Wisdom from the Depths of the Breath
Shamrock Holtz
"The universe is directing us with synchronicities moment to moment.
Are we showing up for them or are we trying to avoid them. The reflections for our growth are
always present hence the term presence. This is where the gifts are given and the miracles happen."
When we breathe we bring in oxygen into our bodies, enriching our blood stream and circulatory system, expanding our lungs and chest cavity and increasing life force. When we are consciously breathing we are allowing the ability to even breathe more deeply, receiving even more and more oxygen, charging up with energy and even expands our ability to give and receive more love.
On a physical level we release a major percentage of our toxicity thru our breathing and breath. It is important to become aware of our breath and the direction that we are exhaling. Breathing through the nose there are filters such as hair that grab particulars and debris. Breathing straight thru the mouth there is not much of a filter system set up and the exhale is a straight shot of toxicity release. So becoming aware of this it might assist us in honoring the one thing that gives us such energy to live life, the one element that if we don’t have within a few minutes we may not have even have life and that element is air, the breath...
In the Aloha one might greet you with an embrace and a big inhale through the nose and exhale out behind you. This is representing the respect to the breath and life force. Knowing that some times what comes out of the mouth, words or breath, can carry toxicity so the spirit is being honored here encouraging the breath of life to be inside us all and to be aware of the exhale and what we might be putting out to the world.
Also we tend to release emotions while consciously breathing. Joy and happiness or even sadness and grief may surface. Which ever is your experience know that the breath not only releasing toxins from the body and blood stream, but it also clears, cleanses, and purifies the nervous system where psychic fear patterns and old unresolved emotions are held. Traumas or dramas or flashes of imaginary from this life or other life times can arise and so the process of living
starts to expand...
When breathing consciously we will begin to journey through our life patterning in which some of those patterns may be in shadow form. Some can stem from our own ego tendencies or even someone else’s that we picked up along the way. The reason some patterns are shadowed is because we haven’t breathed into them yet. This simply means we just haven’t brought the light of spirit into those particular patterns. These patterns are unseen because of fear and lack of life force energy to change them. The shadow wisdom, which I call them, hold so much important information for us, they are serving purpose to our own soul’s journey by having us experience these reflections.
Integrating our shadows we free ourselves from the right and wrongs concepts and work with it as access points into authentic self. Remembering that they are only temporary experiences of oneness and it to shall past. While experiencing the shadow wisdom it is important not to run or hide but to breath intuit and experience the moment the shadow is presenting, breathing intuit and allowing it to become a major catalyst into next level awareness by not reacting or responding the same way as the pattern had you behave before. Breaking down means breaking through but not until we breathe, do we bring spirit into them allowing ourselves to transform it. We may realize that this particular pattern may not serve purpose any longer. We may release that thought form and redirect our life force and its manifestations.
That is why it is so essential to bring breathe and spirit into our daily practice. on the whole, we have put the material world, subconscious and intellect ahead of our spirit and its intuition and insights. Now is the time to switch from that old paradigm or point of view. The universe is directing us with synchronicities moment to moment. Are we showing up for them or are we trying to avoid them. The reflections for our growth are always present hence the term presence. This is where the gifts are given and the miracles happen.
Are we aware of the reflections? Are we ready to make a change? Do I have enough energy? Why am I afraid? Why am I feeling this or that? Whyam I anything, it doesn’t matter what some one asks because the answer lies in a different question. Do I have my breath? With the breath activated the answers then to the questions will have space to drop right in... the breath is the fuel for intuition.... next question. Are you ready to receive the guidance?
To return to our witness and transform the reflections we simply need to put breath before our thoughts, before our words and before our action. This will open space on the physical, spiritual and mental plane and allow us to see the thought that we are experiencing from the view point of our witness self.
When humans do this, we step out of the continual cycle of negative subconscious mental patterns and into a still space of witness, activating the divine creator within and from here we can start to consciously create the reality inside and outside ourselves within the present moment . “As we are made in the image and likeness of our Creator”... and so it is and so it shall be.
Upon the earth plane, we are experiencing what it feels like to be living with the dualistic poles, we are on a balancing act of ebb and flow with in a great dance of life tangoing with spirit and ego. Recognizing now it is time to put breath and spirit first then awakening our witness followed by moving the life force energy away from our ego’s experiences and tendencies then directing our energies consciously into the areas of life we wish to flourish.
In this pivotal point of our global evolution where we are moving out of victim hood and other old subconscious patterns of fear based control into life force beings which are connected to source thru breathing and who decide to co create the reality from our own authentic empowered selves.... By following the feelings of the moment and Breathing Intuit, we then water the seeds of thought that we wish to grow.... Planted by the rivers of waters may we spring forth fruits and buds in our own due season. May the breath of life be with us all.
copyright 2009
Excepts from a book in progress by Shamrock Holtz
Shamanic Energy/Breath/Body worker
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