Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

(3) How to Raise Yourself out of Mass Consciousness

namaste123 2013. 4. 29. 13:00

Determination is The Key

So the I AM University is based on teaching, practice and service! You learn, and then you practice, teach and serve. In so doing you integrate that which you have been given and hence Spirit and the Masters will share more as they overlight you in the inner and outer I AM University training. You teach what you want to learn. You give it, so you possess it. You need the blessing of giving and serving more than the person you are giving it to; for to have all you must give all.

I took the perspective in my life very early on of “Seeking the Kingdom of God/dess,” and in so doing, “All things were added unto me,” as God/dess has promised all of us! I took advice of the Universal Mind very early in my life of seeking to glorify God/dess on Earth, and S/He will glorify thee in Heaven! I sought to live a life glorifying God/dess and the Masters and not self. 30 years later they seem to be glorifying me, and I was not even seeking or wanting any glory, just to be one with God/dess and fully realize Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness every moment of my life and to help as many Sons and Daughters of God/dess, or Fellow I AM’s as I could. So the Aquarian Age new quote is, “Glorify God/dess on Earth and he will not only glorify thee in Heaven, S/He will glorify thee on Earth and give thee a Crown of Life!”

The total humble and humility-filled reason I made it out of mass consciousness and made it to Planetary Self and God Realization and became the first to do so, is that I wanted God/dess more than anyone else. I really gave up everything, and I mean everything. I put all my eggs in His/Her basket. I wanted the Creator more than His/Her Creation. I can honestly say that since my early twenties, my Spiritual passion, desire and fire for God/dess has increased every day.

Most Lightworkers become on fire for a couple of months after a good book or good workshop and then fall back into the mass consciousness Earthly patterns. I not only wanted God/dess like a drowning man wants air, I also fought for God/dess like the Supreme Spiritual Warrior! I also looked at my integrity as the most important thing in my life, and so if I learned a thing I forced myself to practice that thing. I was constantly making Spiritual vows, every day of my life, whenever I made a mistake. I made tons of them, but I learned from my mistakes. As Yogananda said, “A Saint is a sinner that never gives up!” We have all been sinners, even the inner plane Ascended Masters!

I literally fought myself up the mountain, and I was so determined that I would not let anything stop me! The day I finished Wesak, I was already planning the next one. My desire and drive for God/dess has been off the charts! So has my desire to love and my desire to seek wisdom. After many years I became very successful inwardly and outwardly, and I was very content in my success, but never satisfied! No matter how much I achieved, I would work even harder the next day. I kept putting myself on thought programs and Spiritual battleplans in all areas of life to develop myself. I was unceasing in my Spiritual practices and in my service efforts. I was so into the process I couldn’t wait each morning to get up and start again. It got to the point where I never felt like I was ever working, even though any third-dimensional personality level person might say I was a workaholic.

I of course rested when I needed to and embraced the horizontal plane of life, relationships, friends; but I did these things in the context of my Spiritual path, not separate from my Spiritual path. If for some reason I could not run up the mountain, I would walk, and if I couldn’t walk I would crawl. I would not be stopped. I held onto Father/Mother God’s feet like Jacob of old and would not let go until God/dess blessed me. 30 years later I made it to the 22nd level of initiation and had the dream that I was climbing Mount Everest with a beautiful woman, and when we made it to the top of Mount Everest a Master from the Great White Lodge greeted me and said, “No one in the history of the Earth has ever climbed this face of Mount Everest before!” This face of course was that of Synthesis!

For 30 years, since my early twenties, I had been studying all religions and all Spiritual paths, all forms of psychology, philosophy, Earthly mastery and wove them all together with Spirit and the Masters into this revolutionary new training program called the I AM University! It is a training to help all of you achieve your 22 levels of initiation as well so you may become a Fully Realized Integrated Mighty I AM Presence and Fully Realized Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christ, and fully Integrated Ascended Master! Spirit, the Masters and I are looking to train 144,000 22nd degree initiates, and Melchizedek the Universal Logos told me that this will, by the 100th monkey effect, bring the entire population of the Earth into not just the Soul, but the Monad level of Self and God Realization!

