe the specific ceremony I have pioneered and developed since 1976. All the information on this website and in my books refers specifically to this ceremony, which is the only one I can guarantee the effectiveness of.

space clearing & feng shui

For your life to work well, it is vital to have a good flow of clear, vibrant energy in your home and workplace. Feng shui is a beautifully organized system of knowledge that teaches us how to enhance this energy flow by improving building design, furniture placement, colour schemes, and so on. The Chinese name describes the system that is best known in the West and most easily transposes to the western way of life, but most traditional cultures have their own form of feng shui they have used very successfully for thousands of years.

Feng shui always works better and faster when done in conjunction with space clearing, and space clearers are often called in to help where a feng shui professional has done all they can do but the situation still hasn't improved or hasn't improved enough.

the difference between space clearing & clutter clearing

Space clearing is a ceremony that can be done to clear and revitalize the stuck energies that become imprinted over time in the walls, furniture and other objects of the buildings we occupy. It involves the use of various techniques such as clapping and belling, done in a specific way and a specific order.

Clutter clearing is one of the recommended steps to prepare for a space clearing ceremony. It can also be done by itself, with no intention of doing the ceremony or even knowledge that such a ceremony exists. It primarily involves clearing physical objects from a space, although there are also deeper levels that address mental, emotional and spiritual types of clutter. People generally begin with physical level clutter clearing and then progress to the other less tangible but equally important types. Read more...

who needs space clearing?

Just about everyone. There are very few buildings in the world that are so well designed that they don't need regular space clearing. Many people now choose to make space clearing part of their regular building maintenance programme so that their space is energetically as well as physically clean and clear. I've received thousands of letters from people telling of remarkable results they have obtained by doing this.

how space clearing works

Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples like the effect of a stone being dropped in a pond. It is recorded in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in the place. It gets imprinted into the very fabric of the structure. Repetitive actions and behaviours are deeply imprinted, and events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all. If you've ever had the experience of walking into a room after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it hanging in the air. People sometimes say, 'You could have cut the air with a knife!', meaning that the atmosphere was so dense it was as if the argument were physically tangible.

The residue of these energy ripples accumulates around the edges of a room, and it builds up, particularly in corners, and in nooks and crannies. If you're reading this inside a building, stop for a minute, look up, and imagine what the place you are in would look like if it had never physically been cleaned since the time it was built. Imagine the build-up of dust, cobwebs, and so on. The worst areas would be in the corners and any small pockets of space between objects and items of funiture. Of course no-one would ever want to live or work in such a space, but on an energetic level, that is exactly how a room looks and feels if it has never been space cleared.

Everyone creates a certain amount of energetic gunge on a daily basis, which leaves a residue in their homes in the same way as everyday living creates cleaning and tidying on a physical level. As Jane Alexander so succinctly put it in her article about space clearing, "Most of us are probably living in the psychic equivalent of a rubbish dump".

Very few western buildings are so well designed that there are no areas where energy gets stuck. Most are conceived without any thought being given to the way energy can flow around them, and awkwardly positioned furniture can then add to the problems. How much stuck energy builds up depends on the overall feng shui of a place and the activities of the people who occupy it.

how often does space clearing need to be done?

Do a full space clearing ceremony at least once a year, or sooner if you have a major life change such as starting or ending a relationship, career, etc. If you have a very busy life or are going through a difficult time, then do maintenance space clearing every 3 months or even every month if you want to (maintenance space clearing is described in my book).

professional space clearing

The information in my book is all you will need to learn how to space clear your own home. However it is important to mention here that a great deal of training is necessary to learn how to safely and effectively space clear other people's homes. I set very high standards for the practitioners who train with me. This is why there are now hundreds of feng shui consultants in the West but only a handful of properly trained space clearing practitioners.