What is Sound Therapy?
Your physical body can be cleared, balanced and nourished by listening to certain sound frequencies and also by toning those sounds with you own voice.
The tones of our own speaking voice naturally activate certain frequencies in our bodies. But most people don’t usually speak in all of the tones of the musical scale.
By toning with our voices and by listening to sound therapy, we can energize the parts of our systems that are not normally activated by our voices.
This can bring a new level of health and balance to our bodies and our lives.
Toning is the technique of creating a particular sound, such as a vowel sound, and extending it continuously without the use of melody, rhythm, or words. For example, you may be familiar with hearing the sound of Om being created as a continuous tone. Om is the name of the state of being where we unite with the spirit of Divine Higher Power, making our existence liberated and immortal.
Practice Toning With OM
1. Stand or sit upright in a firm chair with your feet on the ground, or sit on a cushion on the floor in the tailor or cross-legged position. Be sure your spine is straight. Set your intention for greatest good.
2. Relax your jaw. Open and close your mouth a couple of times, as if you are yawning.
3. Inhale through your nose. Feel your lower and then upper abdomen expanding. Before they are fully expanded, feel your breath continue up into your lower and then upper lungs as they too, expand. Your shoulders will rise slightly. Feel your shoulders relaxing.
4. Relax your jaw; just let it hang open. Release your breath through your mouth while making a long sustained OH sound. Let the sound ride on the breath.
5. Allow the sound to continue as long as you exhale. Notice where you feel the tone or vibration in your body. When you run out of breath the sound will stop. Inhale deeply through your nose as you bring your breath all the way down to your lower abdomen. Continue this process for as long as you like.
6. Next, you can repeat #4, but this time halfway through the exhale, bring your lips together so you are humming. Allow the sound to continue as long as you exhale. Notice where you feel the tone or vibration in your body. When you run out of breath the sound will stop. Inhale deeply through your nose as you bring your breath all the way down to your lower abdomen. Continue this process for as long as you like.
7. It is not necessary to concentrate too much on taking complete breaths. After the first few breaths, just relax and enjoy the process. Try the OH and the OH-MM each for two minutes or a little longer.
8. When you are ready to stop, close your eyes. Sit quietly for a minute or more. Feel the silence and the results of your toning within your body.