Life begins with the personality level self-actualization, then Oversoul self-actualization and then Monadic self-actualization. Full planetary Monadic Self Realization begins at the 12th initiation and is completed at the 22nd level. In this paradigm, one through seven would still be personality level. Eight through 14 the Oversoul level, and 15 through 21 the Monadic Level and level 22 the full Planetary Mighty I AM Presence, Christ and Integrated Ascended Master Realization.

Now Spirit and the Masters told me on this scale the entire humanity on an average is at level 3 to 5, so they are still in personality level development phase. That is why the first goal of Spirit, the Masters and myself, through the I AM University, is to get 12, 22nd degree Masters and 144,000 12th degree or above Masters; which will help pull the six billion Souls on Earth to the Souls’ level.

The second goal then is to help Spiritually harvest through the I AM University 144,000 22nd degree Masters, and 144 million 12th degree Masters or above, which will by the 100th monkey affect to bring the six billion Souls on Earth to the Monadic level of these stages I spoke of in the above-mentioned paragraph. This is the great work of the I AM University and Spirit, the Masters and I ask you to join us and help us. First integrate this information and training yourself and then be a formal or informal ambassador of the work in whatever way that feels most comfortable to you, and help others to do the same! This is the great chain of the Spiritual Hierarchy as it even extends to the Earth.

One of the other reasons it is hard for Souls to pull themselves out of mass consciousness, is because their Spiritual psychologies have been so off-kilter, then for the last 2000 years the Piscean age influence being so watery, the planetary Sixth Ray influence so watery, and the Atlantean influence being all water and astral as well! There has been a lack of mental development which has made almost all Souls run by the emotional body, subconscious mind, inner child, and desire bodies. Even when these Souls tried to meditate, they would just attract lower or medium level astral beings, and lower level extraterrestrials! These Souls meant well, but the law of the universe is that you attract to you that which is of the resonance and vibratory frequency of the development and refinement of your consciousness, or lack thereof. So without even realizing it, they were not only tuning into mass consciousness of the Earth, they were tuning into the mass consciousness of the lower astral and mental planes, and planes of the lower extraterrestrials. This is why all the abductions happen as well. My Beloved Readers, this is why this issue of the development and refinement of your consciousness is so important.

On top of this lower astral and lower mental group consciousness, every Soul is living in an atmosphere not only of physical smog, but astral smog, mental smog, etheric smog, energy smog. It is also been called mental, emotional, etheric, energetic dross. It is like that cartoon character Linus in “Peanuts” always having a dark cloud around him! Do any of you realize, for example, how much negative energy there is in most cities? It is astronomical. The entire Earth is covered in these layers of metaphysical smog!

Unless one really steps into their full personal power, self-mastery and causality, they will succumb to all these lower mass consciousness forces, let alone the personal group of people you hang around with! I have seen a great many very well known New Age Spiritual leaders fall because of the unscrupulous negative ego run group of people they hang around with. They of course do not realize this, for you cannot see this in another if you cannot see it in yourself. 

Be very aware. This applies to Spiritual growth as well, for the students of such teachers take on all the blind spots and corruption of these fallen so-called Spiritual leaders, who are not really Spiritual leaders, they just think they are. In the Spiritual Hierarchy’s eyes they are fallen beings! This is so wide spread, it’s why the I AM University was created and why it was made a “Required Gate” for all six billion Souls on Earth on the inner plane and why Spirit and the Masters are encouraging all Souls on Earth to enroll in the outer Earthly plane I Am University as well! I think you are beginning to sense the profundity of it all.

My Beloved Readers, it is Spirit, the Masters and my sincere hope and prayer that this lesson on how to rise out of mass consciousness has been helpful and enlightening to your personal process. It has been our great collective joy to share this information with you on this Day of our Lord!

So Let It Be Written! So Let It Be Done!
