Ascension/Spiritual Psychology


namaste123 2013. 5. 22. 22:00


In these past few weeks, I have had several clients with amazing lives. Each one in all of their different ways, their different ideals, and strong abilities to move mountains with positive change! What I have found interesting is that there is a theme that permeates these energies recently that has caught my attention to the changes in the way they perceive “responsibility!”

Many people are asking me about why they feel so unorganized… when they, of all people, knew how to collect and file paperwork beyond anyone else’s imagination, or clean the house and know where everything belonged. Women in particular, who have always kept up on their jobs, their kids lives, their way of seeing to it that everyone was taken care of, and even to the point of having dinner on the table at 6pm! These feelings of rebellion are coming over people who have had to “keep the boat afloat” for quite some time, and are finding that it becomes a war within themselves to even look ( for example) for salt in the grocery store because they refuse to even look at the sign that says “spices.”

Reading people’s energy is a kick! It tells me all about what the world is going through when I see themes like this. Then when it really catches my attention, I seem to be able to clarify answers within these situations. I begin to look into reasons within a person, and in this case, several.

This way of feeling about responsibility is becoming much more prevalent in everyone’s life right now, to the point where I had to write my article about it. If you are feeling this way, and are outright “going on strike” within yourself to no longer HAVE to do what you used to, or what everyone else expects of you. There’s a very good reason for this. You are finished with the past, and can no longer tolerate a false way of being, no matter what. More than likely, you want to have more fun, and wash everyone off of your body as to feel lighter and more alive. Now for more understanding of this….

Our souls are already becoming more, without us trying. The trickling down of the old idea of responsibility is shifting so fast, it makes us put up our dukes! The old way of perceiving responsibility had to do with a sense of insecurity, without us even knowing it. We did “what we thought” we had to do to be the best we could. No doubt we did, and we were. However, this rebellion has a purpose and needs to be taken seriously. We are becoming more of who we are. The natural person you are is one who wants more joy, more fun, and more balance without effort. Heck, most people don’t even want to work the way they used to! This is a good sign, and there’s nothing “wrong” with you. Your attitude is playing havoc with the behavior in order to shift you back into the person you really are, and wants you to see the behavior for what it is. For example, a person who took a job many years ago in the health field decided to take that job to help people. Down deep, they hadn’t helped themselves yet… maybe they didn’t even know they needed to! But the job became routine and boring, and it might even overpowered the “caring” factor because the idea of doing something for others rather than yourself was now unacceptable.

The planet Saturn is going through an amazing solar storm right now. Saturn, in astrological terms, is about rigidity, structure, strength, endurance,and sometimes, inflexibility. Saturn plays a role in our field today because with this storm continuing to excel, is being thrown into a chaos of change. This effects us as well. Of course it isn’t the entire cause of change occurring, but this part of old structure and ideas based in old paradigms relates and vibrates to that.

It’s time for us to lighten up. Any situation in our pasts that have lead to too much effort, misguided ideas of work, or even too busy to see straight, must change. We no longer have to feel important by these old standards. We can feel lighter and more open as we “relax” our way into the future. Then we will become a more thoughtful, less stressed, and much more compassionate society as time continues to encourage our souls to a more advanced state of mind.

So our Souls Responsibility is to now realize that yes, we have the right to remain happy… in everything we do and everything we choose..

Here’s to our New and Improved awareness.

Love and Blessings, 

